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Bupe Subutex Has Gone Generic

OMG LOL, I had a HORRIBLE experience w/ peeing for the drug test at my last appt. It was the annual drug test, which is fine, but I really wish they would have told me about it BEFORE I went to go use the restroom at the office as soon as I arrived. I swear I had to sit in there for at least an hour, to wait... and wait... and wait some more until I could finally push out literally 5 drops of piss for the stupid test. It was one of the most embarrassing experiences ever... I kept drinking water, TONS, and sitting there with my cup, in and out of the bathroom. I have no idea what the ladies at the desk must have been saying about me, but damn it was embarrassing & of course it also sent me into a horrible panic attack because I felt like such an ass. 8(

Coffee and beer will help you piss.
definitely, I generally drink at least a pot of coffee every day, unfortunately it was cut short that morning since I had the doctors appointment & didn't have a to-go cup lol beer would have been great, although I was driving back & forth to a different city.. ;)
I called my local CVS (where I get my suboxone) and they quoted me a price around $390 for #60 generics and the suboxones are usually $340. Didn't see much price difference. So I called the Walgreens up the street and they have the generics, #60 for $149.99. This is with NO insurance. Please try to call around next time and hopefully you'll find a better deal. Walgreens, usually known for the most expensive drugs has a surprisingly decent price on Subutex generics.

Where are these Walgreen's that are charging $2.50 for an 8mg Roxane Subutex tablet?

My local Walgreen's charges $3.75 per pill.

My script for #30 x 8mg. Roxane Subutex tablets came out to $112.50, and that was with a freedrugus.com card, which saved my about $20.00
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Teva is also coming out with a generic:



Hopefully, some competition will bring down prices.
My script for #30 x 8mg. Roxane Subutex tablets came out to $112.50, and that was with a freedrugus.com card, which saved my about $20.00

^ that's exactly what i pay for 28 brand name suboxones. (i go every 4 weeks not monthly, he doesn't do monthly cuz he makes more money this way, at least i think that's why. that's the only reason i could come up with needing to go exactly 28days instead of a month, but it does fix the problem of some months having 30days n some 31.. i never run out :) ) i just went down from 56 every 4 weeks (2/day) to 1/day cuz i couldn't afford it :\

speaking of suboxone.. i have an appointment with him today. lol.
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So no ones been able to find the generic Roxannes? I've been out of the loop on methadone. I am switchin back soon though. Luckiyl I have 20something subutex stashed in my basement.
So no ones been able to find the generic Roxannes? I've been out of the loop on methadone. I am switchin back soon though. Luckiyl I have 20something subutex stashed in my basement.

my really reliable pharmacy told me they were unavailable... hope this resolves itself soon because the brand subs are so expensive :p
Someone said that they filled a script a few days ago, small however for 30 Roxane 8's. Check with your pharmacy, they may or may not be available again.
interesting, I'll try my pharmacy again, actually I bet if I log into my Walgreens online they will auto-fill it since it was only a partial fill, they only had 15 left in stock and I got em :) I'll keep you all posted though!
I live in SF--- I had to call like 10 pharmacies before I found one with generic subs.
I live in SF--- I had to call like 10 pharmacies before I found one with generic subs.

makes sense, I'm close to SF. Actually had to use a pharmacy about 15 miles south of SF! It's been the most reliable Walgreens thus far for sure. I'll send you a PM if I find any good pharmacies, with it in stock for sure.
oddly enough, a friend of mine just had no problem filling his generics at Wal Mart, 15 minutes away. Soooo, looks like Roxane is shipping to pharmacies, because 2 weeks ago Wal Mart couldn't order them, and now they're there... this is in Cali by the way.
no problems with Wal Mart, although it took them about a week to get my script. transferred (since they kept faxing the wrong number..lol) They already had the generics in stock. AMAZING! ;) Very happy girl here, after the past 4 months of tons of extra gas $$ and unnecessary bridge toll.
You have to check around to find the generic version; and be persistent I had asked at my pharmacy about six weeks ago; they looked it up and said it wasn't available Then last week when I finally got a script for it; I tried again This time; when they looked it up they discovered it was available I have never worked in a pharmacy (that would be a disaster!) so I'm not familiar with their inventory management systems but; from what I've seen; at least at my pharmacy; is that pricing and availability changes happen at a network level The individual pharmacies have to check the network to learn what is going on
When my health insurance was in transition I was forced to pay cash, at walmart it cost $415 for a 30 day supply of 45 N8's. Now don't get me wrong, suboxone was a wonder drug for me and was worth it, however, it's a damn shame these fucking suboxone doctors, pharmacies, and the manufacturer are making money hand over fist off every junkie in the U.S. and are just taking the fucking money and buying BMW's and private jets. I hope somebody gets the presidency from obama and shakes things up, when people voted for 'change' they probably didn't think 'change' was going to mean the end of the U.S. as a dominant power and the rise of the China as the new world power while we become a Socialist nation.


A few points:

1) If your Sub Dr. won't prescribe you generics, find one that will.
You are the client, it's your money. Fire your Dr. if he/she won't prescribe you the generic equivalent of a drug that is far less expensive than the name brand, especially if you are paying out of pocket.

Of course, find a Dr. that will write you generics first, and find out the costs involved for an initial visit, how often you will be required to see him/her, and how much it will cost, etc...

2) It seems that the shortage of generic Subs is over with, as I had some problems getting my script filled a few months ago, but no problems with the last two refills/last two months.

I pay $147.16 for #45 - 8mg. generic Subutex made by Roxane at Walgreens, using various discount cards I have downloaded from the internet.

Here are the URL's to the three drug cards I give the pharmacy:

1) PS Card (Prescriptions Savings Card.)
This is a hard plastic card I sent away for and received in the mail.

2) Freedrugcard.us
Go to their web site for this one and print it out.

3) Patient Assistance Discount Coupon Card.
Another one I printed out:

I don't have a Walgreens discount card and I'm not sure if Subutex is covered or if the card would provide further discounts, but I pay $147.16 for #45 - 8mg. Roxane generic Subutex, which lasts me a month as I currently take 12 mg. per day.

I'm also not sure which of the three discount cards give me the lowest price - I just gave all three cards to the pharmacy tech and that's the lowest price I got, but I'll ask them next time which one or what combination is giving me the lowest price for Subs.

I'm also going to call them (Walgreens) and ask them if their discount card, which I believe costs $20.00, will further reduce the cost of my Subs.

3) It costs about 1 Billion dollars to bring a med to market, so the drug manufacturer needs to make their money back before the patent expires, plus turn a profit to re-invest to create new drugs.

I also take generic Ambien which is dirt cheap (About $9.00 for #60 - 10mg. at Costco) but before the patent expired, I was paying over $3.00 per pill for a while until my insurance began to cover it.

Now, with the generic, it's very inexpensive and with the Teva and possibly Barr coming out with generic Subs, it will hopefully lower the price and increase the supply.

I haven't used since I started on Subs, so it's worth the cost but I would be happy if the cost came down even more, which it eventually will.

4) For those of you paying out of pocket for Generic Subutex/Suboxone, please post price per pill, what brand, and pharmacy chain, so those of us on Subs can find the best price available.
no problems with Wal Mart, although it took them about a week to get my script. transferred (since they kept faxing the wrong number..lol) They already had the generics in stock. AMAZING! ;) Very happy girl here, after the past 4 months of tons of extra gas $$ and unnecessary bridge toll.

How much are generic Subs at Wal-Mart?
does that teva label say "each tablet contains 8.64mg buprenorphine?" half a mg of bupe can make a diff... anyone know what the 2mg bottle says?

i'm on the 2mg generic subutex brought to you by teva.

is there any reason someone shouldn't IV teva generics specifically the 2mg?

all risks of accumulated talc in the lungs, shit in my capillaries, and other risks that come with IVing pills aside, is there any reason it would be more risky than any other pill?
How much are generic Subs at Wal-Mart?

Go up to Walmart and ask them! They'll tell you. :)

does that teva label say "each tablet contains 8.64mg buprenorphine?" half a mg of bupe can make a diff... anyone know what the 2mg bottle says?

i'm on the 2mg generic subutex brought to you by teva.

is there any reason someone shouldn't IV teva generics specifically the 2mg?

all risks of accumulated talc in the lungs, shit in my capillaries, and other risks that come with IVing pills aside, is there any reason it would be more risky than any other pill?

Can you post the inactive ingredients list?

Without micron filtering it's not the most ideal practice. One generic (now that there are dif. manufacturers, I am not 100% clear) had an inactive that was less desirable for IV use compared to brand name Suboxone/Subutex.
Post 313 has info on inactive ingredients, thanks for the swift reply cappin!
Pls lemme kno if I should be worried.