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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ & Megathread v3; 2010 - 2022

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yes, some of us are stupid enough to iv anti-histamines. i shoot bupe with diphenhydramine, i can usually get by on one shot a day but sometimes i need two. i usually shoot less than 1 mg at a time.
i don't know why a shot of bupe would only last you a few hours- are you sure it isn't a psychological thing, like just a craving to inject?
I was crazy dope sick last night, couldn't sleep. Did 2mg of Bupe IV at around midnight. It's 5pm now and I still feel fine. So I'm almost on 18 hours and still feeling good. I normally only do 1mg and it usually holds me for 12-24 hours depending on hope much dope I had been doing before I got sick.
I don't know where to post this with all these rules rear ranging, bit if it's been answered sum where I'm sry , I've been using a opiate addict 160 mg a day for a year, and I user suboxone for short period for a month started at 4 ml weened down to 0.5 been off it for al3 weeks, how long would minor sub withdrawl last?
got a weird question ive been wondering about for a while. can sub block natural endorphins released during orgasm? when i was taking it everyday, and even when i just take it occasionally, i dont feel near the same amount of "euphoria" and relaxation i do normally when i blow a load.
It's been almost a month for me on sub treatment. Going well.

I was wondering if any of you have experience ingesting codeine in it's various forms, while on a somewhat high dose of buprenorphine (16mg/day)?

I've tried searching the forum, and it seems like it won't cause problems, as long as it is taken responsibly and well-informed, but is it even worth taking it? And what dose should one aim for in order to experience recreational effects?

All the best to everyone!

If your treatment is going well you are probably better not throwing spanner in the works by trying to get high.
Having said that, I am on 8mg a day and I did try taking large doses of codeine a while back, for similar reasons as you describe (ie. Wanting a little high but not wanting to go down the route of heroin or similar for fear of getting back into it. Also codeine is OTC in UK so easy to get without visiting dealers).
So, firstly I missed a dose in the morning. I found that by that evening 300mg of codeine would hold off the wd's that were starting but no high at all. By the next morning (48 hrs after last bupe) I could faintly feel codiene but very unsatisfying. By that evening much the same. Its like it was working but a large section of effects was missing. None of the warm bodily feeling was getting through. By the following morning I just thought ''fuck this'' and got back on my normal dose of subutex with no ill effects.
My history is as IV smack user since the 90's but more recently just smoked. Been on and off recent years, and always found codeine, while weak, would give me a bit of pleasant feeling for an hour or two if I took enough.
Basicaly the blockade from the sub stopped it from being worthwhile, I must of took over 1000mg over that second day and got nothing but a stomach ache.
Since you are on double the dose I am you need to add one half life ie. 36 hours. I Dont reckon I could get proper high for three days at least even off heroin. That s the whole point of bupe. Its fiendishly clever really. I can't stop taking it cos i'm addicted. But I can't take any other opiate while on it. It even seems to block pleasant effects of alcohol. Like a lot of on off opiate users I used to drink to try and replicate the high. But when on bupe booze just doesn't have same effect. Anyone else notice this?
Anyway mate you aint gonna get anything off codeine on 16mg a day. Stick to the programme. Its really given me my life back. Drugs have wrecked my adult life. For first time I am living a relatively normal life without constantly seeking a high.
NEW Bupe Taper

What a great place. I have been reading everyones posts, and I mean EVERYONE- JamesBrown, Capt. H, Pegasus, the list is endless. You guys are chemical geniuses. Even though my sponsor says " isn't it funny how ONLY other addicts say how smart other addicts are" I truly believe it . Thanks guys-Now, w that being said here is my deal .. I am finally ready to taper off of suboxone/subutex> I have been on it for close to 5 years after a 10 year run with booze and my old beloved percocet> I have managed to taper down to 2-3 mgs. daily and w/ the help of anothe party doing the daily handing out of meds, a blind taper i guess, I am planning on dropping small doses .2 to .3 every 10 days until I am at or around 0.25 at which point I am planning on stopping "jumping" and using a SAO ( ultram, a few vikes) for around 21 days after the first 3-5 days of cold turkey withdrawal. I need to know if guys who have done this believe it will soften the blow, if not a lot, at least a little so that I will be able to continue to function as I have my own company and am unable to spend 4-5 months absent. I have felt the pain of opiate withdrawal MANY MANY times and I fully am aware of the risk I am taking in switching to SAO's so I guess my questions are .. is 21 days long enough to escape some of the acute withdrawals ( not the PAWS I know) and am I tapering too rapidly . I searched all over the internet for people who have tried the switch to little avail. I have zero desire to return to percs etc. although i know the switch in my head very well may go off.I am actually better prepared to withdraw from sao's ( briefer) than from bupe at this juncture . I have no idea if I am posting in the right section or if any one will even respond but if anyone does, I cannot express in words how grateful I would be . God speeed
Q: I'm thinking about switching from methadone to bupe. At what methadone dose should I be when I switch?
A: Most places recommend being at 30-40mgs of methadone when switching. That may be hard to achieve since that level is lower than the recommended therapeutic maintenance level. Also, you'd have to wait at the very least 36-48 hours before your last methadone dose to switch in order to avoid precipitated withdrawal.

I think the wording on this wrong. Shouldn't you wait 36-48 hours AFTER your last dose to switch? I want to make sure I get this right since I'm planning on doing this. Also, I hear you should wait more like a week instead of just two days, but I guess it depends on your dose.

And when you say wait X hours after your last dose, specifically, that means the clock starts ticking as soon as you dose, right? So if I dose at 30mg at 9am on Monday, I should wait until 9am on Wednesday to take a sub? Or does it start ticking after it's out of your system?

EDIT: Also, http://www.buprenorphine.samhsa.gov/Bup Guidelines.pdf is 404'd.

Also, does anyone know if CMSP covers Suboxone?
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When I was taking them SUB-L @ 4mg when I woke up and 4mg about 7pm. I had no cravings or thoughts of bupe during that 12+ hr period. A shot... whether mixed with hydroxyzine/doxylamine/diphenhydramine or not will last me about 3 MAYBE 4 hrs. I am beginning to think about IMing my doses, as mentioned in another thread. Anyways, how long does IV Bupe last you?! How many times are you diving in a day/how much?

When I was IVing Bupe I was on a pretty low dose a day, 4-6mg/day about 1-2mg/per shot.
And like you I felt after a couple of hours that I needed another shot, its a very psychological thing, you aren't really going to loose effect ok. It is in fact your brain reminding itself of that partly delusional feeling you get after a shot of Bupe - that little mood stabilizing feeling.

Anyway. There is no magical thing to do about this other than accept it and learn to cope with that feeling or do more shots.
I do not IV bupe anymore, its just isn't a good idea no matter how you look at it.

Me and my doc upped my dose to 24mg from 16 yesterday and it holds me a little better than 16mg.

By the way, someone wrote that they wanted to go off of Methadone and start with Bupe, may I ask why you feel commited to a change?

By the way, someone wrote that they wanted to go off of Methadone and start with Bupe, may I ask why you feel commited to a change?

Yes. I'm planning on quitting methadone to get on bupe. My methadone clinic is too expensive for me and isn't covered, but my insurance will (hopefully) cover suboxone. Either way, I'm tired of living my life around being addicted to substances. I want to get off methadone, and from what I understand, a suboxone taper is the best way to go over the course of a month or so, instead of going cold turkey and going through hell.
When I was IVing Bupe I was on a pretty low dose a day, 4-6mg/day about 1-2mg/per shot.
And like you I felt after a couple of hours that I needed another shot, its a very psychological thing, you aren't really going to loose effect ok. It is in fact your brain reminding itself of that partly delusional feeling you get after a shot of Bupe - that little mood stabilizing feeling.

Anyway. There is no magical thing to do about this other than accept it and learn to cope with that feeling or do more shots.
I do not IV bupe anymore, its just isn't a good idea no matter how you look at it.

Me and my doc upped my dose to 24mg from 16 yesterday and it holds me a little better than 16mg.

By the way, someone wrote that they wanted to go off of Methadone and start with Bupe, may I ask why you feel commited to a change?


Did you honestly feel a difference between 16 and 24? I know many, including myself, who didn't feel any difference when lowering our doses from 10/12 mgs to 1-2 mgs. You're saying "holding" you better, was 16 mgs not "holding" you well?! Just curious here
Does any one who can answer my question help me, I've been an opiate user 160mg day for a year , been on the suboxone for a month weening down as doctor directed 1
2mg-0.5mg, it's been a month I've been clean the first week was tuff , thank god I was stuck over seas it might saved me, how long will the withdrawls last, untill u actually start feeling sum sort of stability and satisfaction of being human
When it comes to bupe how does it interact with uppers? I mean I am a rec user when it comes to bupe. But I usually use it with Vailum or Alprazolam. I tried the diph method but I had a bad reaction with it. And with a fluttering ventral and high BP I didnt even want to try combing bupe with an upper like coke or amphet's with out seeing if any one had any insight on the combos. Im not looking for advice on getting high. Ive made that choice on my own, I was simply wondering if any one had any info on the interactions of bupe with uppers. Or if it would simply cancle one or the other out? thanks ahead.

im on suboxone and [used to] use meth too. the meth pretty much overpowered the sub, of course. what i did like though, is when i was coming down from the meth, i would take my sub. it did help somewhat with the comedown.
OK my other posts about the coupon got moved out of here and along with them my questions about shooting up Suboxone.

I haven't done any opiates but suboxone in about 4 months. About 12 hours ago I shot some dope for the first time in months and have since already come down and am getting the first signs of WD. I know I need to wait longer before attempting to inject Suboxone, my question is how long? Also can I try like .1mg to start off with? Will that be enough to test whether or not I'll go into precipitated withdrawals? If I shoot up the .1mg and am fine, can I go for a larger dose like 1mg? I know I've got to use a micron filter. Any other advice is greatly appreciated.
^Most people say about 24 hours but the most precise way is to use the Clinical Opioid Withdrawals Scale (COWS) which can be found and explained here.


And I apologize for the confusion moving posts in and out of here. I personally made a mistake merging a thread in here that deserves its own thread and since removed the related posts into their own thread.
I'm gonna give it a shot. I scored a 12 on that thing and it says anywhere higher than a 5 and you should be fine. It also mentions heroin specifically as not lasting very long. I'll report back my findings. I'm gonna cut off the tiniest piece of a strip and work it up real fast, if I don't go into full blown withdrawals I will work up a little more. I know I'm taking a risk doing this but I've always only waited 3 or 4 hours to take my suboxone after dosing on any opiates.. never had PWD or anything even close, I think my body just gets opiates out of its receptors faster or something. Anyway, brb.
I'm not quite sure what I just felt, lol. I've never injected a cold substance for one, so that was strange feeling in my arm. My blood drew back just fine but kind of suspended itself there for a minute. I then felt like I was about to go into full blown withdrawals as I got super hot all over for a minute, but here I am 2 minutes later and I actually feel pretty good. It was super easy to work up. The hot flash might have just been the rush from the bupe hitting me? I'm not sure, never injected bupe of any kind before. I'm pretty sure I'm good to go though so I'm gonna try a little more.
^It will vary person-to-person of course but the IV bioavailability is about 2.5-3x higher than sublingually ( 35-40% ) and ~2x higher than intranasal ( 50-60% ) so keep this in mind when determining your IV dose.
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