TDS Photo thread.....round 2.

hey dave thanks brother!
a fellow canadian to, yeah im doing my best now, shits hard EXTREMELY FUCKING HARD, but thats no excuse i can still do it!
Us Canucks got to stick together man :)

n3o-- :)

I'd post a pic myself, but a) I'm not fond of getting my photo taken, b) I suck at timer shots and c) I'm in the process of growing a bit of a beard, and look a bit scraggly. More than the '2 day scruffy' look, but not enough to be a beard. Not photogenic at all.

Meh, or maybe I'll just get drunk, shave it off and picwhore it up.
Wow you are SO handsome!!! :D
Where/when was that photo taken?

Aww, shucks! Thanks N3ophy7te! Your name is inordinately difficult to type, but those dimples and smile - wow! So pretty!

The photo was taken down in Kep, a remote little coastal town in Cambodia.

Claire - looking at that photo, I look so Australian! It sounds odd, considering you can't really say what an aussie looks like, but that's it in that photo. Boardies and a t-shirt! And again, I'll reciprocate the kind words - you're quite stunning - what a set of cheekbones!

Not bad looking bunch of people in here for a bunch of junkies!

Pissing myself at the Charles Manson action!
I'm so clever.
I figured out I can send pictures from my phone to my e-mail.
So I can have a recent picture.
Woop woop.
Here is a recent picture.
You're prettier than me, I have a big nose.

as if silly girl, you are very gorgeous :)
you dont look drug-ravaged at all, whereas check me out in those stunning photos, bahaha
baggy eyes are so hot ;)
I delete the bad photos is all, haha
I wish I still had the shoking ones and I'ld post them, I had photos after being awake for 9 days on meth and then decidiong to pop e and believe me, they were not pretty, I looked at least 10 years older, and completely fucked. I dont know if i was pulling some crooked face or what, but I swear one eye was massivly bigger than the other eye, and my pupils wern't circle they looked like they were leaking like water droplets or something. I think I actually singed my eyeball slightly by tryna light a cigarette too close to my face
lol i put them up just to show everyone the change, compare it to the other photos i put up (when i'd just been resting for a few days) to the one being awake 4 days, its creepy.
i'm fucking so wrecked right now, ah guess u always get what u deserve!!!
i find bad photos amusing, i like to keep them and have a laugh later..
but i have much worse than those two.. ooooh god they are never appearing in a public place
i need some caffeine.
my mate who ratted me last night keeps trying to call and i dont answer, muahaha. karmas a bitch.
he tells me 2 go 2 meet him ages away, i go. i call when im there and he jst does not answer
i crack the shits and go home cos isnt first time hes done it
and now im givin him a taste of his own medicine, see how he likes it!
lol libby the fotos on pills are THE WORST!
my eyes go completely black cos iv got light coloured eyes .. its so scary.. they r never appearing here
hahahha iv burnt my hair before from tryna light smokes whilst fucked..smells pretty yuck
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Claire: I still think you are beautiful. I would trade you places. But if you wanna be clean I'm glad you are.
I would've kept my bad photos for a laugh, but I got paranoid and thought someone could find my phone and see that i am so fucked and tell my parants and the police hahaha, so I deleted them.
Lol, oh the paranoia is ridiculous hey.
Aw thanks PillThrill but i've seen photos of u somewhere on this site
you are absolutely BEAUTIFUL, no joke
yeah im clean as of tuesday,:)
finally doing something worthwhile with my life
I have what I call "Barbie" syndrome" if I don't look like her I'm not happy, I hate.
brown hair and brown eyes
B up and not a what a D
and ass
glasses if I wear them

fuck it, I can go on and on. I should have taken my ex up on the implants when we were togther but there was no time...
why do so many people get implants.
I wish i had little boobs,
I used to duct tape mine down, I hate them.
Now I like having them coz they're good for work, but if I didn't have to work, I'ld want to get them liposuctioned out.
Small boobs will be perky even when you get older. I'm so terrified of getting older and my boobs deciding to point downwards...