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Harm Reduction (Social) OD Social v7. ~ I'm a Horse With No Race (Look at my Face)

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I'm pretty much always stoned, and I handle it like a boss. Wiggi how ya doin bro
I hope so too... maybe we should go back to bed with her? I just have so much energy right now I'd probably annoy her with my energy, can you and I take the boat out instead Zoe? ;)

Sure!! I know this great little spot on the river to party at. It's like a outside club. When I went sat I rode on the slide and got a sand burn on my butt. It hurt like a mofo. But it's better now. Let's go!!
what do you mean? plenty of people i know are perpetually stoned and function fine

I spent years being stoned all the time but it just got to a point where mary Jane lost her magic. I just got so damn apathetic about everything too. I don't know a single person that has smoked for an extended amount of time without getting burnt out.
That's happened to me a good bit on bupe in the past. Perhaps your dose is too high?

This, how much did you dose Cloudy?

BFOD, You're such a Cunter, what are you too cool for AIM now?

That goes for all the rest of you too.
Only two mg nasal so not shit. Not to high of a dose, probably just striped the last bit of full agnist off then started doing its job. I took the subs 14 hours after my last shot of h. I feel good now. Just a little sweaty, but I'm not in wd
This, how much did you dose Cloudy?

BFOD, You're such a Cunter, what are you too cool for AIM now?

That goes for all the rest of you too.

what do you mean, i've been online for a few hours, like since i woke up, and you haven't messaged me
Yummy two gin and tonics. Fucking love me some gin And ts
someone plz make me not take a xanax right now..
seriously my anxiety just got crazy w/in the last hour or
and i'm down to one benzo a night..i've been doing really, really good.

Well, at least feel good about the fact you've reduced the amount you are taking. I don't know what triggers your anxiety, but sometimes thinking about what that is, and then rationalizing for me helps me feel better and keeps me from taking benzos I don't want to.

Hope you are feeling better, let us know when you feel up to it.
Looks like you're outnumbered Tri! Any room for another? I've always wanted to be with a naughty nurse!!! :p
Agreed!. Personally I can do pretty much everything fine while stoned and anything involving the right brain funcitons are no issue. But, put a calculus (math) question infront of me that I'd normally complete in 5-10 minutes and I'd most likely stare at it for hours confused on how to start, or fuck up the methods for the equation, even the basic ones.
Goddamn dubstep is being abused by tv commercials now and days. Some real step based on some uk garage, two step, etc kills is but I hate hearing recording of high pitched drills
Goddamn dubstep is being abused by tv commercials now and days. Some real step based on some uk garage, two step, etc kills is but I hate hearing recording of high pitched drills

Seriously... Bugs me too.
Good night OD!! I will see you tomm.

Token I hope your ok. I hope you rest peacefully tonight.

Good night Tricomb!! Take care I hope you sleep well.

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