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Bupe Subutex Has Gone Generic

Post 313 has info on inactive ingredients, thanks for the swift reply cappin!
Pls lemme kno if I should be worried.
Also I didn't post the ingredients cuz I'm on a phone, still, or I would. Bleah!
I just got switched over to buprenorphine (generic subutex). I'm nervous that since the naloxone isn't in it, I'll end up getting high because now it doesn't block out the opiate.
I just got switched over to buprenorphine (generic subutex). I'm nervous that since the naloxone isn't in it, I'll end up getting high because now it doesn't block out the opiate.
*facepalm*...you'll be fine,its exactly the same.the naloxone in suboxone is useless.
Teva generics have the following inactives: anhydrous citric acid, corn starch, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, mannitol, povidone and sodium citrate.

any of these unusually bad for your veins/life?
Good news I found a Target and they just got it in now I just need to convince my doc that I won't abuse it

I live in PA. At Walmart I can get the generic subutex, 45ct 8mg. for xx.00.
That is without any discounts. I am going to use the discounts from the post above when I refill today and I will let you know how much it saves.
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Wow even the generic is spendy. I go through CVS caremark and get 90 day supplies, last order was 270 8mg generic subutex and it came to $xx after insurance.
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Wow even the generic is spendy. I go through CVS caremark and get 90 day supplies, last order was 270 8mg generic subutex and it came to $xx after insurance.

you have insurance...either your on a group policy or your paying for private healthcare..

i have caremark they only allow for 30 day supply on my plan. obviously if you have insurance it doesnt mean shit to people price shopping

i pay 15 whether i get 10 or 50 subutex...beauty of insurance, which i also pay for.

Also...@@@ the Teva comment.. thats what brand i was given last and they are the best in my opinion. You can cut them with a pill slicer nicely into 8 peices no prob

roxanne seem to just crumble or get fucked up, better off breaking them with your fingers.;.same with brand name
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Hey guys, read the rules (the links to which are in my signature): we do not allow prices to be posted anymore.
^ lol, it's gettin hard to keep up with the price discussion issue.. i remember when we got rid of the price thread and someone said a price in a regular thread and i told them it wasn't allowed, and i was then told it was allowed, so i haven't been reporting prices since then and now prices aren't allowed again haha.. funny shit. i really don't care as i've never needed to post or ask a price anyways but how are we supposed to know when the rules change? i guess it is up to us to keep ourselves educated on what is allowed on this site since we are members but it gets kinda confusing when things go back and forth don't you think? im not bitching about it cuz i could care less, but i think im just saying what some people are thinking but not wanting to post.
maybe a post in the "State of OD" about it to let everyone know?
Oops, I haven't hit the forums in a while so I didn't know about the price thing...
Hmmm...Just called Reckitt in Canada, and Subutex is only by approval from Health Canada, and almost only approved for Pregnancy cases (what!?) i Didn't feel the same with the Suboxone, and don't feel the need to switch now for some geographical/political reasons. A trip to the US would do it, but do i really have to cross the borders to get the meds i'v been on for a few months now and doing great? Hmmmm

Ok, got the Teva!
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What would happen to them? or you mean in your area?

I just assumed Roxanne stopped production for some reason (poss FDA regulations).

I work at a pharmaceutical market research company and I never see it come through for Walgreens sales anymore... might just be Walgreens that chose to go with Teva though. A lot of times, pharmacies and chains just choose whatever manufacturer is cheapest...

I like the Roxanne ones better personally...because they are round not oval easier to cut and shit.
Capt...I understand the concept of not allowing prices in a thread, but if it comes from a legit pharmacy, I really don't understand the harm. Hit me back and let me know why it should apply to legal purchases, if you get a chance. Thanks!
I just assumed Roxanne stopped production for some reason (poss FDA regulations).

I work at a pharmaceutical market research company and I never see it come through for Walgreens sales anymore... might just be Walgreens that chose to go with Teva though. A lot of times, pharmacies and chains just choose whatever manufacturer is cheapest...

I like the Roxanne ones better personally...because they are round not oval easier to cut and shit.

I find it weird that a company such as Roxanne would stop making Subutex, i mean..why?! afraid of more success :) Wonder if anyone has any news about the Roxanne ones, just for the sake of General knowledge.