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Harm Reduction Tapering Plan Mega thread - community project

^ already jumped.. sick but not as bad as i thought.. 1mg is small to me i started on an equiv. of 10mg/day== 5mg clonaz/day+10mg phenaz/day.. but me and my dr's plan was to go down to .5mg clonaz/day but i guess he forgot and left me w/ding at 1mg.. but i'll get through it.. but i know you use or used to use benzos all the time.. how can you get high on 1mg?? i thought you were right up there with me on phenaz when it was more popular? extended break from benzos? or was i wrong about your doses?
^He's probably saying his tolerance has sense gone down to nada. 1-2mg doses can work after you quit long enough.

Did you experience any hardcore hot flashes by any chance comming off that?
off what? bupe or kpins?
bupe- yes cuz i used DMAA while w/ding and it is thermogenic.
kpins- no im fucking cold as hell <-- oxymoron? cold as hell? huh, never noticed that before. Sorry the feeling of changing back into a "normal" person (whatever that is) from a long time opiate and benzo addict, it's kinda got my mind screwed up.. good thing im bipolar and on a hefty 30mg dose of Zyprexa. Or i think i would have gone crazy by now!
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Heroin detox with suboxone

So I am new to this site and want to say sorry prior to if I do anything wrong. But I have been addicted to opiates for over 6 years and have been back and forth throughout these 6 years and it sucks, but as a result am much more street smart. Also I have tried everything, I have been on Methadone Clinic and Suboxone Maintence. I just want to be totally substance free, as Suboxone and Methdone are good while ur on them but you never want to get off them, I would still be on Suboxone if i did not get laid off. So here's the position I am in now, I have been using about 1-2 bags a day the first 3 days and then after 4-5 bags for the remander 14 days. So I was on Heroin for 2 weeks. I want to quit while I am ahead since I know what happens. and I got 1 8mg suboxone. so I took my last dose at 11am saturday and took my first suboxone dose today at 11am it was 4mg, I know it was a little high, but tomorrow I am going to 1.5mg, then the next day 1.5mg and the last day 1mg. so I am trying to figure out if I can miss the detox process by doing this, it has worked before in the past but not the exact same circumstances.

*Merged from Homeless*~Enki
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heroin taper

hi guys i'm new to bluelight and need some advice on a quick taper of heroin. i've been using daily for around six months now, smoking about .5 a day. it's becoming difficult to maintain my habbit and i want to get clean.
at my disposal i have 5 8mg suboxone pills, 3 2mg xanax bars and about 150 mg worth of seroquil. i've tried seroquil alone to help with the withdrawals but have had little success. my best bet is probably is a suboxone taper, but can the other drugs be used to my advantage also? any help is appreciated, thanks.
^ It shouldn't be to bad after a 6 mo run.... Cut your 8mg subs pills into 4ths with a razor or pill cutter.... and try 2 mg the first day and drop about 1/2 mg every couple of days till you get to .5mg subs. Then stay there for about a week before dropping to .25mg after about a week... drop off. See if you can get some clonodine. You have 40 mg of subs... do the math on how you want to go from the first 2mg dose. You might even do OK starting at 1mg? You can use the liquid method to measure your doses or crush them and put in even piles. You can get further details at the suboxone mega thread.

from dope to subs

HI GUYS, I gotto tell you that I 've been hearing all the talk about taper and it is probably the way to go. First off let me say I'm a former herion user living close to NY and my favorite South Bronx hangs are now gone. Now the police have stepped
up BIG time in both busting buyers and sellers, secondly and I don't care what anybody says the dope has been pure garbage for years now. I personally like whiter the better and that beige stuff is just crap. I snort or did when I was on the drug. Having to move, it was tuff and Iwent the pain DR. route. The most I've gotten out of my doc and this is over years starting w/5m perc to 10s and finally to 30mg oxys which I do like both for my pain and my non medicinal uses.Usally eat a few then crush and snort a few more,w no burn at all.
But as always the pain mgmt goes out the window and now it's strickly Suboxone 8s.I've read where you guys taper, how in the world do you do this ,
I can see breaking subs into quarters but all the other stuff I just don't see it. Now don't get me wrong hereI'm not throwing stones but black tar heroin has got to be the most vile thing to shoot in drug abuse history. I know it's a west coast and European thing, but putting that shit in your arm can not be a very good thing, not to mention missing and the whole clogging thing.Sorry I've been through all of this and if it doesn't kill you outright ,it does takes years off whatever life you have left. There are many DR.now try one.....IA
^ already jumped.. sick but not as bad as i thought.. 1mg is small to me i started on an equiv. of 10mg/day== 5mg clonaz/day+10mg phenaz/day.. but me and my dr's plan was to go down to .5mg clonaz/day but i guess he forgot and left me w/ding at 1mg.. but i'll get through it.. but i know you use or used to use benzos all the time.. how can you get high on 1mg?? i thought you were right up there with me on phenaz when it was more popular? extended break from benzos? or was i wrong about your doses?

Sorry, I missed this... During my taper, I got down to 0.5mg and I felt that pretty well by the time I quit. When I tried phenazepam was after that and my tolerance did go up to maybe 4-5mg phenazepam at one point, but that was really short. I used to take big doses of alprazolam all the time, usually 4+mg per day, and I once ate 70+mg of clonazepam when getting pulled over (No one try... This messed me up for the next month, and probably had some long term effects as well.)

I try to not use benzos too often anymore but I do occasionally. I don't like being really messy on any drug, but especially not benzos, and I take only what I need to get a little chilled out. Lately though, I've been getting bad rebound anxiety every time I dose and so I'm hesitant to dose again. I like the relief, but I don't want to make myself more anxious the next day.
hey guys i want some of your opinions.‬

i have been on suboxone for 47 days today (yep i go to NA meetings). durring these 47 days i havent used anything but suboxone at all! its now summer time and i feel like its a good time to think about getting off of suboxone while im not stuck taking 4 classes.

so far i have been taking about 2mgs a day, usually in 2 doses. so that would be 1mg doses, twice a day.

something you should know about me, when i was on the pills i was scared to death of WD, i wouldnt ever allow myself to go through it. i would either get on subs until i could get more dope or i would make what i had last. so i havent really ever gone through serious WD. now looking back, i realize that by doing this i only fed my fear of WD. the slightest feeling of WD would freak me out and i would take something to prevent it. like i said i never even allowed myself to reach severe WD, never experience diarrhea, vomiting, or any other bad symptoms. what im trying to say here is, in my mind WD is the worst thing in the world and i was supper scared of it.

back to present day, day 47:

now that i have been on subs and only subs i have gotten away from that vicious lifestyle of constantly looking for dope and being in fear of WD. Im pretty sure that this has helped me much mentally, i dont think im as scarred of WD any more. im hoping this means that it wont be as bad to get through it when the time come.

I talked to o few people who have detoxed in a facility and they say its not so bad doing it their. i guess because mentally you know your stuck in there. if you tryed to detox at home, you would always have the option to go out and score which would probably make it much harder and worse. anyone with experience on this, id like to hear your thoughts.

could i go somewhere to detox off subs?

so anyway ive got plenty of subs but im going to try to taper down. if somebody could put something together for me i would be really grateful.

my thoughts on it:

1) i cut up a bunch of .5mg pieces, planing to take one every time i feel i need it. eventually being able to skip a day, skip 2 days, skip 3 days, and so on.

2)Or i could just take one dose of 2mg a day, and take it everyday for 5 days. then cut back to 1.5 or 1.7mg and take it for 5 days, and so on and so on. cutting my dose every 5 days untill eventually i reach super small doses, and then being able to skip days.

option #2 seems to be a more stable one, that will involve less discomfort but maybe take longer.

what do you guys think of my plans? any comments or criticism are welcome.

Please and thank you
Either would work if you're commited and determined to get off. I think I'f drop to 1.5 and try tapering to 1mg within 5 days and the same getting down to .5mg then stay there for a week ot two dpending how you feel. Then drop about 10-20% each 5-7 days from there. I'm looking at it from a longer term than 47 days but then I don't know what brought you to bupe??
I don't know what brought you to bupe??

i had been taking bupe for about a year or more. i was only taking it when i couldnt find dope or didnt have money. now (starting 47 days ago) i am taking it much more seriously, like i said i havent done any dope in that time and i dont plan on it.

i guess the fundamental difference between the two ways i described, option #1 involves only taking small doses when i feel i need it. hence, waiting until i start to feel WD come on before re-doseing. where as option #2, take a larger dose that will last me all day and slowly tapering down from there. i think this will take longer, but i wont wait till i feel crapy, rather i will take the same dose at the same time everyday, and work down.

did i explain that in a way that you can understand?

do you think either way is better?

#1 - wait untill im in WD
#2 - take larger dose at set time (never experience WD)
i had been taking bupe for about a year or more. i was only taking it when i couldnt find dope or didnt have money. now (starting 47 days ago) i am taking it much more seriously, like i said i havent done any dope in that time and i dont plan on it.

i guess the fundamental difference between the two ways i described, option #1 involves only taking small doses when i feel i need it. hence, waiting until i start to feel WD come on before re-doseing. where as option #2, take a larger dose that will last me all day and slowly tapering down from there. i think this will take longer, but i wont wait till i feel crapy, rather i will take the same dose at the same time everyday, and work down.

did i explain that in a way that you can understand?

do you think either way is better?

#1 - wait untill im in WD
#2 - take larger dose at set time (never experience WD)

If I understand right... you've been using everyday for about a year. Back and forth on bupe. Personally I would do the slow taper but i've been on opiates for most of my long life. With just about a year on opiates [and it's an individual thing] I would probably first try #1 and see how you do... then if it doesn't work go to plan B.

IDK but suspect when I was in your situation being about 1 yr into opiates... I was 20 yo and had the advantage of going inpatient for a 30 day withdraw from [I think] about 50 mg of methadone. I don't recall any WD's at all. I'm guessing on the dose because back then [early 70's] the Miami VA methadone program didn't tell you what dose you were on... they just adjusted based on what you told them. I never got takehomes and don't know if they even gave them. We had to dose at the hosp clinic 7 days a week.

This was after getting addicted to pain meds and running out of 30 day script within 2weeks several mos in a row. Thats when they told me they had this miracle drug which I would only need to take once a day and would never run out... At that point I got the label of addict verses pain patient and was to young and dumb to understand the difference... in the medical communities viewpoint.
I posted this in the Sub Mehgathread, but figured it had it's place here too...

During a 2.5 week period I used IV methadone (average of 40 mg/day), ending friday (no dosing that day). The shooting was done as sterile as possible, and with micron filtering and all that extra precaution that the knowledge of HR can bring about. Why would I want to shoot methadone? Because as opposed to so many beliefs, it does produce a rush, quite a good one at that, and it can hold you for a very long times, the legs on that baby are something to be bragged about. And some methadone tablet preperations cant be filttered for unwanted paricles, just like Subutex/Suboxone/Temgesic and so many other pills can. But there is something about it being bad for your veins in high concentrations per volume water for injection.

Now, the plan is to do a 1 week rapid taper with buprenorphine, and then go cold turkey on all opioids. I really want it to be the last time I ever go through withdrawals, and I have recieved my last hand-out from the clinic wednesday, so it better be done. I don't want to be a street shuffler, trying to get my DOC, and I don't want to be associated with the MMT and ORT clinic anymore.

The Friday and half of Saturday were fine without methadone, didn't seem to get serious wds, but I kept getting impatient, because I wanted to induce the bupe taper at around 36-48 hours after last methadone dose, as this was best fit for the scheduling of the taper, but still no awful wds.

My impatience had me, and I ended up dosing (1 mg buprenorphine IV'ed) since I was past the 40 hour mark at that time. I then went into a sort of delirious state, where I couldn't tell what was wds from before the shot of bupe, or if they were precipitated wds. Anyways, it must have been half and half, little methadone left and buprepnorphine induction. As a few hours went by, I felt ok.

I just hope that going from 40 mg methadone / day, to a quick taper of bupe, starting at 2.5 mg / day, and then decreasing with 0,5 mg every day until I hit zero.

It will be painful, but I want so bad to make it through to the other side. Where life is good without opiates. Like it used to be.

Anyone who has gone through similar, I'd like your input. And btw, I will have access to benzos, but also need to taper out of those soon enough (been on a 2.5 month binge rotating different benzos). At zero intake before end of June is the plan ...

Hell awaits...
^Mind your, I've been on bupe, tapering from 16 mg / day since 27th December, just had some detours... I went voulntarily into bupe therapy from some years of heroin and opiate addiction.
(I hope I'm not posting in the wrong area on this one plz let me know as my head is not clear enough at the moment to post with any level of certainty.)

Anyway, I have 17 .2mg temgesic left. Today I took two .2 temgesic.(split into four .1mg doses throughout the day). I'm just looking for any input on the best way to taper down to Zero with the 17 I have. I can probably get more before I am out but think I may have just enough to do with out getting more. Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks! p.s. I also take Clonazepam to help sleep at night and relieve anxiety, I also have Lorazepam for minor any minor anxiety I feel throughout the day.
Im trying to put together an epic taper plan for when the tendons in my wrist are normal again. Hopefully in the next 3 months.

For the last 6 months for pain Ive been taking 4-6 x 50mg tramadol daily Monday to Friday.
Then on the weekends I swap to dihydrocodeine (to avoid the SSRI like withdrawls from tramadol). 2-3 x 60mg dhc SR daily.

Then for fun I have roughly 120mg morphine once monthly and very occasionally methadone.

I was going to taper off using the DHC SR, then down to codeine phosphate, over two weeks. I also have access to methadone, which could be used in tiny amounts (5mg or less). Thoughts?

I also have all the standard withdrawl meds, 0.5mg clonazepam, loperamide, 8mg codeine/paracetamol tabs, promethazine, just need clonodine.
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Need some input on coming off Dilaudids


Here we go. I have been an addict since I was 12. Started with the normal bullshit kids do. DIdn't realize the impact of my addiction until I lost my girl and twin boys to alcoholism. Shortly after I quit alcohol (13 years) and still have not drank. Went on a strictly marijuana diet and was ok for a few years.

Well then came the back surgeries. 3 of them. I was out for 2 years. On fentnyl, oxycontin, soma, and ambien (all in ridicilious doses). Eating patches, snorting pills. the whole deal. It all reached a head in the hospital on a overdose and I landed my ass in a treatment center about 800 miles from my home for 6 months.

Went through bad withdrawls for about 2 months. Awful. After coming out I stayed completely sober of all substances for 6 years. Attended AA regularly, pray, readings, etc. I was for once in my life happy. Although all the roles in the house changed. Wife was more angry at me a year after I got sober than the day I went into treatment.

Recently we are going through a divorce. I started smoking weed to deal with shit. It was a matter of time before I ran into every other drug known to man. I started again. Oxy's 30mg, dilaudid's 8mg, percs.

Its been since June so, its been 6 months. I quit everything except the dilaudid and that's all I have been taking for the last 2 months. I stopped for a couple days to see where I am with the addiciton and it seems that 64mg a day of diludid makes me feel just normal. Any less sick, any more high. So based on some reading I tried to devise a weening plan.

Can someone with experience have a peek and see if this taper is feasable?

I also picked up vitamins, immodium, klonodine, and Ondansetron Hydrochloride (for nausea and stomach). So I figured taper at 1/3 every 3 days like this:

Day 1 = 64 (16 x 4)
Day 2 = 64 (16 x 4)
Day 3 = 64 (16 x 4)
Day 4 = 44 (8,2 x 4)
Day 5 = 44 (8,2 x 4)
Day 6 = 44 (8,2 x 4)

Day 7 = 31 (4,4 x 4)
Day 8 = 31 (4,4 x 4)
Day 9 = 31 (4,4 x 4)
Day 10 = 22 (4,2 x 4)
Day 11 = 22 (4,2 x 4)
Day 12 = 22 (4,2 x 4)
Day 13 = 16 (4 x 4)
Day 14 = 16 (4 x 4)
Day 15 = 16 (4 x 4)
Day 16 = 12 (2,1 x 4)
Day 17 = 12 (2,1 x 4)
Day 18 = 12 (2,1 x 4)
Day 19 = 8 (2 x 4)
Day 20 = 8 (2 x 4)
Day 21 = 8 (2 x 4)
Day 22 = 6 (2 x 3)
Day 23 = 6 (2 x 3)
Day 24 = 6 (2 x 3)
Day 25 = 4 (2 x 2)
Day 26 = 4 (2 x 2)
Day 27 = 4 (2 x 2)
Day 28 = 2 (1 x 2)
Day 29 = 2 (1 x 2)
Day 30 = 2 (1 x 2)

Is this too long of a taper? Should I shorten it some? Keep in mind I have a high profile job and need to be able to perform somewhat when at work.

I am just concerned as I know me and in 30 days it's going to be rough managing my meds by myself. I live alone.

So far so good. With my above plan I am on day 2, I know it's no big deal but it's a start. I just need some support and a place to bounce questions off people and just talk sometimes. I really don't have many friends.

Any feedback would be great. I am committed to getting this monster off my back.


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I am sorry to hear about the hardships you have been through in life. Your tapering plan sounds fine, just remember, you can tweak it as you go along; so that if you want a slightly longer time tapering you can cut your initial dosage in the beginning a bit lower initially. :)

I'm going to merge your tapering plan into the pre-existing thread for tapering plans. If you have any questions feel free to PM me.
Thanks for the reply. Sorry about wrong thread I really wasn't sure where to put it. Plus it was about 3 am when I posted. Glad to hear the plan sounds ok. I will try to check in and let you know my progress if you don't mind.