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Some crazy bastards just took out the pentagon and some of NY with a plane!

It's understandable for emotions to run high in America so I'm not surprise to hear demands of invading Afghanistan, nukeing etc. However, it's not the end of the world as we know, there is no need to be scared, all men of fighting age are not going to be conscripted.
The people responsible for these dispicable actions will meet the fate they deserve, I can assure you that. America is going to throw a massive amount of money and resources to get to the bring these people of justice. It's a case of when I think.
Simm - whatever the plight which drove these people to do what they did, I don't think they're going to get much sympathy from the rest of the world - it certainly didn't help their cause.
Shut up. If I wanted to listen to an arsehole, I would have farted.
Well, no longer can Americans feel safe in their own country........bit of an eye opener really...........???
[This message has been edited by Pigsney (edited 12 September 2001).]
This will be only post for today.
After absorbing the tragic events that occured in teh US today I have sadness in my heart for the victims and family and friends of the victims. I have anger in my heart for those savages who could think this is a course of action that could ever be taken. I shed a tear this morning something I've only ever done twice in my adult life.
Glowgurlz: Grow up.
Don't flame me, just look at your racist post and think about it.
the attitude of some of u suprises me, especially urs simm, there are better ways of showing the world ur beliefs, than destroying 2, 110 storey buildings and killing god knows how many people. This is one of the biggest tragedies to happen, and for anyone that doesn't agree with what i say, watch some footage of people jumping for their lives from 90 stories up, maybe that will change your mind.
meh...its sad...
some people are just plain FUCKED IN THE HEAD!
[This message has been edited by Hamlet (edited 14 September 2001).]
mdma 3:16
"Do a happy dance, do a happy dance" (Baseketball)
quote of the day there buddy.
you know what they should do......drop a fuckn nuke bumb on arabia.....fuck them... .. why are they wanting war,.......Was it planned to take out our prime minister aswell...................
poss worst comment of the day
airwalk dont worry about the tears mate, happens to all of us. (as time goes by the more pilling you do the more vulnerable to emotion you become. i cry at the drop of a hat these days.)
but today is indeed a special day. many men will cry.
and from me
and then we find out 10 years down the track bin ladum substituted himself and is living on an island with elvis and adolf.
to the person with the rediculous name and racist language....
there are thousands of people trying to legally and illegally leave arab countries every week. from afganistan and the surrounding regions these people are coming to america and australia because they too fear the political and military regiemes that hold power in their homelands. your comments will only insight racism and violence against these innocent people.
there shall only be victims.
there have been no winners.
there will be no trophy.

[This message has been edited by eddi spgeddi (edited 12 September 2001).]
Glowgurlz - it's your racist, close minded attitude that drives such groups to such actions -think before you speak, it's not hard!
My deepest feelings for all concerned, a sad and concerning tragedy
confirmed 800 dead in the pentagon alone. This is a disaster
ps: racism doesn't solve anything. It creates the problems that cause situations like this.
I have never seen anything so shocking as what I saw last night.... images of people hanging out of windows.. jumping out of windows 80 floors up, interviews with injured people and witnesses describing falling bodies and body parts, I cried, I laughed in disbelief. It was horrific and cinematic and..... kaos. Now, watching interviews with Juliani and emergency personel, they are on the verge of tears and are all totally traumatised, Ive never felt so helpless.
Such a waste of innocent human life. All those hundreds of fire fighters and police that were crushed trying to save those that were already trapped or injured....
Those in the planes going to see family or friends.....
Those just at work in the WTC and surrounds....
These people who had nothing to do with the political decisions that their country has made in the past.
Its amazing how this has effected people worldwide. My family knows someone who is a terrorist lecturer at Uni, and has been inundated with calls from nearly every newspaper in Australia in the past 12 hours.
I've been sitting at my g/f house all day watching the CNN broadcast on Foxtel, its not helping my comedown, i can tell you.
Its a sad day.
"We are the children of the revolution"
I'm not sure what you are all thinking, being from Australia but i'm nervous and scared to hell.
I have now been worried the whole day as one of my friends tells me her relatives who are holidaying in New York cannot be contacted and have contacted no one.
What the terrorist scum bags have done is unspeakable and totally incorrigible. I am disgusted and still in shock as to what has happened. For people to say that it was somehow coming, and that America in some way deserved this fate... is unbelievable.
Violence is never the solution.
How many people who have died today had any direct control over what America's government did. Can they be blamed for America's strength? Can they be blamed for being born into that country!
The underlying reason, in my opinion, for the attack is based upon religion. These religious fanatics will destroy this world with their crazy ass beliefs. I'm in no way a xenophobe, but acts like this make me fuckin' scared of the arabs. Acts like this make me wonder if all arab people are like this... if deep down they are just waiting to snap and do something horrible to you.
I understand America's anger cause I feel damn angry now. Maybe I wouldn't go as far as to state genocide is the answer.. but when you are that fantatical and when you are willing to sacrifice your life for the 'will of your God'... then really what is punishment to them. I'm sure all those terrorist scum would be willing to kill their own fuckin' mothers if 'God told them America would suffer.'
I don't know.. sorry i'm just rambling..
To all the people who have been touched by this.. my heart goes out to you.
God or whatever you believe in.. bless your hearts and soul.
my dad woke me at 11pm last night, looking pale and requesting my presence behind the tv... the phone rung a million times. he was at work by 12...
absolutely shocking, completely discusting and unjustifiable. the utter shock was brought on mostly by the many different shots of the airliner crashing in to the second building and both collapsing... the visual images, as the destruction happened have stirred a lot of emotion. the repeated footage of the plane ripping in to the building from different angles never ceased to draw a flinch from any of the auidences i was among today...
i'm sorry for all those who died, it was a senseless loss. but i fail to see america as blameless in this... they've caused a lot of shit in the world, and i'd like to apply the saying "what goes around comes around" to this situation. take for example iraq, iran, afghanistan, syria, palestine, vietnam, chilli... this was definately a huge, unjustifiable attack... but america are not blameless.
wisest is he who knows that he does not know...
I am in such a state of shock and disbelief. This is something that you dont' think about happening and all I wanted all day was to reassure my loved ones that I did love them. I spose what else scares me that people are hinting that this will lead to war and Nostradamus (sp) predictions that when you think about them... relate a lot to what has happened over night.
Scarey Stuff.
let's not let this decend into a slinging match...
Sure there are better ways to make a point, but with american shells screaming down around your home, obliteration schools and hospitals, whilst your family are randomly sniped off, wouldn't you want some retribution too?
No what has been done is definatly not the correct thing to do. Also remeber that no-one knows who did this yet, and that the bin-laden rumors are just bull shit (and thats a fact!)
ec+sta+sy n., pl. +sies. 1. Psychol. overpowering emotion characterised by loss of self-control and sometimes temporary loss of consciousness: often associated with orgasm, religious mysticism, and the use of certain drugs.
"it's war, we're going to war." - Starship Troopers
Hey guys...stay out of the USA attacks forum if you're just going to argue with the USA bluelighters about what should be done etc. Debating about camel fuckers and nuking afghanistan in that forum right now is going to achieve SFA. Emotions are running high right now over there and there are a lot of angry people (justifyably so) so don't go provoking them.
Shut up. If I wanted to listen to an arsehole, I would have farted.
[This message has been edited by nezo (edited 12 September 2001).]
Why oh why does every discussion on bluelight have to end up going off the track? Think! This means an end to peace and our lives as we know them for ALL OF US - this is not just happening to the U.S. Thousands of innocent people have been killed tragically - that along with the fact that this is about TERRORISM not racism; these are the real issues here.
If people on this board have posted something angry and inappropriate then its because they are angry - this is understandable - not a good thing but certainly understandable in the heat of the moment. How people can defend terrorism is completely beyond my comprehension.
Racism doesn't cause terrorism - thats a ridiculous attitude - terrorism is caused by fanatical extremists. The group who committed this unbelievably horrible crime against humanity are evil, pure evil.
Maybe people should look out of their own backyards for 5 minutes - CHOGM is just around the corner - maybe its unlikely that anything will happen here in oz but 24 hours ago your average american would have thought the same thing about their own country.
[This message has been edited by *sunflower* (edited 12 September 2001).]
A scary thought.....
Nostradamus 1654
"In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn
apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb"
"The third big war will begin when the big city is burning"