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Snorting Ambien

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burns a little nothing to complain about. i bet you everyone that says it burns is snorting that crap right now. I'll tell you what it is clutch when you have a full stomach instead of laying in bed all night wondering when its going to kick in ur losing motor control like a narcoleptic.
YOu heard wrong. I just snorted one and then registered just to tell you thats false

I have never snorted them, but as such I have heard it burns like HELL. I am not totally against it, though. 50mg oral is the highest I believe I have delved into. Curious.

It doesn't burn. It feels cold and clean.

That is all
ehhh i was snorting ambien quite a bit this last 2 weeks...my nose hurts like a BITCH after :O

is on ambizzle right now. it feels so weird and like fluidy and dream like, and calm. which is so trippy on its own cuz ive been really uncalm. like im so calm now i can say uncalm..

on another note tho i;ve started to have severe memory problems :p wunddddder why :p. On New Years I snorted some Ambien at like 8 and then went over to my friends house and dosed on MDMA and he did Methylone (uh yes u can cum on ambien :p) and then i ate mushrooms later, but anyway....the next day as we were getting ready to wind down and my friend had done some h, i apparently went to sleep only to wake up like 3 hours later and saw that he was still on the couch and i so called him over to bed, and he said he'd come, and all of a sudden it was like 3 hours again...weird.
Business is Business
Why do people have to be so emotional and pansy ass about buying and selling drugs? It's s business deal. Nothing more, nothing less.
Once I woke my girlfriend up to show her something. Out side my second story window in the
parking lot was my Van. Most of the parking lot is surrounded by woods. Just one streetlight was shining its light almost toward my Van.I looked and I saw Spirits floating and hanging around my Van. I could not believe my eyes! Spirits are around my Van! I woke up my girlfriend and showed her what I saw. She also saw them! WE both watched the Spirits float around,under and over the Van! My girlfriend even yelled for them to get away. Then they were
gone. 2 hours earlier me and the girlfriend each took 40 mg of ambien. So me seeing Spirits most likely was a hallucination . But why do two different people hallucinate the same thing?
snort an ambien or two
blow a few lines

does anyone know anything about if this is dangerous on a high level? other than the fact that it involves taking ambien improperly and the fact that coke is coke
I did a quasi-experimental trial with Ambien IR and I just wanted to clear up a few things.
First off, does snorting or taking ambien orally make a difference?

----On two separate nights about a week apart I took 20mg of generic ambien. The first night, I decided to take the pills orally and measure/observe the effects for as long as I could. No longer than 25 minutes after taking the pills I felt a mild body high that was soon overshadowed by intense feelings of sedation and tiredness. Needless to say, after only being up for 30 minutes in total, I blacked out and went to sleep. Not very much fun to say the least.....other than the really good sleep I got that night.

Seven days later I took, via insufflation, the same amount that I had taken the previous week. Ten minutes after snorting, everything becomes very pleasant and I feel no overarching urge to sleep. I feel a mild, warm Euphoria and my vision begins to deceive me. Visual hallucinations are here and clear. There aren't however super vivid, acid-like images. It is much milder. Anywho, I was actually so impressed at the difference that I hoped right on here to write this up.....

**My conclusion is that in order to get the experience most people are looking for here (im not talking about sleep), snorting the pills not only bypasses the drowsy phase but allows the euphoric phase to hit a little harder. Sniffing the pills, in reality, only burns a little bit for a couple minutes too. It’s not like the outrageous, burning and corrosive feeling you get after sniffing the wrong E-Pill or as bad as everyone is making it out to be...

Have Fun and Dont Drive......Keep Movement at a minimum also ;)
Out of curiosity I tried taking ambien tonight, mainly for recreational purposes for the first time after doing some research. First, I decided to rail a crushed up 5mg pill to see what the fuss was about.?)

t+.00 crushed & railed the pill up. There was a mild burn but as long for I had held my head back and then the the burnining sensation would mellow out. No euphoria to speakof by insoflation. ( was also drinking a beer at this time to see if it would potentiate effects). Nothing seems to happpen in this time around.

t+.30 Popped another pill, (10mg) this time as the first dose was probpably too low. Swalloed this one. No perceivable effects. Didn't even get groggy or felt like at was time for me to goto sleep.

T+ 1.00 - Anther 10mg orally this time putting me at 25mg in an hour. Thought things would kick in here but didnt only noticed a little slopiness hopping up the stairs :)

I dont even know how it got to being this late, 2hrs after that last pill, but I havent even gone to the drowsyness stage yet.


If I take another pill should I snort/use orally?

Because of the layoff from the last pill should i even take additional pills if i am not feeling anything?

Should I take a bunch at the same time rather than spreading them out?

I'm trying to get some effects like visuals, hallucinations , even some like drowsiness so I can at least fall asleep (been awake for past 15 hours and started this experiment on an empty stomach.)

Any suggestions?

*I'm seeing some typos and sloppiness going on in this post (some of which I caught and corrected in text). This post was written while on Ambien, so the stuff may have had some affect, if minimal.
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I snorted ambien a while ago, I don't remember it burning at all. and it didn't give me any hallucinations, it gave me more of a xanax effect. I didnt remember anything really, and I was just fucked up and outgoing in the parts I do remember. and I ended up locking my keys in my car with the radio on, and then spending the weekend trying to find my keys cause I forgot I had even used my truck that night. was not much fun.
OK I am planning on crushing 20mg Ambien now so I can at least get some sleep. We'll see how it goes..
Anyone else on here have experience with IV ambien? As ridiculous as this sounds, IVing produces a rush reminiscent of cocaine. I had heard of this, and didn't believe it. Until I tried it. I was like "what the.." a coke rush, fading into the glow of an ambien high. No tripping from it though for me, not since the first couple times doing ambien.
So all that ambien did absolutely nothing last night. I just went to bed as usual. I remember everything that happened, fwiw. Could this have anything to do with my metabolism of the CYP2D6 enzyme? (possibly ultrarapid?)
Anyone else on here have experience with IV ambien? As ridiculous as this sounds, IVing produces a rush reminiscent of cocaine. I had heard of this, and didn't believe it. Until I tried it. I was like "what the.." a coke rush, fading into the glow of an ambien high. No tripping from it though for me, not since the first couple times doing ambien.

I IVed ambien a bunch of times actually. In higher doses the rush would be trippy as fuck, seconds after the physical rush hits i would get this absurd mental sensation and become extremely little, like almost literally i would be viewing my rooms as if i was very small and had become part of this race of little people who lived on my floor or some shit. I'm being completely serious by the way, it was fuckin' weird, too hard to describe this is only vaguely how it was.

Don't shoot up ambien lol, it's fucking retarded - and most likely HORRIBLE for you. The rush is hardly worth the risk just buy real drugs.
you've gotta build up your experience with ambien before you get the best effect. you have to learn how to fight off the tiredness. 20mg will knock newish users out pretty consistently pretty fast. you havent really experienced Ambien till you've gone past the "knock out" effect. takes some practice. that's when the euphoria really kicks in.

its also when all the bad shit usually occurs and when the amnesia starts. this is when you will do really regrettable stuff that you don't have much control over.

although with time and lots of use you can overcome both the sleepiness and the amnesia even at high doses.

its silly to worry about how to take it until you know how to ride the high. only reason to snort an amb is if you just ate something fatty. fatty foods dramatically slow absorbtion when taken orally.

if you wanna really eff yourself, wait until you're super hungry then take your amb and alcohol. be sure you have securely hidden your car keys first.

ambien seems like a wonder drug for a long time, but after 10yrs of using/abusing it, i'm done with it.

i only get negative effects from it now. it doesn't put me to sleep, my sleepwalks are ALWAYS dangerous (i always do something really bad - last time I took ambien I woke up in hospital having OD'd on other stuff that I had had no intention of taking), i get no enjoyment from it.

never, ever, ever mix ambien and meth. extraordinarily bad combinations. imagine hallucinating nightmares non-stop for several hours. really "real" hallucinations, and really horrifying.
My dad gave me like fourty ambiens whilest we were visitng a trade show in N caronlina ANYWAYZ....

Some were 5mg brand name, and others 10mg generic indian. (I believe he gets them legitmately quasi anyways)

At the hotel I snorted 15mg brand.... then 20 mg indian. I had already had about 70mg of adderall and was PEAKING ... So when the ambien kicked in... it felt so euphoric.. almost like adding to the adderall in the BEST POSSIBLE way,... a powerful feeling that rivals oxycontin whilest on adderall. You hear funny music in your head. ANd when I play guitar; I'm basically way way more invested and faster ; more creative.

I also get way horny.... now this adderalll and snorted ambien.

P.S. ambien goes down nice... .the more the burn the better the pill ... That spicey brand name shit is the bomb and after a while it goes down smoooooooooth ... cheers.
Are you guys chopping up your shit enough?

My friend gave me 20 mg ambien which I promplty chopped up finely and then snorted. I can tell there is a little burn and my right eye wanted to cry a little but it felt like nothing honestly.

Its been a little while im bored :/ not much is happening
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