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so what the fuck are YOU on [currently - if at anything]

Just drank a 12oz 7.2% beer and took 1mg clonazolam. Smoked a couple spliffs and will probably smoke another.
That was fun for about 20 mins. Then I woke up on the couch over 10 hours later a little stupefied for a second. Had to locate a few minor misplaced things in the house. Man, I used to be able to do that. I single beer and one of those pressies would give me powerfully intoxicated but still memorable descent into my bed. I don't think I was active for all that long. It does look like I tried and miserably failed to roll a spliff, and also opened a second beer. Found a full, warm, open beer in the kitchen. Set my glasses down somewhere dumb just to ensure the proper amount of blindness to accompany my confusion when I woke up.
Hasn't taken too long to shake off the cobwebs and now that I have I feel pretty well rested able to work. Interacting with my room mate has been weird. Because I obviously blacked out I don't technically know what he knows about my activities last night, but I don't want him to know I can't remember. Makes for a weird little secret investigation into myself. Don't want them to tip me off on my own investigation I guess.
This clonazolam was from a few years ago when I decided to just say fuck it and get grab bag of different pressed benzos to try. I have come to learn first hand and through reviews from back then that all of the pressed pills were inconsistently dosed. So, 1mg of clonazolam was already going to be whopper for me with a beer and little/no tolerance. But if it was like 1.2mg... well, that is enough of a difference that it could have probably done it.
On the the other hand I drank a couple bottles of hot sake before taking 1 and found the intoxication to be pretty heavy, but manageable. Same tolerance, I will take a benzo here or there but then go days/weeks/months with out taking another. I usually prefer regular etizolam when I do.
Didn't mean to make that a damn trip report.
Currently I'm on my third cup of some strong coffee and about to do a dab
Kratom and diazepam. Going to bed with a zolpidem 10mg. Good night you all.
The benzo hangover is terrible like social anxiety. I ground chronic widow flower and alcohol.
The benzo hangover is terrible like social anxiety. I ground chronic widow flower and alcohol.
I would usually agree with you fully. I have social anxiety and sometimes have to deal with benzo hangovers (not withdrawals though).
This morning was strangely different for me, after i got over that bit of confusion. I think that anxiety has something to do with it, I am usually a grumpy asshat in the morning. This morning my normal hypercritical anxiousness just isn't all up in my face.
I would usually agree with you fully. I have social anxiety and sometimes have to deal with benzo hangovers (not withdrawals though).
This morning was strangely different for me, after i got over that bit of confusion. I think that anxiety has something to do with it, I am usually a grumpy asshat in the morning. This morning my normal hypercritical anxiousness just isn't all up in my face.
Yea maybe it was just withdrawal. It’s excitation-relaxed pathway.
Interesting substance DMXE.

Although that is not the only active drug in my system. It gets better these RC's.
37.5 fent patch, hydrocodone for break through, phentermine, and clonazepam. I unfortunately have to come off the clonazepam by Feb 1 or my pain management doc is going to start tapering my patch.
In life you choose between boredom and suffering.
I'm on air, water, clean food, and some nice visual stimulation!! Helloooo Mr. John Wick!
Happy New Year Everyone!
One down and forever to go.
12 mg Etizolam today, only 30 grams kava, lots weed edibles and vaporizer and a strong black coffee iscall today.
In life you choose between boredom and suffering.
I'm on air, water, clean food, and some nice visual stimulation!! Helloooo Mr. John Wick!
Happy New Year Everyone!
One down and forever to go.
Great movies, One is the Best!! But 2 and 3 all solid, I hope they carry on!!??