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Some crazy bastards just took out the pentagon and some of NY with a plane!

On the news just then there was people in iraq (i am pretty sure it was that country) dancing in the streets because of this attack. Now what the fuck is there go there. How could ya possibly be happy about somthing like that. They almost deserve to be nuked, but that is totally the wrong way to go about things.
Only got 2 1/2 hours sleep last night cus I was glued to the tv (and a certain someone else in need of a hug
) watching the events unfold.
This is utterly insane and it still doesnt feel all that real to me.. What does feel real though is the possibility of WWIII and the global economy going under, both of these are pretty scary thoughts and I certainly hope neither eventuate.
That's all my fried brain can dish out right about now, not that it matters as this will be around for quite some time me thinks. I really hope that what has happened thus far is all that will take place from the terrorists, any further loss of life would exponentially bleakin the out look of a "clean" resolution (i.e avoiding all out war or economic downfall etc).
my $0.02
Deepest, deepest sympathy to all people affected by this tragic situation.
Our hearts sing out in hope, and thought for you all.
After doing a whopper assignment in high school and reading numerous books about Islam, I've come to the conclusion that these people (mid. east muslims in particular) really are SICK F*CKERS.
But please note, I am not a racist person, I just believe that these people are sickeningly fanatical about their religion, and they alone will be the downfall of this world.
Flame me if you will, I will have a response from every angle to back up why I believe Islam is evil, wrong, etc.
I also STRONGLY believe Australia should not allow any of these Afghan refugees into the country full stop. Who's to say they are refugees, I mean, sure there are the honest people that have their heads screwed on and want to leave the shithole they come from, but how many of these psychos are trying to squirm their way into our country in order to spread the filth, and cause more of what we've seen today?
Think about it, if they're obsessed enough to kill themselves for their cause, then spending a few measley months in a refugee camp is nothing.
These people can't be let into our amazing country.
I think of my life as a series of sketches; each one funnier than the last
cAmmAc, you really deserve that flaming, but retribution isn't my thing.
Not all afghans are militants, and even if afghanistan was the source of these attacks civilians should not be bombed. But the us doesn't seem to belive that do they
ec+sta+sy n., pl. +sies. 1. Psychol. overpowering emotion characterised by loss of self-control and sometimes temporary loss of consciousness: often associated with orgasm, religious mysticism, and the use of certain drugs.
"it's war, we're going to war." - Starship Troopers
"""Sure there are better ways to make a point, but with american shells screaming down around your home, obliteration schools and hospitals, whilst your family are randomly sniped off, wouldn't you want some retribution too?"""
Pure bullshit sensationalism, you have NO idea what you are talking about, please don't comment, you sound like an idiot.
been watching the news all day and now matter how many times i see those planes crashing i still cant believe the enormous planning ,time ,money and means that would have went into such an attack as for who is behind it who fucking knows ,we all assummmed the same shit last time the wtc was attacked and last time it was an american so ill leave my views till im sure of who they are ,its just not fucking right is it ,sort of puts alot of things into perspective thou about how easy it is for things to just fuck up and fall apart in just a few hours but i do know this things wont be the same , nostradamus and yet another of his predictions about a world war and a new world enemy in the next few years keeps poping into my head .but things always get worse before they get better i suppose ,i hope my friend is safe and well and am waiting to hear from her ,i hope my girlfriends family are safe in n.y and just like many other people around the world just waiting for the good or more bad news really .
its all wrong.
(() (() (() (() (() (()
The ammount of sensationalism and racist attitudes being peddled by those here I thought I knew better is astounding. Now is not the time for anger, now is the time to resucue the survivors and bury the dead.
They thought it was Arabs that bombed Olklahoma too...
the above replies cover most of it, I think ... I heard an interesting point earlier, though, regarding those 'fuckers' 'dancing in the streets' over the devastation - How many 'middle eastern' lives have been annihilated _by_ americans over the past x years? How much hardship has been inflicted on them by US sanctions, etc? How many battles/'wars' were _instigated_ or at least funded/supplied by militaristic US leaders (of varying descriptions) looking for an excuse to use all of their k00l NeW WeApOnS on 'real' targets? I'm not trying to be callous - the loss of life caused by a tragedy like this is just that; a tragedy - but really, doesn't it seem that if exactly the same thing had happened to a major city with a population of NON-white/'western' people, there wouldn't be 24-hour news coverage of the disaster? [thinks].. violent, politically/religiously motivated loss of life goes on every day across this planet, with perhaps a 10-15 second report on the 'world news'.. this is JUST as tragic as 'ethnic minorities' losing their lives, but somehow if it happens to us it warrants 24/7 coverage... something's not quite right here..
and btw.. how much does vladimir putin (russian leader) look like an eastern-bloc version of jason midro?

[runs/ducks for cover]
[This message has been edited by lsd303 (edited 12 September 2001).]
im wondering about the punishments that are going to be dished out. if the american government decide on a target, i doubt that they will publicly attack it.
the american military may wreak its own justice on many small targets, independent of its government. american people may take it upon themselves to punish ethnic groups in america.
i don't think that we, the public, will ever know who was responsible for this, or if those responsible paid the price. all we'll get to see is the face of the media... and what US intelligence allows us to see through the media.
just personally i beleive in protecting the good of the majority. if some innocents have to die for the good of our world then i see that as an acceptable loss. so i'm inclined to agree with cAmmAc. if a certain group of people can be identified as the main cause of terrorism... action should be taken. although many of them would be affected unjustly... many more of the rest of the world would benefit.
p.s. by the way "arlington road" would b a great movie to see if you haven't already. it will force you to re-evaluate some of what you beleive....
bringing the house down.
Was chattin in irc tonite and someone pasted this into the room... and since no one else in this thread has mentioned it...
"In the City of York there will be a great......collapse, Two twin brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress falls, the great will succumb" , "The third big war will begin when the big city is burning"
- Nostradamus 1555
just a quick post cuz i'm tired!!!
Poverty and humiliation breeds fertile grounds for extremism. Terrorist groups are centred in some of the worlds poorest and dissafected nations.
When the western world punished Germany at the Versailles treaty, shouldering them with the entire war debt and occupying their territory, they created the very conditions that would directly lead to Nazism. The Germans in their stricken state found a leader in the charasmatic Hitler and his wildly nationalistic ideals. The same follows in the 3rd world. Punished by sanctions from the US, hit by attacks in a war of atrittion, people find a leadership in Islamic extemist groups and solace in the religion they preach. Further attacks will only solidify their hatred and resolve.
If the second world war taught us anything, it was to prevent the conditions that would allow such fundamentalism to develop. It seems that we have not heeded this lesson, and have created another pre 1940's "germany." However this time it is not constrained to one nation, it is diffuse and difficult to combat.
Sadly, the world is sharply devided into those that have plenty, and those that have nothing. Unless this is redressed, expect people with no access to education, no concept of weatlth and freedom to be brainwashed into those offering fundamentalist solutions.
I fear however, this illustration of senseless violence is only going to be met with more of the same. I cannot see terrorism going away, this is not an "Arab" thing. All people if provoked will act.
The world is fucked.
This is a test for humanity; a test of humanity.
Have we even begun to progress past hate and racism? Read this thread, look through the new forum and decide for yourselves.
[This message has been edited by yaya (edited 12 September 2001).]
Nothing makes sense today...or yesterday...I don't normally post here, but I feel like I have to get all this out.....I sit here, with tears running down my face as I have been for the past hours, going nowhere, planted, glued to the TV or computer...I look at pictures of myself in front of, and in the World Trade Center not even 6 months ago....I remeber the feeling of pure amazement, looking upward, not being able to see the ends of the enourmous twin towers and thinking to myself....wow.....
I think of the friends, families and poor victims of this tragedy...The brave firefighters, young and healthy, just like everyone else who died yesterday..DOING THEIR JOBS! I see the innocent, so desperate people jumping for their lives, as not to be burned to death, or crushed.....I remember Tiff, a friend of mine, who just moved back to NYC after graduation, who is missing....I remeber my mom's friend, who was a flight attendant on Flight 11.......and I cry....
Violence, while revenge is one everyones mind, is NOT the answer...but we have to do something.....that something for now, for me, is pray......I'm sorry.....I just had to post.......
"...I really don't mind what happens now and then, as long as you'll be my friend in the end..." -"Kryptonite" Three Doors Down
"cause it's always raining in my head...Forget all the things I SHOULD have said..." Epiphany, Staind
cAmmAc: a whopper assignment in high school
cAmmAc: Flame me if you will, I will have a response from every angle to back up why I believe Islam is evil, wrong, etc.
a) Why is it evil?
b) Can you explain the difference between 'Islam' and Islamic Radicalism/Fundamentalism?
c) Can you tell us why Islamic Fundamentalism arose? (i.e. take time to explain the connection between Zionism and western governments)
d) Did this 'obesssion to kill themselves' not arise from living YEARS in a refugee camps?
e) 'A few measley months' - You realise this is fifty years do you not (referring to Palestine's takeover in 1948)?
f) How are you so sure that this was done by an Islamic Fundamentalist group?
These people can't be let into our amazing country.
I would prefer refugees in and racists like you out.
You are a foolish young high school punk. Now answer all of them or you will look even more silly.
"The trouble with the music industry at the moment is that there are large numbers of twats who take large amounts of cocaine and think they are incredibly wonderful. Making sort of dodgy lifestyle videos, you know...lots of this (gesticulates with hands), lots of mercedes, you know...we should all aspire to it apparantly."
-Thom Yorke introducing Idioteque 9/9/01
Well i dont know if this will get me flamed, but it has ALWAYS been my belief that religion (and differences in religion) is the cause of most of the worlds wars/ attacks today.
Religion (IMO) is outdated!! In most cases it brings lots of societies actions back to the middle ages.
Now im sure there are lots of church goers out there, but they can believe what some book written 2000 years ago says, and i'll beleive what i can see and figure out myself.
BTW - bring on the flames, im not going to get into a religious debate, cause i couldn't give two hoots about religion
or religious debates for that matter.
And to make a point, I am not saying that people can't be religious, its completely up to them, as long as they dont push it on any one else and dont use it as an excuss to break the law. I only heard on TV today an Islamic guy in Australia getting asked
soething like : do you side with the democratic societies you live in and condem any behavior like this
HIs answer : I beleive in what god teaches me and put his teaching/laws above any society's laws.
... This to me seems that he puts "whatever god tells him to do" - (which could be anything, because people seem to read whatever they like into "religious" books) above what the law tells him to do. This is a dangerous thought IMO.
Anyway, this was a horrible stupid act and there in NO excuse for it. Im sure these people who did it were sure they are going to heaven(or where ever it may be) for doing this.
All as i can say is the images of people jumping off the 90th floor of the tower, then these huge symbols of democracy and human achievement ccoming crashing down, will be with us all for a long time.
[This message has been edited by ChEmIcaL_NiGhT (edited 13 September 2001).]
[This message has been edited by ChEmIcaL_NiGhT (edited 13 September 2001).]
I really cant believe some of the sentiments expressed here. Some of the outlandish, unfair and unwarranted racial comments make me sicker than watching the actual bombing itself.
I feel sorry for the majority of the Arab population of this country who have to face this kind of ignorance. Dont any of you realise that the people we have coming to our shores are FLEEING this type of religious extremism.
Obviously you dont judging by some of your illinformed "redneck" attitudes.
Innocent people did not deserve to die. What has happened is a tradegy and the perpitraitors should be punished.
I know many would find the images of Palestinians dancing in the street sickening. I do too. Please try and understand that Bush and Likud have effectively derailed the Middle east peace process and that only a few weeks ago Bush laid the blame for the problems in the Middle East squarely on their shoulders. He told them it was up to them to stop the violence, the US would not help until they did. He boosted military aid to Israel and left the Palestinians completely at fault and without help from a powerful enemy.
Still cant belive this has happened. People try not to take the easy path of hatred.
they probably will just attack the middle east in secret or somthin cause i dunno how they exactly gonna work out who did it.
^Thoth sorry dude your reasoning is falwed. The acts of Germany in World War II where of a nation state under what was for the time considered an act of war (Which is the same as a declaration of war without the actual letter). The US incident was an act of terrorism (Although this may change if found that it had a nation state backing it) by civilians on civilians therefore is a crime. But I'm just picking holes here.
Huh,...What,...Who,....Dude I can't here a fucken word your saying.