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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ & Megathread v3; 2010 - 2022

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^Alright guys this is EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

The suboxone mega thread is NOT here for socializing and support; its here so that people can access the most comprehensive information about buprenorphine in one place. The OD staff is looking at ways to address these issues in the most beneficial manner but things continuing in this vein is probably one option that will not happen.

If you have suggestions on ways to address this or what you would like to see done, please private message myself and/or other OD staff.
It took me the better part of a year to get over PAWS and then taper down on buprenorphine.

Thank you! It is difficult for me to go to sleep and not wake up in pain, so I am trying to sleep as little as possible.

I have temporarily raised my dose to 0.1 mg per dose; I have been getting better pain relief this way.

The PAWS from switching heroin > suboxone? Or the PAWS from tapering suboxone? Either way good luck with whatever happened.

Maybe, I haven't overdone it in a while. Urinary retention is common on most opiates. I think feeling aches is normal too from what I remember about recreational use of opiates in general.

Yeah, I used to get mild withdrawal symptoms like feeling extremely sore after over doing it for a day or two, but before i was completely physically dependent. The kidney pain he mentioned though, i don't think that's normal.

One of those days, i went down from my car to meet our 1st serious dealer, who od'd a few years later, and my body was aching and he could see it and said "you're tired huh!" with a

Serious dealers don't use. ;)

I understand the motivation but my impetus for making that comment came more so from the context of repeatedly talking with people who post suboxone threads outside of here because they can't find the information they want without spending 90 minutes sifting through the lengthy, personal, off-topic discussion in here.

I can understand having a place for that but it becomes problematic when it impedes the original purpose of this thread- having a singular location for people to find information on and ask questions about the use of buprenorphine.
^Alright guys this is EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

The suboxone mega thread is NOT here for socializing and support; its here so that people can access the most comprehensive information about buprenorphine in one place. The OD staff is looking at ways to address these issues in the most beneficial manner but things continuing in this vein is probably one option that will not happen.

If you have suggestions on ways to address this or what you would like to see done, please private message myself and/or other OD staff.

To bad there's no OD Social, 8)
but i guess i just shouldn't even go there. Not here/now anyway.. Or ever. :|

Anyway, almost a week since jumping off bupe to kratom.. again. Definitely over the hump, this morning i felt the best by far out of any morning so far. Hardly any withdrawal. The feeling hot/mild sweating is gone, the only thing left is the mild skin crawling, most likely a feeling caused by mild restless limbs or something. Not enough to make me flail/kick but enough to bother me a bit. The clonidine i take at night helps enough to allow sleep though. So im doing pretty good. Was considering going to get a new gabapentin scrip until i woke up this morning, it wouldn't hurt but i don't think i need it anymore. May as well save the money.
^Since I posted the last message, a few of the OD staff have been discussing possible ways to proceed. I think we're close to finding a happy medium :)
To bad there's no OD Social, 8)
but i guess i just shouldn't even go there. Not here/now anyway.. Or ever. :|

As cane mentioned, the need for support-based social discussion regarding individual progress, addiction, etc is being addressed.

Beyond that, theres The Lounge.
Looks like i was right, I'm definitely over the hump. When i woke up this morning i felt the best that i have so far since jumping from suboxone to kratom again, and that's held true all day so it wasn't a fluke. I still feel a lot better than i felt last night and i haven't taken my second dose of kratom yet today. Plus i definitely have enough to last at least the full 3 weeks because i've only used about a third of what i originally had if that. I'm definitely feeling a lot better about the jump this time around.

And in response to the posts above me - PM's and private messaging programs aren't even remotely similar to a general support and other drugs social thread, and the lounge is specifically for NON drug related discussion. It's just a fact that there is no where on this website for the sort of off topic discussion that goes on in this thread and the other megathreads. None of which is thread worthy on it's own and all of which gets bitched at for being posted in a megathread.

Was the first part of my post even legal for this thread technically? Are any of my updates?
in response to your post, putting it quite blunt - we run the forum and we've never intentionally facilitated any thread willingly or knowingly. our rules, like it or lump it.

you can say exactly what you do through pm's as you do in this thread.

and continuing on without sounding too much like a prick who is going through a forced taper at the moment, OD is our home too and we come here for information, not support. this forum has never been focused around support through progress (like TDS) - there are other more specific forums that cater to this. OD is harm reduction first and foremost, not a social forum.

it's fantastic we're able to build a community feeling to the Forum but turning this place into a social outlet only waters down everything, making it even harder than it already can be to search for information we're after. i don't like the idea of having to sift through a mega thread-cum-social for information:\

within 24-48 hours we should know whether we're going to open the thread that was proposed. not all of us have shown up yet to say ya or nay and put our heads together. it looks like it may go ahead. whether it's successful lies in the hands of everyone who participates in it, ie - following the aim of the thread stated in the initial post. not turning it into a social.

there won't be any reason to retroactively enforce the new threads rules if it is implemented but please listen to what we're saying and don't keep posting your updates against our wishes. we don't want to hand out warnings and infractions for something so trivial. we've asked nicely:)
and for your convenience, in a few steps you can too be a search engine jedi


at the top of page, when in a thread, there's the option to search within a thread. click the drop down menu hit the advanced search.


option a - search for keywords
option b - search for a specific poster

you can even mix and match; search for a specific phrase by a member to help you find a post you remember reading.

edit - btw i was having trouble spelling consequential :(
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ok, so we're going to go ahead and open the proposed thread we have been discussion behind the curtains today.

cane took the initiative of drafting up said thread up so a big thanks to him for taking the time and effort.

said thread can be found here - OD Progress Thread - community discussion

this means all the offtopic posts updating on your recovery progress are to stop now, along with all the other off topic discussion. progress reports can be placed in the new thread. we will be unallowing any off topic posts we see and merging any worthwhile discussion in there.

if you're a serial repeater and don't adhere to these easy to follow instructions then expect a pm formal warning followed by infractions. this post is warning enough.
It's been almost a month for me on sub treatment. Going well.

I was wondering if any of you have experience ingesting codeine in it's various forms, while on a somewhat high dose of buprenorphine (16mg/day)?

I've tried searching the forum, and it seems like it won't cause problems, as long as it is taken responsibly and well-informed, but is it even worth taking it? And what dose should one aim for in order to experience recreational effects?

All the best to everyone!
It's been almost a month for me on sub treatment. Going well.

I was wondering if any of you have experience ingesting codeine in it's various forms, while on a somewhat high dose of buprenorphine (16mg/day)?

I've tried searching the forum, and it seems like it won't cause problems, as long as it is taken responsibly and well-informed, but is it even worth taking it? And what dose should one aim for in order to experience recreational effects?

All the best to everyone!

You would be more successful at feeling the codeine if you took less bupe for 2-3 days beforehand. I have no experience at that dose of bupe, sorry.
When it comes to bupe how does it interact with uppers? I mean I am a rec user when it comes to bupe. But I usually use it with Vailum or Alprazolam. I tried the diph method but I had a bad reaction with it. And with a fluttering ventral and high BP I didnt even want to try combing bupe with an upper like coke or amphet's with out seeing if any one had any insight on the combos. Im not looking for advice on getting high. Ive made that choice on my own, I was simply wondering if any one had any info on the interactions of bupe with uppers. Or if it would simply cancle one or the other out? thanks ahead.
When it comes to bupe how does it interact with uppers? I mean I am a rec user when it comes to bupe. But I usually use it with Vailum or Alprazolam. I tried the diph method but I had a bad reaction with it. And with a fluttering ventral and high BP I didnt even want to try combing bupe with an upper like coke or amphet's with out seeing if any one had any insight on the combos. Im not looking for advice on getting high. Ive made that choice on my own, I was simply wondering if any one had any info on the interactions of bupe with uppers. Or if it would simply cancle one or the other out? thanks ahead.

I have IV'd buprenorphine with cocaine, and I have also taken d-amp orally along with IV buprenorphine, as well as IVing meth and buprenorphine together.

It all worked well for me, although I heavily prefer d-methamp and d-amp to cocaine, ROA being irrelevant.

If you are trying to keep it pleasant, keep your buprenorphine dose low and take a moderate dose of amphetamine (I would say an oral dosage of 5mg to 10mg of d-amp depending on how sensitive you are to it).
I recommend staying on the low side when it comes to combining amphetamines and opiates, otherwise the dexedrine just overpowers the warmth of the opiate, buprenorphine may be different however. My experience is limited to the full agonists and kratom. Oral route for both.
Thanks for the help and info guys.

I should have gave a little more detail also. But you guys still nailed it. Thanks.
I am tryin to keep it pleasant and I IV most of my meds as far as ROA goes.
I always keep my bupe dose to 2mg and under, most of the time its 1mg and then .5 every few hours after that levels out till I finish a 2mg subutex. Any thing more than that it affects my other opiate use for weeks and doesnt provide a decent high like lower doses.
And I was thinking of maybe mephedron or d-amph since I have the two on hand and am confident in my dose with em and the quality of the ones I have. I also have methylone but I have never used IV'ed it before and the source is new and the product doesnt seem the cleanest.
@El Capitano: Sounds reasonable, but I am curious about dosing codeine without reducing or otherwise tampering with the amount of subs in my system. The reason being that I occasionally have a little urge to get high, and just as that urge peaked recently, I was offered some codeine tablets from a friend. However, the urge has passed, and I didn't respond to the offer. But if the time and place come around again, I would like to have a little more info at hand, so that I can handle the situation with utmost responsibility. I won't lie, even though I'm doing sub therapy to get off heroin and opiates for good, I still have a little devil inside of me that wants some lovin' through opiate administration. I know it's stupid to relapse, but if I am going to let my μ-opioid receptors have a little feast, I'm better off fooling around with codeine than, for example, morphine or heroin. I do not expect to compromise my sub doses and dosing schedule, in order to get more effect out of another opiate, I am just looking to supplement the bupe effects with a little sugar. Thus, I am still hungry for info on the bupe + codeine combo... and any stories about experiences, dosage, effects, etc. with the two are much appreciated.
@El Capitano: Sounds reasonable, but I am curious about dosing codeine without reducing or otherwise tampering with the amount of subs in my system. The reason being that I occasionally have a little urge to get high, and just as that urge peaked recently, I was offered some codeine tablets from a friend. However, the urge has passed, and I didn't respond to the offer. But if the time and place come around again, I would like to have a little more info at hand, so that I can handle the situation with utmost responsibility. I won't lie, even though I'm doing sub therapy to get off heroin and opiates for good, I still have a little devil inside of me that wants some lovin' through opiate administration. I know it's stupid to relapse, but if I am going to let my μ-opioid receptors have a little feast, I'm better off fooling around with codeine than, for example, morphine or heroin. I do not expect to compromise my sub doses and dosing schedule, in order to get more effect out of another opiate, I am just looking to supplement the bupe effects with a little sugar. Thus, I am still hungry for info on the bupe + codeine combo... and any stories about experiences, dosage, effects, etc. with the two are much appreciated.

If that is the case, I would save the codeine for a rainy day; you never know when you will one day be in severe pain. I learned this the hard way when I fell recently.

Just a thought though. Some people report feeling whatever full agonist they are using (typically isn't codeine) while on a 16mg Suboxone dose, however, everyone is unique and I'm not sure how you would personally respond to it.
How Long does IV Bupe last you?

When I was taking them SUB-L @ 4mg when I woke up and 4mg about 7pm. I had no cravings or thoughts of bupe during that 12+ hr period. A shot... whether mixed with hydroxyzine/doxylamine/diphenhydramine or not will last me about 3 MAYBE 4 hrs. I am beginning to think about IMing my doses, as mentioned in another thread. Anyways, how long does IV Bupe last you?! How many times are you diving in a day/how much?
it lasts me all day even at doses as low as .25, but my tolerance has gone down drastically i used to shoot 3 bundles of high quality numba 4 heroin. after staying away for 2 months i shoot bupe on occasion and it feels pretty damn good and definately keeps my mind off of dope the whole day. i also take hydroxyzine orally with it, people shoot antihistamines?? i feel like less is more w. bupe, in other countries other than the Us they come in .2 pills! towards the end of my heroin run a shot of 2mgs didnt even get me unsick, but when my tolerance was moderate i had to shoot it 3-4 times throughout the day too feel "okay".
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