TDS Photo thread.....round 2.

gorgeous sunset on the back porch, a joint would of made he rest of the days unsettling a lot clearer, but none the less, i am grateful, and in aww.

beautiful tangerine with rainbows, to a powdery pink, then fade to black, but the sky stays bluish, and the foot hills envelope the black silhouette, highlighting the stars and creamy thick milkyway.
A couple years back in Ireland, at the Cliffs of Moher. This is where we threw my uncles ashes from.


I have to add this picture, I love the view, it was so beautiful.


Heres a picture my friend took with his phone a while back, thought it was pretty funny.


^^ Wowwwww those cliffs are awesome!!

And I giggled at the last pic :D
Yeah the cliffs were amazing. It's estimated 6 people per year die falling off of them. I'm just very happy my pictures turned out so well. That picture of the cliffs could easily be a postcard, I thought of doing that myself actually.
Pharcyde said:
where was it taken?

plus whats your social security number?

my back porch.


dilated_pupils, aaaaamazzzing, thats one of the places my wife and i would like our ashes spread as well
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panic in paradise said:
my back porch.


dilated_pupils, aaaaamazzzing, thats one of the places my wife and i would like our ashes spread as well

It's an awesome place to have them spread. My family and I all went over the fence to that place I took the picture at. Very dangerous area, no fences, just cliffs. However we had privacy there and it was one place my uncle never got to go before he died, so it means a lot.

I recommend going there before you die, if you already haven't. The sites are amazing. Here's some more pictures from the cliffs...


Here's the path to where we went, notice how small it is, not to mention a man made path.


And another


And one more for ya


Let me know if you want to see any more. I have some of the watch tower as well.

fuck yeh hefty cliffs....i have a mad fear of places like that so i get a rush going near the edge...sometimes i get a little voice in my head saying, just step out...haha, yeh im nuts.
woooooooooow dp.. just wow. That's amAzing. I could look at more photos like that all day! What a wonderful wonderful place to spread your uncles ashes. Shee-yite.
NW washinhton state pharcy.

yeah post more please.

do you have any pics of knocknarea?

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Me at the beginning of the day,


and this is me at the end of the day, lol.

My web cam sucks though with pictures, but I was bored so I posted them anyways, lol.
I'm not much on pictures. Since everyone is sharing, this was taken a few months ago.
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Nice to put a face to the name at last Jay! Thanks! Lookin' fine.

And yeah stella, totally echoing n3o - sexy sexy :) yoo iz byootiful.