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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine Mega Thread and FAQ v17.0 + v18.0

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Once again I cannot understand what your trying to make out and don't really care so I'm leaving it at this.

A nicer way to say don't sniff balled up strips is shown below.

Hey sniffing balled up strips probably isn't increasing the bioavailability anymore than sublingual so mabye try dissolving them in a small amount of water then sucking it up with a syringe and putting the solution up your nose.

See no need for nastiness
Let's chill out guys just as train said.

BBT you're not the all-knowing God of bupe, and this guy just needs to learn, as we all did at one time. Also, train is right, not all of your posts have not all of your posts have been the most well-thought pieces of literature I've ever read.

Back on subject, why'd you switch to methadone, BBT? You seemed like you were loving Bupe a little while back...
ended up w/ a relapse, and the Dr. wanted me to visit weekly during work hours, and I just couldnt; friend joined the clinic and told me I could go w. him daily, so I singed up there. problem was, they started me off at 20MG done', which was NOT EVEN CLOSE to where I needed to be to stop, so I used for a month straight or so even after starting. once I was around 70 or so I felt better and better, and maxed out at 95 before beginning the drop.

I feel great on doen' but would rather bupe cuz I HATE THE MORNING COMMUTE, the clinic and everything that goes w/ it, but it was much easier to join around these parts. my bupe Dr. was being a pain and every other bupe Dr. in the area is a hassle; also, my insurance covers 100% of the done' treatment, and seeing these private bupe Dr's cost a few bucks, so I took the easy way out, esp. since it was only a 6 month treatment which I needed to get through.

and since the done' is a MUST daily, and not totally up to me, its helping me more than the bupe. does it block as well? not necessarily once you hit a certain dosage, esp. when coming down, but it does it job to keep me away from the brown and keep me motivated to do everything else and then some.

on a bad/side note, when they drug test at the clinic, they really dont care much about me failing ALWAYS between week, addy and xanny.. even dope for the first month or so; the bupe. Dr. was never happy, even when it was xanny and weed. the done' clinic is just happy cuz my insurance covers all and then some.
TRUST ME i didnt get sick i git high as fuck yesturday, i ate a 3rd nd the only reason i sniffed the othe 3rd is because of the blood vesles nd membrain in ur nose im sorry if i sounded like a bitch but it was rude

Low dose bupe certainly can potentiate other opiates quite well whereas high doses will block it and not really add anything to the high
So I don't know wtf I'm doing and need some help or at least some re-assurance from someone that has been there.

As I mentioned a few days ago, I haven't been able to lay off the oxy for long enough in order to get on the subs. Well, I finally got to that point. After 13 hours I felt awful and just said screw it, and thankfully I did not go into precipitated w/d's. However, yesterday (the 1st day on subs), I took a huge amount (like 30 mg's altogether throughout the day), cause i'm an idiot. Today I've only taken 7mg so far, so I'm doing much better. However, what I've noticed is that it doesn't seem to last anywhere close to 24 hours. Either that, or it just hasn't built up enough in my system, or I'm taking too low of a dose. For example, 4 hours ago I took about 1mg. I am now starting to feel the brain zaps and the skin crawling, which are the first signs of w/d for me. Is this kind of frequent dosing to be expected for the first few days until you get stable on subs? I feel like a failure for already wanting to take more.

For the record, my tolerance leading up to this is about 180mg of roxi's per day. To top off this shit stew, I'm not even prescribed subs (from a friend). I'm just trying them because I ran out of my script (opana) early again, and I don't want to blow thousands more on street drugs (oxy). So who knows what the hell I'm going to do in a week when I'm due for a refill. FML! Grrr I hate this crap.
dude, you do 30MG of sub one day and then 1MG the next day? did I read that right?

if you are doing 180MG of roxi then you should start out w/ 8MG of sub in the AM and then 8MG sub in the PM, just to play it safe and see how it all plays out. split the doses up twice daily; when I first started sub I was shooting 2G's of dope a day and started w/ 24MG of sub a day, which was more than enough; I would take 8MG 3/times a day (morning - mid-day - night); after 2 weeks I realized I only needed 16MG and went w/ morning and dinner. after a month or so I dropped to 8MG and just split 4MG in AM and then 4PM - eventually started doing just 8MG ONCE a day and just took the AM dosage.

stayed clean for 6 months but was dropping too fast for my own good; even my Dr. was willing to keep me at a higher dose but I thought I could beat it and I was down to 4MG before I relapsed and before you know it I was blasting a gram a day and I was back to 2G's a day within no time, so be careful how you play it.

you are buying from a friend, so can you afford enough? why not go and try to get a script? better off having enough pills to help you thought this rather than just getting from a friend and barely getting by.

yes, everyone is different and you will see people say all you need is 4MG/day and its more than enough, but that wasnt the case w/ me. I will say that 24/MG was MORE THAN ENOUGH and unnecessary, but my Dr. didnt even know at the time and scripted me that high to begin w/.

I think w/ each person it is played different but to play it safe I would stay steady w/ a certain dosage and just split it morning/night this way you do not have to worry about withdrawals as much; also, TRY 4MG AM/PM to start, or just try 8MG in AM and see if it lasts you throughout a day. if you can afford it, go w/ 16/MG split dosage to start this way you are playing w/ a bit higher dosage but you are playing it safe and then just see how you feel from there.

subs worked great for me for 6 months (longest I was clean for in a long-ass time) but I got too cocky thinking I had it beat and was better than the drug before I slipped and eventually stopped seeing my Dr. and went back to dope full time. now I am on methadone and still use here and there but the done is helping a lot too but its just a pain in the ass because I have to go daily rather than always have take home like I did w/ the bupe.
dude, you do 30MG of sub one day and then 1MG the next day? did I read that right?

if you are doing 180MG of roxi then you should start out w/ 8MG of sub in the AM and then 8MG sub in the PM, just to play it safe and see how it all plays out. split the doses up twice daily; when I first started sub I was shooting 2G's of dope a day and started w/ 24MG of sub a day, which was more than enough; I would take 8MG 3/times a day (morning - mid-day - night); after 2 weeks I realized I only needed 16MG and went w/ morning and dinner. after a month or so I dropped to 8MG and just split 4MG in AM and then 4PM - eventually started doing just 8MG ONCE a day and just took the AM dosage.

stayed clean for 6 months but was dropping too fast for my own good; even my Dr. was willing to keep me at a higher dose but I thought I could beat it and I was down to 4MG before I relapsed and before you know it I was blasting a gram a day and I was back to 2G's a day within no time, so be careful how you play it.

you are buying from a friend, so can you afford enough? why not go and try to get a script? better off having enough pills to help you thought this rather than just getting from a friend and barely getting by.

yes, everyone is different and you will see people say all you need is 4MG/day and its more than enough, but that wasnt the case w/ me. I will say that 24/MG was MORE THAN ENOUGH and unnecessary, but my Dr. didnt even know at the time and scripted me that high to begin w/.

I think w/ each person it is played different but to play it safe I would stay steady w/ a certain dosage and just split it morning/night this way you do not have to worry about withdrawals as much; also, TRY 4MG AM/PM to start, or just try 8MG in AM and see if it lasts you throughout a day. if you can afford it, go w/ 16/MG split dosage to start this way you are playing w/ a bit higher dosage but you are playing it safe and then just see how you feel from there.

subs worked great for me for 6 months (longest I was clean for in a long-ass time) but I got too cocky thinking I had it beat and was better than the drug before I slipped and eventually stopped seeing my Dr. and went back to dope full time. now I am on methadone and still use here and there but the done is helping a lot too but its just a pain in the ass because I have to go daily rather than always have take home like I did w/ the bupe.

Ha, sorry for the misunderstanding. I meant that I had taken 1mg at that dose, but I've split things up over 4 doses, for now a total of 8mg for the day.

And yeah I'm getting the subs from a friend, but they are costing me very little to almost nothing (friend has insurance that covers almost entire cost). I should be able to maintain on them for a while if I want. It will literally save me thousands of dollars per month, based on my recent behavior of spending stupid amounts for oxy to maintain my habit. Of course the subs aren't nearly as fun as oxy or opana, and it's going to be so tempting to go right back to them when I am due for a refill. Not sure I'll have the strength to just walk away and not get my script, but I know that's what I need to do as the situation I'm in is obviously not sustainable. If I could make my opana script last the whole month then that would be great, but I've failed at that for a while now so I need to accept that the next time won't be any different.

And yeah, I probably should see a new doctor and get my own sub script. There's just still that part of me that doesn't want to let go of my drug of choice (opana and oxy), which I imagine would be much more difficult to get in the future if I have subs on my record. It's tough letting go, as you know.

Thanks for the reply. It's very much appreciated!
yea, dont bother w/ that 1MG at a time bullshit, just dose yourself w/ good doses each time, esp. if you've ONLY BEEN DOING SUBS lately; using at LEAST 4MG a dosage, not 1MG bullshit, esp. since you were using 180MG/day of roxi, ya know!?

4MG 3x's a time would make much more sense than that 1MG BS you are speaking off; even the 8MG twice a day would be a better way to go about it; not sure how your metabolism is, or how quickly you go into withdrawals, but that always worked great for me and I was a junked out mess for a bit.
yea, dont bother w/ that 1MG at a time bullshit, just dose yourself w/ good doses each time, esp. if you've ONLY BEEN DOING SUBS lately; using at LEAST 4MG a dosage, not 1MG bullshit, esp. since you were using 180MG/day of roxi, ya know!?

4MG 3x's a time would make much more sense than that 1MG BS you are speaking off; even the 8MG twice a day would be a better way to go about it; not sure how your metabolism is, or how quickly you go into withdrawals, but that always worked great for me and I was a junked out mess for a bit.

Yeah, I go into w/d's really quickly. I'd start feeling the first signs after 3 hours or so after last dosing opana/oxy.

The reason I was doing the small doses is because I was trying to keep the total to 8mg for the day, and I know that in my addict mind that I want to dose several times a day, just like I was doing with my drug of choice. Maybe 8mg/day is a little too low for me to be on right off the bat though and I should have a more realistic goal. I don't feel terrible at this point to be honest, just some waves of uncomfortable feelings and hot flashes/sweating that come and go. I think that 12mg would hold me pretty well if I end up deciding to raise it a bit for starting out. I guess another area I'm confused is if I'm supposed to feel somewhat bad the first few days on subs, or if I should be taking a dose that completely eliminates any w/d symptoms. It definitely hasn't yet stopped any cravings, unfortunately.

actually, 8MG is probably enough but I was saying 16MG just because most people feel THEY NEED MORE to start just because that is how they thought of the drug itself, which is why I started off at 24MG before realizing it was a waste and really unnecessary. but the 1MG doses are a waste of time I think; yea, you may have dosed multiple times daily w/ the roxi, but doing it w/ the bupe is what is making you not feel so great, because you need a better dose than 1MG to start your day and then just continue the 1MG every few hours; at least start off w/ a hefty dosage to help and then do 1MG every few hours. so maybe start w/ 8MG in the AM and then do 1MG throughout the afternoon every 2 hours to equal 4MG between 3-10PM so you can feel you used multiple times and help feed that addict mind.

reality is YOU DONT NEED TO DO THAT but if you must that is probably the best thing to do. just make sure you take enough to start which will kill the cravings and also the sickness.
Disagree with the above-- I had a rather large habit and I'm completely stable on sub -- usually dosing 1mg 2x a day. Sometimes I take 3mg/day, but never more.
Disagree with the above-- I had a rather large habit and I'm completely stable on sub -- usually dosing 1mg 2x a day. Sometimes I take 3mg/day, but never more.

Is that where you started right at induction, or did you have to work down?
Disagree with the above-- I had a rather large habit and I'm completely stable on sub -- usually dosing 1mg 2x a day. Sometimes I take 3mg/day, but never more.

what is your large habit? and did you start off on that? gotta realize that when you are first introduced to to bupe its a mind game; you are usually 200MG+ of opana and then someone tells you to take 1-2MG of bupe, what are you going to think? also, if you were taking 1-3MG daily, then I dont know how you do it; I was usually 2G's of dope daily and by the time I got down to 4MG the cravings came, it was no longer a blocker, and it was right back to the bad stuff.

yes, each person is different and will react different, but if he has easy access then he should play it safe. I mention that I dropped quickly and thought everything would be OK, but the idea is to start w/ a dosage that has you MIND CONVINCED is working to your advantage; once that happens you start to realize you need less and less; I always found that 8MG was enough for a heavy user, but that was after using bupe for quite sometime.

w/ 1-3MG I would take in the AM and shoot dope in the PM -- thats NOT what you want. again, this is ME, not everyone. but I can assure you that such small dosage is NOT PROTECTING YOU FOR A WHOLE DAY; esp. tho w/ a fast metabolism.

what were you taking before? what is a large habit and what was your drug?
I'm such a pussy. I can't even get through 24 hours of withdrawal from opana in order to start the subs. Hell, I can't even make it 12 hours. At the first sign of withdrawal, I cave. How the hell did all of you stay strong and get to the point where it was safe to take the subs without fear of precipitated w/d's?

You definitely don't have to wait 24 hours.
When I first got off opiates and on to sub, it was like... 10 hours since last dosage.

As soon as you start feeling shitty you're good to take sub. You don't have to wait 24 hours. Who told you that?
You definitely don't have to wait 24 hours.
When I first got off opiates and on to sub, it was like... 10 hours since last dosage.

As soon as you start feeling shitty you're good to take sub. You don't have to wait 24 hours. Who told you that?

each person is different; I was much like you, and would only wait 8-12hrs TOPS, and then take my first and be fine. other people I have heard, and even seen w/ my own two eyes, go into withdrawals around the 24HR mark since their last use. but again, this is solely dependent on the person. yea, if you want to play it safe wait the 24+ hrs and wait for withdrawals, but when I was doing it myself I wouldnt even need to go into withdrawal and could take a sub 8-12hrs later and be fine and feel fine the next day w/o dope or anything.

everyone is different, you can take the risk and play the game and find out what the best bet is for you. or you can play it real safe and just give it more time and have no worries.
You definitely don't have to wait 24 hours.
When I first got off opiates and on to sub, it was like... 10 hours since last dosage.

As soon as you start feeling shitty you're good to take sub. You don't have to wait 24 hours. Who told you that?

Yeah, I had made the mistake of reading a precipitated w/d thread and was freaked. I ended up waiting 13 hours and was fine.
Yeah, I had made the mistake of reading a precipitated w/d thread and was freaked. I ended up waiting 13 hours and was fine.
I'm glad to hear we helped you get onto Suboxone finally:D sometimes reading what can go wrong just freaks us out and doesn't do us any good.
I'm glad to hear we helped you get onto Suboxone finally:D sometimes reading what can go wrong just freaks us out and doesn't do us any good.

Yes sir, the posters here have been a huge help! I'm glad to have made the step, but now is the hard part of staying on it :)
It gets easier with time my friend just give it a chance and you will discover a whole new lifestyle you never thought possible whether you stay on it or taper off quickly.
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It gets easier with time my friend just give it a chance and you will discover a whole new lifestyle by u never thought possible whether you stay on it or taper off quickly.

right here, man. I wish I never fucked up and try to "recover" to quickly w/ my suboxone; I thought I had it beat and kept slipping cuz I was dropping too fast and thinking I knew it all, but, of course, I didnt, then dope was back full time. I tried to get back on the bupe but they wanted me to start from scratch, get on a program, go to these classes/meetings and shit, blah blah, but I was too busy w/ work and whatnot, so I just hit the methadone clinic instead. it still helps a lot, but a pain in the butt cuz I gotta go EVERY DAMN DAY!
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