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Snorting Ambien

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I've gotten past the whole snorting thing - minus oc or oxycodone - but I'm prescribed Ambiens, Xanax, and Vikes but for the most part I've been doing well taking them as prescribed. But last night I took 2 10 mg Ambiens and doubled my Xanax as well and still couldn't sleep at all, and then this afternoon i did the same thing but added a bottle of Nyquil to the mix for old times sake. Still no sleep. Tonight is Day 3 of NO sleep. Can snorting Ambien help you fall asleep quicker? If so, tonight I'll just do my other regimine and then add another 2 10mgs to help get some rest. Thouhts?
I just got my prescription of ambien not even a couple weeks ago and I have to say snorting it def gives you the best high/hallucinations opposed to just popping them. For instance, the other day I snorted 20mg of ambien in my barlthroom then desided I needed to shave (I don't know why I thought it would be a good idea to mix the 2 but I did) as I started to shave it hit me and I thought that I was at a carwash to shave my face and that there were little people helping me shave, supprisingly I didn't cut my self and did actualt apretty damn good job of shaving my face. I guess where i'm getting with this is that when I took the same amount orally I felt little hallucinatgenic effects.

Although I must say taking them orally did increase the duration of the high.
Bump... SO is the final opinion that snoritng ambien is fun and worth it, just every once in a

while... am I right??
I personally think so. It creates for some stories if you have someone around not on ambien to tell you what you did lol.
i just snorted 10mg of ambien a couple min ago. the burn isnt that bad, iv been plzying around with ambien for awhile now, i have annoying tolerance so this 10mg isnt doing a whole lot than chilling me out. the burn isnt even as bad as say 2ce. personally its my fav ROA when it comes to ambien.
Hate to join in on an 11 page thread - leaves me feelin like i missed a few... but what the hell, right? Been trollin these pages and finally decided to join. And since I'm here, I'll hit ya up with a few questions to see what the general consensus is. I am prescribed Adderall XR 25 mg, Xanax 1 mg, and Ambien 5 mg. The ambien I just brought home tonight cuz I've had wicked insomnia for the past several weeks (Calculus combined with Adderrall ). So anyway, just wondering what the opinions are for mixing these 3 - really the adderall and ambien - try to only take the xanax when needed. Here's the rundown of the day so far:
10:00 am - 25 mg Adderall XR
1:00 pm - 5 mg Adderall XR
3:30 pm - 10 mg Adderall XR
7:30 pm - yes, another 10 mg Adderall XR
*visit to doc to get ambien script*
8:00 - last 5 mg Adderal XR for the day so I can finish off the ridiculously difficult Calculus and Physics homework
10:00 - 10 mg AMBIEN
*weird, floaty, fuzzy, similiar to a very mild, very chilled ecstasy with a side o'shrooms... with a bit of drunk thrown in for good measure, capped off with a little euphoric energy even. it wasn't super intense or anything - just a unique side effect - difficult to describe*

Only here's the deal.....-still not asleep - at all.

So I try again:
2:00 am (still awake) - take another 5 mg Ambien and decide to bring my questions here to the experts.

Recreationally, potential for a bit of fun if ur staying in one place - maybe u might wanna stick to non public areas :). So interested in that aspect I am, but tonight I took it because I needed to shake off the Adderall insomnia and get some sleep.... What the hell happened dude?

I am in need of some solid advice with these 3 meds. particularly the Adderrall and Ambien.
What's the best method, best time, etc to take these? What kinds of dosages has anyone tried? How far apart or taken straight away together? What'll get u the most recreational use and what'll get me to sleep already??

This place has always been a wealth of info - really cool to have a place to talk about these kinds of things without getting tossed out - very cool dudes and dudettes u guys seem to be.

Soooo... it's now 2:16 am, still not asleep, and about to hit my first post out.

Take it easy all!
Addy XR lasts 8 to 12 hours. You're taking your addy too late. Instead of lower doses all night, just take a higher dose at least 12 hours before you wanna sleep.

and your ambien experience really sums up the drug. the effects might get stronger, not necessarily better, up to 10mg. Anything above 10mg will really be a blackout. last ambien blackout I spent like 200 dollars on ebay. don't do it.

for sleep: empty stomach, lay in bed immediately after ingesting.
Anything above 10mg will really be a blackout.

Whattt, it doesn't get fun til you take at least 20 mgs...

I managed to snort some ambien last night and I didn't do anything stupid, it's a first!
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ya gotta luv the burn...

;)I am kinda new to this , it doesnt work for me well if I just pop em. This seemes to be much better, any advice? warnings? I actually luve the burn , reminds me of good times, good times....<3<3<3:\<3<3:)
Im new to this page so still figuring it out, honestly I never reslly slept on ambien unless i had been awake for like 40 hours....
Yes, you are correct. Alot of people on here have problems and continue to use despite knowing better. But the difference between them and these people is that these people are doing something that is wasteful and pointless because of various reasons. For example, people inject heroin even though it is bad for them, but at least they are doing something that actually gets them high and doesn't waste any of the drug, etc...

Snorting a pill is pointless for most pills because the oral bioavailability for most pills is so high, that there is no need to snort pills, and it doesn't get you any higher and in some cases gets you less high, but yet people do it stupidly.

People that inject heroin aren't doing it when there is another ROA that could get them equally as high or more high.

Smoking a pill is sooo wasteful because it just destroys nearly all of the drug. Not to mention they are smoking all the inactive fillers in the pills. And they are doing this while they could be doing another ROA that would do the same or better!!

Now as for your question, no, i do not inject heroin. I am on Suboxone and have been for 15 months now.

Also, i don't think typing a "cuss word" makes me nasty or pompous but to each his own.
to each his own...
Opinions: Snorting Ambien, A fun time or a bad time?

I say a fun time most of the time... just don't over do or drive a car.. lol

take this shit seriously.
i was prescribed back in june (10mg). i started getting high off it and a month later i decided to push it... so i took one after another id say up to 60-70 mg orally. then railed 2. everything was great i was dissociated and high as FUCK!! but heres where it gets scary. for some reason to this day i still dont know why, i decided to get in my car. i was awake but i swear to God i was sleepdriving. i mean i was awake but my conscious took a backseat and i was going through the motions and trippin' balls having a blast until that fateful decision. i started driving (my manual) perfectly for about two miles down some back roads. bumped some slim shady and said fuck you to all that hurt. then i took a turn too sharp and jumped a curb knocking down a street lamp at about 35mph passing out when the airbag hit me. its still hazy but i woke up to some people at a gas station rushing to get me out of oncoming traffic and the sound of sirens getting closer. when the cops got there i couldnt walk one foot infront of the other and desperatly failed the sobriety test. i have yet to have the court date but im scared as hell of what the police footage is going to show.

i hate to be a parental figure but im just giving a testimony. i guess what im getting at is to be responsible and whatever you do dont jeopardize lives bc its not worth it. sit back and if you find yourself grabbing your keys throw the fuckers as far away as possible, especially with zolpidem. imo its like benzos in the fact that it makes you feel ok and like your able to do anything. this exact thought went through my head i was like 'oh, its fine im just going to go drive for awhile im not that fucked up'. but ambien fucks with you like that and before you know it your doing and thinking things you normally would never do.
learn from others because i swear you dont wanna be in this situation it blows. im facing thousands of dollars from a dui, sat 9 hours in jail trippin' my ass off, insurance through the roof, and a totaled car. its not worth it. be RESPONSIBLE with your drugs
so.... smoking pills is really stupid.

But honestly, it is the very best way to trip your balls off on Ambien, extract the zolpidiem, get rid of as many fillers as you can, put in "incense burner" and have someone ready to catch the pipe. shit is like Salvia or DMT in that it hits you so fucking quickly.
^^^ What??!! are u talking about smoke AMBIEN!?! wtf? how does this work and why would u do this?
here's my experience, for what it's worth.
swallow a 1/2 ambien (i'm workin' with 10mgs), snort another 1/2...... (this of course is after a heavy night of drinking, and there ain't no pot around!!!) if that doesn't elevate you properly, then take half a pill and do your best to let it dissolve underneath your tongue. i also snorted another half while i did that... AND OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LAWWWDIE. that took me THERE!!!!!!!!!!! i'm shocked there aren't any horrendous typos right here.
Snort zolpidem : burn as fuck : Sneeze hard
Snort zopiclone : BURN AS MOTHERFUCKING HELL : Regret

just dont do it. You won't have any different effect. Just maybe a faster onset. But aren't the onset fast enough taken orally ?
I never found those z-drugs good as a sleep aid. The difference in onset is actually very noticeable. Orally it's like 15 minutes at best and after snorting it it's just minutes and it blows. I wouldn't say that the burning is the worst, it's not that strong but that taste is horrible and, well, you just gotta hang on and not throw up (there's no Ambien here, I got Stilnox). I know I used up everything I had recreationally back in the days as it was no help for sleep. And it really didn't matter if I swallowed pills or snorted them, I got hallucinations. The most I got wasted on was 70mg. It's very distinctive in bringing up hallucinations, it's kind of dissociative too but in a different way than ketamine of course. And there's no chance of getting anxiety, it's very peaceful. Actually this thread reminded me I might get a script for it and it'd be nice with 'done.
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