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Bupe Suboxone can ruin your life

Putting people in their place is not flying off the handle. But promoting a class of drugs that do nothing but kill and all Hexens been doing is posting things left and right like a know it all, including promoting opioids.

The promotion of opioids set me off. I got dead friends in the double digits from that singular class of drugs alone.
Just because you gave a personal bias doesn't give you the right to go around insulting people
Excuse me, YOU did?!

... and only a few posts ago. Direct quote :

"we are drug users...
we do our own drugs in our bathroom."

What did you take and how much, that you apparently clean forgot you made this statement.
There's other places to get S-Isomer grade Ketamine than some shit clinical setting or some random white powder from some dude.

No more responses
I agree, its ruined my life and thats a fact. I think its a great tool to get someone off hardcore opiaites but thats it

it should not be used long term, there should a mix of therapy that uses bupe and then wean off it after maximum 12 months, MAXIMUM if after a year your not ready then you havent addressed your addiction issues at all, "oh its like insulin" BS absolute BS

I was on it for 4 years and its destroyed me trying to come off it, just as much as H or pills and I am paying for it now with other issues and it does NOTHING for pain even at 16mg a day
Who said it's like insulin? lol

I agree bupe sucks, but I won't credit it with "ruining" my life.
Maintenance drugs were made for people to keep using a safe, legal alternative. They really shouldn't be used to "get off opiates"... They ARE opioids for christ's sake. I'd say you should have done your research & known what you were getting into before getting on it.

Putting people in their place is not flying off the handle. But promoting a class of drugs that do nothing but kill and all Hexens been doing is posting things left and right like a know it all, including promoting opioids.

The promotion of opioids set me off. I got dead friends in the double digits from that singular class of drugs alone.
Yeah, I have dead friends too, who would have still been here if their "heroin" had not been fentanyl. That only happens thanks to prohibition. Maybe you should direct your anger towards the actual causes? They were heroin users for decades and it wasn't until fentanyl got on the scene that they ended up dying. Funny how that works.

Hexenstahl has an incredible amount of personal experience & education on opioids. More so than the cowards running their mouths here.

Nobody said street ketamine either. Yall are lost af. Good luck
LOL You insulted Hexenstahl for referring to ketamine in a clinical setting. If you're not getting ketamine in a clinical setting then the only other way to get it would be the street. Unless you're a chemist/pharmacist/doctor/etc... Which obviously most people aren't. What a helpful suggestion then. Are you suggestion people should steal ketamine from their jobs? Sounds like something a no good "junkie" would do, right? Love seeing the hypocrisy in the ignorant.
Now he is pissing the fuck off this thread because he has been caught red handed contradicting himself. If you don't get your Ket from the doc you're getting dirty shit from the streets. Just as DI88 said. That's fact, he can't admit it and is now going all "uhm uhm no more responses. I'm out cause I got no arguments anymore and have too big of an ego to apologize". Running away like a coward.
Alcohol & tobacco kill more people every year than opioids ever could, including one of my sisters.

But you'll never see these same hypocrites putting this kind of attention into lobbying alcohol & tobacco companies.

Alcohol is advertised everywhere constantly. Can't go a block without seeing a bar or a place that serves it.

But yeah, a couple people on a drug forum talking about the hypocrisy of society & how they benefit from opioids is just "so dangerous".

Hexenstahl has an incredible amount of personal experience & education on opioids. More so than the cowards running their mouths here.
I know a thing or two but I am aware of not knowing a lot of things. I think it was Plato who said "the more I know, the more I know that I don't know". That's how I feel all the time...
promoting a class of drugs that do nothing but kill
Factually wrong. The only reason opiates kill is because they're unregulated.
including promoting opioids.
For the legitimate uses that they have. They're still the most efficient painkillers known to medicine.
I got dead friends in the double digits from that singular class of drugs alone.
So do I. I know people who died who NEEDN'T have died. Sure you can say they never should have had ANY access to opiates to potentially get addicted to in the first place ; but that's a moot point since they're dead. There's plenty others who survived with the ASSISTANCE of opiates, myself among them.

For the record, and this ISN'T meant as some perverse 'brag' but simply an illustration of my miserable life at the time, I suffered upwards of 18 ODs, a majority of which could easily have proved fatal. Some very nearly were.

I do not blame the drug. I blame the legal situation that makes it needlessly unsafe, the social consensus that makes even the most regulated restrained use inacceptable, the lack of genuine mental health care, and the prevailing narrative that basically TEACHES people to be addicts (ie 'use it just once and you're a junkie for life' BS).

If opiate drugs were legally produced, with strict regulations;. made accessible to those who need them to regulate their mental state in a clinical setting, made accessible to those who merely want them as an occasional treat in a common health provision setting; ALL within a LEGAL framework, the artificially constructed 'opioid crisis' would disappear.
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Now he is pissing the fuck off this thread because he has been caught red handed contradicting himself. If you don't get your Ket from the doc you're getting dirty shit from the streets. Just as DI88 said. That's fact, he can't admit it and is now going all "uhm uhm no more responses. I'm out cause I got no arguments anymore and have too big of an ego to apologize". Running away like a coward.
LMAO!! Exactly!

I like how him & Gordon kept trying to imply that opioid users were shitty people, while simultaneously knocking on opioid users who would like to go about their treatments legally, while suggesting ketamine "in the bathroom" as an alternative, :rofl: No self awareness.
You guys know how I recently said how I would love to buy my opioids in a pharmacy like in the 19th century? Actually, I would have no issue with getting opioids within a clinical setting. I'd love to go to therapy sessions opiated because I'd be so much more in touch with my feelings and can put how I feel much better into words. This would lead to very productive therapy sessions. I would have MOTIVATION to attend therapy in the first place!
No I refuse to write novels to the dumb. The only contradictions you say I conjure up are ones like " oh not medical setting? You must be getting it from some ghetto!" Take this discussion out of this thread because you're hijacking Man67's threads.
Ok so you're telling me that you are synthesizing your own ket supply? Because if you ain't getting it from the streets nor from the doc, that's about the only other option you have.
You guys know how I recently said how I would love to buy my opioids in a pharmacy like in the 19th century? Actually, I would have no issue with getting opioids within a clinical setting. I'd love to go to therapy sessions opiated because I'd be so much more in touch with my feelings and can put how I feel much better into words. This would lead to very productive therapy sessions. I would have MOTIVATION to attend therapy in the first place!
Yeah, how'd that go?

The Opioid Epidemic, which has claimed more lives than 3x Hiroshima's. Goodbye
Ok so you're telling me that you are synthesizing your own ket supply? Because if you ain't getting it from the streets nor from the doc, that's about the only other option you have.
Sourcing is breaking rules. Go hunt your own meat.
Telling you where to find drugs isn't sourcing?

Damn, think I lost an IQ or two there.
Dude where the fuck have I asked where to find drugs??? I've been saying that something about your "logic" doesn't add up when on the one hand you're saying that you're not getting your shit off the streets, and on the other hand say that you're not getting it from the doctor either, which only leaves the self-synthesized option as a possible explanation (which I highly doubt). You're just trying to weasel your way out of the rope you have put around your own head with this bs sourcing accusation you're now making 🤣