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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ & Megathread v3; 2010 - 2022

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It was probably just better quality H than you're used to.

Because no, suboxone doesn't lower your tolerance. If anything, depending on your dose it increases tolerance. I was sniffing 12-15 bags a day when i went on suboxone. A year later i could IV 10 bags in 1 shot.

The only active ingredient in suboxone is basically buprenorphine which is a very potent although strangely acting opioid. *Technically* the nalaxone is active but the bupe is so strong it more or less renders it useless for all intents and purposes.
Listening to Libra may turn out to be a huge mistake. Please wait until you're withdrawing before you take any, and if you do then start with small (~1mg) doses. Increase another ~1mg every 15-30 minutes until you don't feel sick.

If I'm wrong, I will take full responsibility. However, I AM with an experienced Sub doctor and I was told only to wait 12-14 hours. Additionally, I speak from experience.... something that MOST doctors cannot do. Sometimes the advice of random addicts is better than any advice a doctor could give you.

Besides, a couple of us have done the same thing and we've been fine. Plus the dude said he was going to wait 19 hours and then take 1 mg. Please, he's not gonna get sick.
If I'm wrong, I will take full responsibility. However, I AM with an experienced Sub doctor and I was told only to wait 12-14 hours. Additionally, I speak from experience.... something that MOST doctors cannot do. Sometimes the advice of random addicts is better than any advice a doctor could give you.

Besides, a couple of us have done the same thing and we've been fine. Plus the dude said he was going to wait 19 hours and then take 1 mg. Please, he's not gonna get sick.


I'd be willing to bet that you could dose suboxone 45 minutes after dosing heroin in this sort of situation and be absolutely fine, considering i have done it within an hour and a half after dosing heroin which isn't much longer.
Hey, my Subutex Doctor said wait 12 hours also. I took heroin at like 10pm, and then got my script at 12pm the next day, and I was not even in WD, but took the Subutex, and was absolutely fine.

So, he knows what he's talking about, fo realz.
Exactly, because you were being prescribed suboxone and not using heroin daily.

Using heroin daily and dosing suboxone that soon on the other hand WILL cause P/W. But there is a BIG difference between this and dosing heroin once or twice between a daily maintenance dose of bupe.
Just wanted to update. Saw my doctor today and explained to her that I want to taper much slower than she suggested on our last visit and she was totally cool about it. :) She told me to take my time and go as slow as I needed.

This week I've been trying to taper from 6mg a day down to 4mg and I'm actually experiencing quite a bit of discomfort... nothing I can't handle but its more than I expected after having read through so many others experiences here on BL. Most people seem to say they experienced very little wds until they got under 1mg/day. This concern me a bit but I figure worrying about it now does me no good. I just need to take this day by day.

I need to start excersizing. Doctor recommended it for the endorphins and health benefits. I've noticed I'm beginning to gain unnecessary weight now that I'm eating like a normal human as opposed to surviving on a junkie's diet.
definitely ^ ^

When I had no access to bluelight in 03' and was BAD on heroin... I took 2 suboxones not really knowing anythign about them, but I was told it would hold me over... it put me in P/W and my brain felt like it was getting zapped for like 3 hours straight, then i got 3 bags, sniffed them and felt normal. No buzz, but normal thank god.
Just wanted to update. Saw my doctor today and explained to her that I want to taper much slower than she suggested on our last visit and she was totally cool about it. :) She told me to take my time and go as slow as I needed.

This week I've been trying to taper from 6mg a day down to 4mg and I'm actually experiencing quite a bit of discomfort... nothing I can't handle but its more than I expected after having read through so many others experiences here on BL. Most people seem to say they experienced very little wds until they got under 1mg/day. This concern me a bit but I figure worrying about it now does me no good. I just need to take this day by day.

I need to start excersizing. Doctor recommended it for the endorphins and health benefits. I've noticed I'm beginning to gain unnecessary weight now that I'm eating like a normal human as opposed to surviving on a junkie's diet.

Definitely go slower. Dropping 2mgs in a week is a bit fast. Try dropping 1mg every 2-4 weeks depending on how you respond. ;)

And with the weight/exercise you're absolutely correct! Exercise is one of the best tools to combat withdrawals. And if it wasn't for living at my girlfriends aunts house where i get proper meals i'd be gaining a bunch of weight too. I am as it is even with exercise, but probably because im not doing any cardio other than what i get from rock climbing. Luckily i've only gained like 10 pounds, a lot of which is probably muscle.
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Guys what I really wana kno , is what where truly looking for , how do to destract yourself from feeling blank on subs and not relapsing , 1 day I snapped after getting sik of wasting my money and on a quick note decided to try the subs , they work great, I'm tapering of because I heard it's probably best that way rather then long term , I'm also trying to quit before I fall deeper into opiates like H. I've been climbing that ladder party drugs,perks, OCD , n not I'm trying to quit my will power is there but I jus sit on the couch all day unless I'm at the gym which is only 2-3 hours max,my question is how do you control your craving my doc really recommended narcotic annonymous , but like there's times I feel like throughong everything away career bright future 23 years old paving entrepranuer. I've been up all night craving. Suggestion and help plz muah
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^This type of question is really better suited for The Dark Side forum. I would search around because there are lots of threads discussing this topic.

This thread is really for discussion more specific to Buprenorphine itself so we try to keep discussion focused on that... direct harm reduction information regarding suboxone.

I'm studying addiction counseling so I'm well versed in various options to help people deal with chemical dependency so if you'd like to discuss it some time, feel free to private message me.
so...I took 2mgs at 19hrs(7am) and was fine...so I then toook 2 more mg's a half hour later and was also fine....nice. So, I can just resume my normal sub doses from here I would assume? thanks everyone for the info/help.
So SWIM gotten sick of Sub withdrawal. SWIM really want to get off of it. SWIM tried cold turkey 3 or 4 times in the passed year.

So SWIM new method. When SWIM feel really shitty. Take a few hits of cr4ck.
It's been working real well so far. SWIM let you know how it goes.
For SWIM, sub withdrawal is way worse than cr4ck withdrawal.
It keeps SWIM on the level for about 8 hours?
A few hits a day, keeps the sub away! Just SWIM 2 cents.
Getting off sub?
Replacement therapy, SWIM success story.
SWIM would get powder, but SWIM can't find any. So whatever.
Tried some vitC powder to reconvert, it was worth a shot. Worked ok...
Just be smart SWIM guess. Don't fall into a different addiction..

SWIM wishes everyone good luck with getting off of sub!
Using SWIM is not cool here and highly discouraged in the forum rules
so...I took 2mgs at 19hrs(7am) and was fine...so I then toook 2 more mg's a half hour later and was also fine....nice. So, I can just resume my normal sub doses from here I would assume? thanks everyone for the info/help.

Absolutely, and glad to hear it went well. :)

Of course if you feel fine, is there really a need to increase back up to your usual dose? If it were me i would stay at whatever dose made me feel normal. No reason to go higher than you need when thinking about the long run.
Absolutely, and glad to hear it went well. :)

Of course if you feel fine, is there really a need to increase back up to your usual dose? If it were me i would stay at whatever dose made me feel normal. No reason to go higher than you need when thinking about the long run.

good point....I was taking 16 mg a day..which really was way too much. Its not like It was making me high...so no idea whhy I was taking so much....I think it was more of a "just to take something" part of my addiction......anyway, your right....Im gonna take only 8mgs for the next few days & see how that goes...Im thinking it will be fine. thanks.
^ imo, and in the opinion of many other BL'ers, 8 mg is the maximum dose that anyone should be taking anyways......you most likely would not receive any other beneficial effects, if you take anymore.......dont go over 8, and maybe you can even taper lower soon......
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^It really depends why you're taking it exactly.

Few will get any stronger EFFECTS above 4-8mg but it will produce a stronger and longer lasting blockade which is beneficial for some and one of the reasons many doctors prescribe these doses.
i love taking low-ish (1-2mg) dose bupe daily for maintenance, it works great.. but i did read in a thread from a while ago when jasoncrest and others were debating on the "ideal" dose for bupe and what they said pretty much summed up to:
anything over 8mg=less is more, and anything under 8mg=more is more..

i personally and respectfully disagree because i get great effects at 1-2mg/day rather than 8mg
and there are many others on this site who get better effects as they lower their dose.
but i just figured i would throw that out here and see what discussion it can create.
^ i agree, i am very happy at anywhere between 0.5mg to 2mg per day........
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