Suicidal Thinking on Anti-Depressants?

its funny because im on Aropax....

Well this time i got a script the chemist gave me leaflet outlining the dangers, notably suicidal thoughts, of taking the meds... i thought it was abit strange. If i can get my hand on a scanner ill post it.
Just a note, that the world is in a transitionary phase at the moment. Aliens are on the planet looking for hosts and souls to capture so even though you might be depressed their might be some unseen demonic force driving it externally.
Know thyself, know how you think, determine whether these are external impulsed thoughts - not your own - to discover whether you might be tormented.
I was prescribed Seroxat about 2 years ago and all it id was put me to sleep all day , seriously all i did was sleeping !! ... and i was kinda suicidal too.
ive expirenced this. about 4 or 5 years ago i was put on celexa, and it was fabulous. may have saved my life, and got me out of the pit i was in, and helped me to eat again. i went off in march of 2005 since i felt better, and stayed off all summer due to drug use. i had a rough summer, the circumstances were bad, but i dealt with it all pretty well. i started treatment for other issues and it was recommended i go back on the celexa. i did and within 4 weeks i noticed the dramatic ups and downs that i had expirenced the last 2 years i was on it. i was at a point where i was ready to kill myself when i realized this was totally not me and not normal.

im off the celexa now and feel much better. im just starting seroquel, and hopefully this will work. SSRIs can be fantastic, but taken with caution
Has anyone else had problems quitting SSRIs? I've been on them for 3 years now, and find it hard to taper off.

Possibly because I'm on them for anxiety, not depression?

But they're awful, I feel zombified and tired no matter how much I sleep, and I can't concentrate on any of my work.
recently got off cymbalta (duloxetine)

felt like a piece of shit, severe depression even on 12mg bromazepam + alcohol
just wanted a 9mm to blow my head of, even though i never thought of it before

now this thougt is becomes even more frequent with every mood-swing

take care, dont let yourself get poisoned by this shit