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Snorting Ambien

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im being perscribed zopiclone next month and im wondering if this has the same effect as ambien when railed. ive railed a few lunesta before with little effect but 2 ambien put that dumb grin on my face within minutes. maybe 4 or 5 will change my mind
^ i always liked lunesta better than ambien. i had a script for ambien and would only take it by snorting even though it would feel like my nostrils were on fire i kinda liked the feeling lol.. but lunesta to me feels more like a benzo, ambien seems more "trippy" even though i never actually tripped on it. just slight visual distortions, especially when i IV'd it ( micron filtered ) weird trippy rush. not sure if this helps you out at all, i just woke up and haven't had caffeine yet. %)
Last time I swallowed 30mg of ambien, my girlfriend said I went on for hours having a completely incoherent conversation about absolutely nothing at all.

Don't remember a second of it.
something quite odd for me is that I feel the same when taking 10g or 30mg but when I exceed the 35mg threeshold I'm out. REALLY incoherent behavior and strong amnesia. So I got no fun of these.
Okay, just got a script for ambien 10mg... will I still feel pleasure from it if I'm already taking tram 100mg ER (Chewed not swallowed ;) ? Or is it just not safe to take those two things together? Even though I'm pretty sure chewing an ER pill defeats the purpose of it being ER I just want to know can I have a good time on both? Anyone ever try this combo?
Warning: consumption of ambien may cause the user to unknowingly purchase alpacas over the internet using your mother's credit card ;)
after a long night of snorting about 4 grams of coke (alot for me) I was so spun out and took an ambien to try and knock me out. A half hour later I felt strange, and began having the most nightmarish experience of my life. I was hallucinating really terrifying fucked up shit, and vomiting, and my heart was racing so hard and fast.

Luckily I managed (somehow) to call a friend, who gave me alprazolam. After taking the benzo I think I fell asleep. I think had very mild Post traumatic stress after that because every night I would lay down to sleep I began having the same hallucinations, both visual and auditory, along with severe panic attacks... Benzos were the only thing that helped. During the daytime I felt very frantic and emotional...

About a month later the nightly hallucinations dissipated along with the emotional troubles. I can definitely say I will never take ambien again.
I swallowed 10mg Ambien and sniffed 10mg. The burn and drip aren't that bad and fade quickly. I definitely did not feel tired one bit, I just felt uncomfortable, and after a couple of hours I forced myself into bed to sleep it off... and I only got 4 hours of sleep that night. What a lame sleep med.

Maybe I should experiment with a higher dose
I'm on a very low dose of suboxone, about 1mg / day. I just got RX'd zolpidem for insomnia.. just want to make sure there will be no interactions between the two. thanks.
im being perscribed zopiclone next month and im wondering if this has the same effect as ambien when railed. ive railed a few lunesta before with little effect but 2 ambien put that dumb grin on my face within minutes. maybe 4 or 5 will change my mind

Bad idea. Definitely don't snort zopiclone man, it will be nothing like ambien/lunesta and you'll probably puke from the nasty ass metallic drip IMO :|.
I have been gradually increasing the number of 10 mg. tabs I'm snorting. I was looking for a more profound "sleeper" effect but I agree with what I've read! The effect is more euphoric and still pleasurable. I have to maintain myself so that others around me (the gestapo) don't suspect. Would a nice still Jack Damiels induce the sleep part. Funny the snorted pills tend to energize me rathat that make me leththargic.

Is there a reasonable limit to the dose. I'm up to 40 mg. Someone said not to exceed 50 mg. Why?

Three lorazepam 1mg. tabs at once snorted seem to give the desired effect but are harder to acquire.

I took a whole bottle of 10mg ambien...21 to be exact. I lost a whole day yet my family and friends never knew I was high. The shit causes short term amnesia. A couple knock me out but more make me CRAZY....very scary.
IM on my first try 10mg orally with food in my stomach...5mg insufflate....10mg insufflate next...what you think?
^i don't quite follow your question.. sorry.
maybe explain a little different? i would like to help you out if i could :)
Ambien is some crazy shit. I really think that at times it messes me up more than any other drug I've tried. I have never taken over 10mg at once (always orally), and even then it does some wacky things.

One morning my girl and I woke up to find a piece a paper in which we had written out a very detailed exercise regimen for our dogs. It included an obstacle course and different ways we thought we could motivate each dog such as "finding him a work out partner" and "putting treats at the finish line." It's hilarious looking back on it, but we had zero recollection of it ever happening.
^i don't quite follow your question.. sorry.
maybe explain a little different? i would like to help you out if i could :)

I must have already been out of it because I passed out shortly after that. Was a weird experience. Like being drunk without alcohol if that makes any sense. I'll stick to the intended ROA. =D
I must have already been out of it because I passed out shortly after that. Was a weird experience. Like being drunk without alcohol if that makes any sense. I'll stick to the intended ROA. =D

lol, makes sense to me. i know what you mean.
I just did a few grahams of coke over the end of the weekend and I was itching to rail one of my sleep pills when I found this form. I just railed 20mg of ambien. IT BURNS. And not in the same burn as Coke.. which I enjoy the burn and drip of coke. But it burns so bad I kept checking my nose to see if it was bleeding. Imagine eating a pepper or spice that you can not handle and you cant eat or drink afterwards for an hour because its so bad. thats how this compares. I do feel really really really good though. The burn is worth it. I'm going to do one more
Yeah yeah it burns.. But there are things people do which burn much much more.. And the sensation goes away in a couple of minutes. As you will be getting so fucked up it will not start mattering much.
In the past i had the most horrible experience with this shit... I drunk a lot, thought I sobered up. Popped 20 mg... Blacked out. I woke up in the morning on my bed without linens with a face of my mother looking miserable and painfully into my eyes. "Do you remember anything?"...
I knew that something was wrong. I felt horrible, dizzy. She told me that I was found a little later at night in the kitchen holding a bag of ice and a teapot with no pants on, mumbling something about making coffee. My mom took me upstairs, she knew at that time that something is not right. She realized that I was sleepwalking like I used to when I was a kid. We sat down on her couch and I kept talking to her in English for some reason (99% of the time we speak Russian). We talked about religion and Jesus Christ. Both of us are atheists and it was very strange. From what she told me I said that Jesus wasn't resurrected but friends stole and hid his corpse. I said that he died not for our sins but because he was too smart of a man for Romans to sustain. It was done as a political action when someone that didn't do anything wrong still gets punished in order to fuel the regime. I also said that cross is the symbol of injustice and death... We talked more about a variety of topics. Then I was found in my bathroom giving a lecture of something very obscure but important to my reflections. Then I went through my closet trying to find something I couldn't.. After all of that I passed out in the early morning.. Oh yeah, when I wake up I found out that I managed to get into my system a large amount of DXM and then countless OTC sleeping aids as I saw empty pill bottles under my bed. No idea how did that happened.... It sounded like I wanted to kill myself or god knows what...
I got so scared after I found all of it. And embarrassed as well for my actions.. The worst I don't remember anything I was saying but I really wish to know my atheistical insights into angels and christian mythology induced by tripping on Ambien. What a drug.
I fet so bad walking. When I went to bathroom I saw poring water with none of the faucets turned on. I shapes of dark clouds traveling around me. One was in the shower cabin and that thing was making weird energy discharges that looked like grey and pale lightnings. Looking outside was unbearable. Hallucinations of strange lines connecting objects around the field, like everything was floating with those grey but quiet lightings .. I was tripping at 9 am. It was intense. I didn't feel sane, I felt like I lived in between of two realities - my sober normal world and a dreamy, illogical, phantasy world where none of the customs, ideas or anything really makes sense unless you are part of it...
I struggled to sleep and I saw movie-like strong hallucinations while I slept dreaming lucidly.. My skin had an off yellow color to it and it felt like I am loosing my sanity and going somewhere too dip into my consciousness not for my own good. I was trembling, and couldn't make sense out of everything that was happening. Then lethargic, tired for the next tree days until I finally stepped into the reality completely.
That experience hunts me. I believe ambien if used right it can bring some very very interesting things out of people's souls and minds. However, I rather won't venture ever again into that nightmare.
Don't add to the goodness of ambien any alcohol or other depressants. Your being will be under very much stress.
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