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Harm Reduction (Social) OD Social v7. ~ I'm a Horse With No Race (Look at my Face)

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She was all over me..what could I do?

lol @ zoey's threesome.
zoey .. you can do the shopping too..
i tried to warn you..i am not wifey material..but you had to have me..

someone plz make me not take a xanax right now..
seriously my anxiety just got crazy w/in the last hour or
and i'm down to one benzo a night..i've been doing really, really good.


Take some deep breaths. Go to a cool room. Think about a place you would want to be right now. Mine is in new braunfels on the shore relaxing. Listening to the leaves rustle from the cool breeze. Then I ease into the crystal clear emerald green water and I can feel it on my body and how good it feels on my head neck back of my knees. I just picture myself floating and the warm sun on my face and how relaxed I am.

Think of relaxing tranquil thoughts in a cool dark room.
Or think about you and me having lots of fun on the dirt bike! :)

You okay token? Hit me up on aim I'll take care of you.

edit: Oh, and token doesn't like cool rooms, she likes the heat.
Sure!! You can do all the cooking and cleaning

Token and I can shop spend all your money and party!!
That's a good threesome to me :p

Zoey, Lil Miss TokenBowls, you can spend all my money and party so long the party's in the master bedroom (of the house I pay for).
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pretty stoned. a dealer tried to sell me "dmt" that "lasts 7 hours and is ilke a mixture of molly shrooms and acid" today. I laughed at her for a good minute before saying "i'll pass"
I hope so too... maybe we should go back to bed with her? I just have so much energy right now I'd probably annoy her with my energy, can you and I take the boat out instead Zoe? ;)
^ Are you always stoned captain? I don't see how you can handle that.
Man had a weird experience with suboxone this afternoon. I took.a dose and about 30 to 45 mins I started to sweat like crazy, got so uncomfortable, etc. well that lasted for 45 mins then all of a sudden I started to feel euphoric. Must have dosed an hour or two to soon after a day of hyesterday.
That's happened to me a good bit on bupe in the past. Perhaps your dose is too high?
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