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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine Mega Thread and FAQ v17.0 + v18.0

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I never got lower than .5 but hear when below 1mg you want to go slower than 50% reductions if possible since this is where you'll start to really feel shitty. Maybe .8, .6,
.4, etc and feel it out?
Did you know you can still use heroin or opi meds while taking subs...i did nd it makes ur high so intense. Also i cut a srtip,8mg, nd made little balls of it nd sniffed it nd im fucked up rite now...still rather sniff a perk but yeeeeaaa buddy
Did you know you can still use heroin or opi meds while taking subs...i did nd it makes ur high so intense. Also i cut a srtip,8mg, nd made little balls of it nd sniffed it nd im fucked up rite now...still rather sniff a perk but yeeeeaaa buddy

did you know this post is a waste of time and a waste of drugs?

yes, you can use dope while taking subs but you will NOT get that same high, trust me. IT DOES NOT MAKE YOUR HIGH MORE INTENSE!

lastly, DO NOT MAKE "BALLS" of the strip and sniff them.

sometimes I wonder how/why people write the things they do.
In reference to scriptsnchips:

When you're taking Suboxone you have to realize it has a long half life. Which means after you take it, it could be as long as 2 to 4 days before taking your methadone will actually be effective.
Not to mention as you're taking the Suboxone it does enhance your tolerance to opiates in general. So the next time you take your methadone or any opiate for that matter, you'll need more to get high. The more Suboxone you take, the higher your tolerance will be. However, even if you're just taking a slight bit of Suboxone like 1 mg, it will still be in your system for at LEAST two days. The more regularly you use Suboxone the longer you'll have to wait before any opiate will be sufficiently effective.
If you're experienced enough at taking opiates, you'll know when it's time when taking an opiate after Suboxone will actually have a good effect. You can feel when your system is clear. At least I have been able to. But that's easier to tell when you're a regular user and start going into withdrawals (that's usually a good indicator that an opiate other than Suboxone will work). Although, I don't know if that's your case or not. I hope this helps you. If you can, ditch the opiates altogether because they will just bring hell to your life. That's just my experience I'm not preaching. Especially the Suboxone. I've detoxed off of Suboxone as long as 4 1/2 - 5 weeks long due to regular use of like 6 months... Anyhow, Good luck
I'm such a pussy. I can't even get through 24 hours of withdrawal from opana in order to start the subs. Hell, I can't even make it 12 hours. At the first sign of withdrawal, I cave. How the hell did all of you stay strong and get to the point where it was safe to take the subs without fear of precipitated w/d's?
its all dependent upon the person, as we all know. half the time I would only go 10-12 hours from my last use before taking sub; I wouldnt even let myself come close to feeling any withdrawal before I pop a sub and would feel fine and never feel any withdrawal; I was also taking 16MG's at the time, so even w/ the high dosage I was fine.

same goes for using after a dosage; after 16MG I would have to wait at least 24-36HRs before I even considered taking a shot; if I was just looking to get by the AM and then use the minute I got out of work in the PM I would take 4MG at 8AM and shoot a .5 to 1G around 5-6PM and still "feel" it. then that very next morning I would go back to use by sub at 7 or 8AM w/o any worries.

you start to fall into this rut after a while; thats if you have bupe and are used to how it works at this point. even when I was "new" to bupe I still never waited more than 10-12 hours, but then I read/heard from others that they get sick immediately if they waited such a short time.

I am on done' now and loving it much more, but going to the clinic daily sucks. but w/ bupe its all based on YOU and how YOUR body reacts; youre def. taking a chance if you take it early, but its something you may be able to get away w/ since I never had any problems whatsoever.
Making suboxone induction easier

So im a pretty bad junkie. ive been shooting dope for shit eight years now.. anywho ive always been one to advocate suboxone. love the stuff. clean good and workable high, cheap to boot. but ive only been able to induct when taking pills (oxy or morphine) at about 160, 200 respectfully.

then when ive tried to induce using heroin i waz left deeply disapointed and hopeless.. not only did i do your 24 hr rule and your COWS nonsense, i waited longer and still nothing. talk abouy devistating to someone looking for anyway to get off heroin..

Now when i say nothing i mean nothing, no relief, and no precip withdrawl. Therefore the only conclusion one can draw is all opiates were out of my system, but my baseline tolerence is at a higher level then suboxone can stimulate leaving me with a big fat nada.

so this is what i did, and i write this with all honesty and hope that it can help one helpless soul induct without days of pain til ur tolerance drops to where subs are effective.

day 1. waited 20 hrs after last shot ( btw i do around 20 bags of east coast powder.. around 2grams.) last shot is 7 bags.. so i wait 20 hrs and subling 2mgs, to make sure no precips, wait another 30 mins and snort 2 more mgs ( which is my ROA, really is irrelevant) i then get 8mgs is in me so my receptors are fully saturated. now at this point there is still no relief.. maybe no more runny nose, no yawning but nothing else. Now this is important. A FULL hr after my last dose of bupe i shoot 7 bags twice (my normal dose but back to back). this allieviate all residual effects of withdrawl and allows a twinkle of a high. (the reason an hr is important is u want to make sure all bupe is bound and not able to effect ur dose of opiates. Also this is supposed to be dangerous for ODing. i dont believe so but the logic is that as bupe continues to metabolise into norbupe and then pass the receptors are open to whatever is floating around in you. yeah ok if i mega dose 12 hrs later maybe but any opiate in me will metabolisr a lot faster then the bupe.

back on point. i may do another shot in the day but normally this holds me pretty well. i repeat this for a few days. my rule of thumb is leave 12 hrs between ur next dose of sub and ur last shot of opiates before u redose. this is okay becuz bupe is already in ur system, u dont need to wait 24hrs. by day 4 of doing this the sub works greatwithout the dope. even though u are still shooting, while taking subs the bupe is mostly blocking it effectively lowering ur tolerance by not allowing opiates to attach. okay my thumbs hurt typing on phone. hope this account helps. ive ready 95% of sub threads on evwry fourm i could find and never saw this posted, so i hope it helpa someone.
I'm such a pussy. I can't even get through 24 hours of withdrawal from opana in order to start the subs. Hell, I can't even make it 12 hours. At the first sign of withdrawal, I cave. How the hell did all of you stay strong and get to the point where it was safe to take the subs without fear of precipitated w/d's?

I don't know what to say some have more difficulty than others. Some people have a slow metabolism and the high lasts longer whereas others burn through the dope really fast getting sick only a few hours after their last use.

I have a fast metabolism so It was easy for me as soon as I felt the first physical symptoms (For me it was 4 hours) I would take a low dose like 1-2mg sublingual (never IV or snort your first sub because its almost certain you will go into PWDs if you do so) because if you start with a small dose you have less of a chance of going into precipitated withdrawal than if you took one big dose at once.

If that didn't hold me I would add 1mgs every hour until I felt better.

Everyone is different though some have to wait 24 some have to wait 4 hours like me but usually if I'm so physically sick I can't stand it anymore then I know it's safe to take the sub. But sometimes it can be hard to wait when you have these mental symptoms driving you nuts until you can finally distinguish which ones are physical and which ones are mental symptoms. Best thing I can say is go to sleep because I always woke up extremely sick when doing heroin even after doing it before bed and waking up a few time's in the night to dose again.
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i'm going to merge your thread bshade.

homeless -> other drugs (suboxone megathread)
I'm such a pussy. I can't even get through 24 hours of withdrawal from opana in order to start the subs. Hell, I can't even make it 12 hours. At the first sign of withdrawal, I cave. How the hell did all of you stay strong and get to the point where it was safe to take the subs without fear of precipitated w/d's?

I had a bottle of gin and went through a good bit of it to help myself pass out after I was coming off heroin

that was T minus 5 years-ish ago

but my advice is just to get out of your environment

you're experiencing cravings from environmental cues, without a doubt.

hang out with someone at their place, before your suboxone induction.
I don't know what to say some have more difficulty than others. Some people have a slow metabolism and the high lasts longer whereas others burn through the dope really fast getting sick only a few hours after their last use.

I have a fast metabolism so It was easy for me as soon as I felt the first physical symptoms (For me it was 4 hours) I would take a low dose like 1-2mg sublingual (never IV or snort your first sub because its almost certain you will go into PWDs if you do so) because if you start with a small dose you have less of a chance of going into precipitated withdrawal than if you took one big dose at once.

If that didn't hold me I would add 1mgs every hour until I felt better.

Everyone is different though some have to wait 24 some have to wait 4 hours like me but usually if I'm so physically sick I can't stand it anymore then I know it's safe to take the sub. But sometimes it can be hard to wait when you have these mental symptoms driving you nuts until you can finally distinguish which ones are physical and which ones are mental symptoms. Best thing I can say is go to sleep because I always woke up extremely sick when doing heroin even after doing it before bed and waking up a few time's in the night to dose again.

This makes me feel better, and makes me think that maybe the 24 hours isn't necessary in my case. I take Opana insufflated, and usually start to feel the first signs of withdrawal (skin crawling) after about 3-4 hours. By hour 6, I've got the full on sweats, yawning, anxiety, etc. By hour 8, my stomach will be a wreck and diarreaha and all that fun stuff is sure to be there. I can't imagine how bad it would be by 24 hours, because I've never allowed myself to get there. Usually when I'm out of the Opana, I go on the streets and buy roxi's to stave off the w/d's. So maybe 12 hours will be enough? I've looked at the COWS scale, and by 12 hours I am easily past the point of where that says it is safe to dose bupe. I'm just scared off by the precip w/d posts I've read here, and don't want to end up like that.
I had a bottle of gin and went through a good bit of it to help myself pass out after I was coming off heroin

that was T minus 5 years-ish ago

but my advice is just to get out of your environment

you're experiencing cravings from environmental cues, without a doubt.

hang out with someone at their place, before your suboxone induction.

Thanks Cap'n, you're absolutely right. Sitting at home is a definite trigger. I need to make a plan of how to keep myself busy for the day before induction, rather than sitting around and thinking about how shitty things are.
Why you got to be so mean about nd yes it did increase my high...people get affected differently nd i did get a drip i did get pretty messed up but im not oncinic nd ake the strip regulary i got a 8mg nd have it in 3rds because if i do half ill get sick why dont u watch how u post or talk to people k it dont make u look better or whatever ur going for it makes u look like a cunt
Boston brown, Why you got to be so mean about nd yes it did increase my high...people get affected differently nd i did get a drip i did get pretty messed up but im not on clinic nd ake the strip regulary i got a 8mg nd have it in 3rds because if i do half ill get sick why dont u watch how u post or talk to people k it dont make u look better or whatever ur going for it makes u look like a cunt
Boston brown, Why you got to be so mean about nd yes it did increase my high...people get affected differently nd i did get a drip i did get pretty messed up but im not on clinic nd ake the strip regulary i got a 8mg nd have it in 3rds because if i do half ill get sick why dont u watch how u post or talk to people k it dont make u look better or whatever ur going for it makes u look like a cunt

wasnt trying to be mean, was just a funny post in my eyes.

you gotta realize, you didnt get more high; I am always one to say everyone is affected differently, and each drug will play a different role in each person, but in your case that is truly a head game, man. trust me. what you did w/ the strips was a waste, trust me. maybe you got more SICK than high if anything.
Yo im not trying to fight or get talkd down to here i came for help advice nd people i can relate to...Im strong ok I got clean off heroin nd coke without outpaitient programs without the clinic, yea i still like to get high but i got other things to buy thats not my everyday life nd i take my pills because my back is shaped like a spiril lets just be cool i fuckong hate rude people
TRUST ME i didnt get sick i git high as fuck yesturday, i ate a 3rd nd the only reason i sniffed the othe 3rd is because of the blood vesles nd membrain in ur nose im sorry if i sounded like a bitch but it was rude
I trust you calm down guys.

Stop it BBT your in no means an expert about everyones situation far from it. I've seen some of the dumbest things I've ever seen written by a human being come from you so don't make this poster feel like a dumbass.

You just got finished with a month ban and you come back and act this way? Not cool.
You cant keep being a dick to people then say jeez calm down man I was kidding and I thought it was funny. With all your bans you think you would have learnt that by now:\
I trust you calm down guys.

Stop it BBT your in no means an expert about everyones situation far from it. I've seen some of the dumbest things I've ever seen written by a human being come from you so don't make this poster feel like a dumbass.

You just got finished with a month ban and you come back and act this way? Not cool

dont even start w/ the BS, esp. coming from GF, which I am assuming, right?

show me some of the dumbest thing, please! and then show me what was just said not long ago by the guy I am talking to now? yea, you sniff strips? and me telling him NOT TO is a bad thing, huh? he and I are talking on PM, so dont even bother chiming in w/ it here.
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