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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ & Megathread v3; 2010 - 2022

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^first, get rid of that doc.
sencond: 'speaking of wizards' = ha ha ha ha!
C: i'm with you on the benefits. if there was a vitamin that did all the things a small sub dose does, would you make sure it was in your diet? i think a lot of people would.
i've always been COLD. The only time i've been this hot was when i was pregnant. i had night sweats, and was always too warm. Now i'm warm all the time, which is o.k. but if i get too hot i tend to get panicky... i think the worst side effect, and i can only link it to the bupe, is that my once mostly clear skin is breaking out. i guess it's because i'm always a little sweaty, almost like that sheen you get from a decent high, and it's clogging my pores. i wonder exactly whats happening chemically to cause the temperature fluctuations. It's been a couple of months on pretty much the same dose, so it looks like the heat is here to stay. @ Industrial Strength, the dose increase was due to a total lack of control while cutting a line. i know there isn't any point in a higher dose, (though sometimes i do feel a jolt, which may be real or may be my brain doing some serious trickery) but as someone mentioned above it may be to combat the bupe boredom. i don't want to come off as ungrateful, because in most ways this drug has given me my life back, but it hasn't changed the thought pattern that got me into a mess in the first place. i have some work of my own to do. i can't expect the bupe to fix everything. Also i have a friend thats into stimulants, which i have been free of for over 8 years, and he's made it known to me that he's into sharing. i would never have considered this previously, not my DOC anymore, but now i find myself actually thinking about it. i guess i really enjoy digging a hole and then trying to climb out. i've haven't caved yet, but i'm scared of the moment of weakness aligning with this particular person hooking up. So stupid! i have to stop thinking of drugs as a way to modify emotions and learn some coping skills of my own. Rant Rant Rant. Sorry. Everyone out there take care. Sorry everyone, this belongs on a different page, didn't bother to quote before giving response, which i should have done. If you've been keeping up on the thread it makes sense. If not, i sound like a lunatic. Which i am. Again, sorry.
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^first, get rid of that doc.
sencond: 'speaking of wizards' = ha ha ha ha!
C: i'm with you on the benefits. if there was a vitamin that did all the things a small sub dose does, would you make sure it was in your diet? i think a lot of people would.

Well, i'm in Canada atm, and they only have Suboxone here, which i don't really like. Then, i already paid this wizard 150 $ a few months back when i 1st saw him (instead of 100$) He also said "for the reception" what is this "money hungry reception"?!?! So seeing a new one, means a new starting fee!

well....we'll see! and he does look like the white haired wizard in that animated show "Ugly Americans" haha :)

And for the heat, i'v always been hotter than everyone else (pun intended :))
When i was born apparently i got dehydrated and they had to keep me in the "A.C room" and give me fluids
I got your message. I'm feeling pretty good right now. I took the hydroxyzine and trazodone last night and slept like a log (though I was a little groggy for a while). I took about .75 mg of subs today, and I'm all wired.

Here's yet another question for everyone. When I saw my sub doc on Friday, I mentioned that my energy level was pretty low through most of the week (probably from having lowered my dose and getting stable). She said opiates take a toll on one's testosterone levels and that they offer testosterone shots and cream. Does anyone have any experience with/knowledge of this?
I got your message. I'm feeling pretty good right now. I took the hydroxyzine and trazodone last night and slept like a log (though I was a little groggy for a while). I took about .75 mg of subs today, and I'm all wired.

Here's yet another question for everyone. When I saw my sub doc on Friday, I mentioned that my energy level was pretty low through most of the week (probably from having lowered my dose and getting stable). She said opiates take a toll on one's testosterone levels and that they offer testosterone shots and cream. Does anyone have any experience with/knowledge of this?

^^^Never really heard about that
I got your message. I'm feeling pretty good right now. I took the hydroxyzine and trazodone last night and slept like a log (though I was a little groggy for a while). I took about .75 mg of subs today, and I'm all wired.

Here's yet another question for everyone. When I saw my sub doc on Friday, I mentioned that my energy level was pretty low through most of the week (probably from having lowered my dose and getting stable). She said opiates take a toll on one's testosterone levels and that they offer testosterone shots and cream. Does anyone have any experience with/knowledge of this?

This is true. However, after stabilizing on buprenorphine, you should be back to normal.

You should have your levels checked before getting exogenous testosterone; because what is most ideal is a steady, consistent level. If your levels are low and they have been for a while during buprenorphine treatment, then I would consider exogenous testosterone.

Full agonist opiates, specifically methadone, repress your endogenous testosterone levels for sure.
jnicolas1980, glad you're doing okay. Captain.Heroin, your knowledge is always awesome and I appreciate that, learn something new every day.

I have pretty serious depression and usually have no energy level. It sucks. My doctor and I have just started to work on that, as my depression including suicidal ideation has come first. Just saying, it might not be cause of opiates, your general mental health may be a factor - or it may not, checking testosterone levels is a good idea before you start on testosterone therapy, like Captain.H said.

Keep on trucking, you're doing awesome.
Thanks, guys. Yeah, I suppose checking my levels first would make most sense. My problem is I also have an iron deficiency and anemia (low white blood cells, I think). I had an iron infusion two years ago, but I may need another. I need to get everything checked, actually. I used to get blood tests every three or four months, but it's been about six. Need to see my liver enzyme levels as well. I also have an autoimmune disease that affects my liver (sclerosing cholangitis).

I'm thinking of making a graphic with a photo of myself with a diagram showing what's wrong with each part of my body for when I see new doctors. It's a lot to explain.
I'm thinking of making a graphic with a photo of myself with a diagram showing what's wrong with each part of my body for when I see new doctors. It's a lot to explain.

Haha, that's awesome. I feel the same way. Though 90% of it would point to my brain lol

Seriously though, I'm sorry you have to go through all of those medical problems, like I said I have plenty of both mental/physical but the ones that effect me the most are psychological.

I'm going to go to a new GP soon as I hate my current one and my psychiatrist knows her and was in med school with her, and he's absolutely amazing. I figure if I have one I feel comfortable about talking about my conditions and medications with (my GP now blames everything physical wrong with me on the meds I take, which is retarded - I didn't get asthma from medication, and I had it a long time before I was on them), things will be way easier. I realize I'm kind of a time demanding patient, I don't use more time than I need to but everything about my meds etc. needs to be taken into account.
Haha, that's awesome. I feel the same way. Though 90% of it would point to my brain lol

Seriously though, I'm sorry you have to go through all of those medical problems, like I said I have plenty of both mental/physical but the ones that effect me the most are psychological.

I'm going to go to a new GP soon as I hate my current one and my psychiatrist knows her and was in med school with her, and he's absolutely amazing. I figure if I have one I feel comfortable about talking about my conditions and medications with (my GP now blames everything physical wrong with me on the meds I take, which is retarded - I didn't get asthma from medication, and I had it a long time before I was on them), things will be way easier. I realize I'm kind of a time demanding patient, I don't use more time than I need to but everything about my meds etc. needs to be taken into account.

Indeed. I cannot stress enough the importance of a good understanding doctor. The first gastroenterologist I had (the one who diagnosed my Crohn's and PSC) was all doom and gloom. He pretty much told me I'd need a new liver in five years, possibly 10... but that was about 10 years ago, and I'm not even remotely close to that. Motherfucker. Turns out he was trying to make a name for himself as a liver specialist (I receive press releases from his office at the newspaper where I work). After changing doctors, the new one correctly told me I should be paying more attention to the Crohn's, and she was right. I wish I had listened to her a bit more, though. She was very concerned with my weight, and I kinda disregarded it, but I just weighed myself a week ago and got quite a scare when I realized how much weight I'd lost in just a few months (I'm down to about 115, not good for someone over 5'10").

Sorry... rambling. Anyway, I just want to wish you luck with the psychiatrist stuff. I've seen a few over the years, and it's a really tricky thing. I used to suffer severe panic attacks (agoraphobia) and paranoia. No drugs helped, but I found that I eventually learned to overcome it, with a few lifestyle changes. (It's a lot better not being in a band anymore.)

Again, sorry for the length, everyone, but I'm feeling chatty from the subs (and am not yet able to send messages).
I should do that too, that is such a great idea!

Sort of like when a cop gives a kid a doll and asks him to point to where the bad man touch him. Not that I've ever had to do that. Ahem.

By the way, how's your arm doing? It's been about a week now, and you're just taking bupe, right?
Sorry... rambling. Anyway, I just want to wish you luck with the psychiatrist stuff. I've seen a few over the years, and it's a really tricky thing. I used to suffer severe panic attacks (agoraphobia) and paranoia. No drugs helped, but I found that I eventually learned to overcome it, with a few lifestyle changes. (It's a lot better not being in a band anymore.)

Actually, I have a good psychiatrist, just a not a GP. As soon as I said I need a new GP he recognized this doctor he knows from med school. I'm much less worried about my physical problems, but I have IBS and Asthma, hypertension and tachycardia probably related to anxiety and probable thyroid problem that was diagnosed by my old GP but never treated (one example of him being a shitty doctor, obv thyroid problems can cause all kinds of problems especially depression which is very serious for me). I take... 6 psych meds, they definitely help me but there are all kinds of contraindications that make some other medications very dangerous. Luckily I research everything I take anyway so I'm pretty safe. But I certainly don't know more than any kind of halfway decent doctor).

Anyway, psych meds do help like I said but only so much, both me and my psychiatrist know some pill isn't going to fix what's wrong anywhere close to enough. Therapy... and more therapy... and more therapy. But considering how long I've been doing this, I've gotten way better, but it still disables me and once in a while I still have a "crisis" so to speak.

Everything got a lot better when I stopped being dependent on oxycodone and was on suboxone for about 8 months where I weaned myself off by spacing doses out as far as possible. In this way I was still taking 8mg at a time, but only needing to take it about every four days. Your method will work too :) Oxy just doesn't hold me interest anymore except in a compulsive way, like I don't actually enjoy opiates anymore, but I do it once in a while cause I still somewhat have the obsessive thoughts. I'm hoping to stop this completely.
Doesn't even get me high in an enjoyable way anymore, also I'm not willing to step up to H or the needle. I shot oxy my one and only time last March and immediately realized how bad I was fucking up and told my psych/therapist. This is the only part of my use I've ever completely held back from my mom, it would disappoint her a lot. One day though when I am on better footing I will tell her probably.
Doesn't even get me high in an enjoyable way anymore, also I'm not willing to step up to H or the needle. I shot oxy my one and only time last March and immediately realized how bad I was fucking up and told my psych/therapist. This is the only part of my use I've ever completely held back from my mom, it would disappoint her a lot. One day though when I am on better footing I will tell her probably.

My mom has no idea what I've been up to, other than my initial failed attempt at quitting oxy. I didn't know anything about withdrawal, much less Suboxone. I told my mom I was afraid I'd grown dependent on Percocets, which I got from a doctor. (Truth was, I did get those from a doc, but I also got blues from Dr. Feelgood). So I took a week off work and planned to dry up at my parents' house, thinking I'd need them to take care of me. I think I lasted a day and a half before I took my "back up dose" (a couple of Percocets). Then I told my mom I was uncomfortable being at their house and wanted to go home. I actually was uncomfortable being there, but I also wanted to score. She started crying and told me she was scared I was an addict, and would end up like her brother (suicide). That felt bad. I knew I was lying to her and it was wrong, but at the same time, she proved incapable of understanding my situation (that I actually am in pain) so I gave up trying to explain nuances when she only wanted to see things in black and white.

I went home the next day and we never really talked about it after that. This was probably about nine months ago or so. Thank god for Suboxone.
Sort of like when a cop gives a kid a doll and asks him to point to where the bad man touch him. Not that I've ever had to do that. Ahem.

By the way, how's your arm doing? It's been about a week now, and you're just taking bupe, right?

My arm is still in pain but less than the first week. Thanks for asking. :)

I am getting surgery soon.
Blockade effect nonexistant?!

So I am a bit ashamed to say after just three weeks on suboxone I slipped up. A random cat offered me an 8mg dilaudid and for some reason I couldn't refuse.

However, I do not wish to be judged, flamed, told "I abused my treatment", etc...

I was on a steady dose of between 1 and 3mg of bupe a day for three weeks. About 6 hours after taking the bupe I snorted the 8mg of hydromorphone. I got really high. It lasted about 40 minutes of the normal gradually increasing euphoria of dilaudid. It was actually a bit intense.

My questions are:

How did this happen? Any opinions? I assumed I would feel nothing from it...

Would 70mg of methadone be felt, or is dilaudid just a really strong opiate that breaks through? I was thinking maybe only dilaudid would get me that high while on bupe, but am now wondering if that isn't the case after some research on both dillies and dones.

Please let me know what you think!
2mg of bupe isn't enough to occupy most of your opiate receptors. This is why you were able to get high.

-> Suboxone mega thread
I understand this, but I am wondering if dilaudid is particularly effective at shooting through bupe... I know that when trying to achieve an opiate high while on BMT, IV is the best roa. I just snorted this dilaudid (intentionally refrained from IV for fear of a quick downward spiral).

I am wondering if a drug like oc or methadone would have a less pronounced effect... (hypothetically the oc snorted (like the hmorphone) and the methadone taken orally)..

If this is an unanswerable question, I apologize for wasting everyones time, but I thought there might be someone out there that has experimented with this. Perhaps someone who has tested on themselves which drugs, in roughly equivalent doses, are best at breaking through a 2mg or lower bupe dose.
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