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Smackie Thread

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Please please please use your fingers and toes before going for your neck/groin.
Well although that looks delicious, this is AusDD, so posts of this nature aren't aptly placed. European and German matters would be more suitable elsewhere, and I hope you get some filters.
Is there a needle exchange in your city? I don't really care, to be frank, but I think you should get some filters man. I think I always sound like a mod when I address things, and now I have thought about it I feel strange. Anyway, filters are the go.
maybe you can implement a new rule DeathDomukun, a'la The Moderator, that we no longer have trolls making us all smack sick with posting lush, beautifully tasty pictures of gear.
A friend of mine died from a heroin over dose last week, she was only 19. Iv only ever done this drug once and because of what happened to her I'll never touch it again. Not a fan of this one at all
I'm packing it in. All drugs. The lows are too long and well, too low.

Good luck and peace to all. Spread love and not pain. The mind is your enemy- look beyond it to the greater consciousness. You aren't defined by your past and living in the future will only bring more pain. The current moment is the only moment that will ever exist.
Well, I found Jess. Managed to overdose after mixing doxylamine succinate with the gear. Got arrested, lost 390mg of oxycodone thanks to the pigs. Managed to keep the rest of the heroin stashed though, heh heh. :)

Well, I found Jess. Managed to overdose after mixing doxylamine succinate with the gear. Got arrested, lost 390mg of oxycodone thanks to the pigs. Managed to keep the rest of the heroin stashed though, heh heh. :)


oh no -
Sorry to hear that ash, at the end of the day fuck the lost oxy - your girlfriends ok. I've recently been thinking of having a shot with doxy or diph, after reading that i might just give it a miss. Can people with experience in shooting anti histamines with opiates maybe share some of their knowledge so I and anyone else who is thinking of doing it can better understand what they may be getting themselves into? I would appreciate it a lot.

I just had a shot and a tiny bit of lint and an eyelash ended up in the spoon with the solution, I had a micron filter and ran it through before I shot but I'm curious to know what you guys would do in a situation where your shot is contaminated? I'm not talking contaminated with something obviously dangerous like saliva or dirt - just a hair or fibre from a peace of clothing or something. I'm pretty much brand new to IV, Ive tried it in the past but have only recently made a conscious decision to exclusively IV when using heroin, I've done a couple of hours of reading on it but there is still a few things that I cant find answers to.
Also that picture cracked me up chugs and fish good luck to you bud, I think I can speak for everyone on here when I say we're here if you need some back up and we're all rooting for you.
Sorry to hear that ash, at the end of the day fuck the lost oxy - your girlfriends ok. I've recently been thinking of having a shot with doxy or diph, after reading that i might just give it a miss. Can people with experience in shooting anti histamines with opiates maybe share some of their knowledge so I and anyone else who is thinking of doing it can better understand what they may be getting themselves into? I would appreciate it a lot.

I just had a shot and a tiny bit of lint and an eyelash ended up in the spoon with the solution, I had a micron filter and ran it through before I shot but I'm curious to know what you guys would do in a situation where your shot is contaminated? I'm not talking contaminated with something obviously dangerous like saliva or dirt - just a hair or fibre from a peace of clothing or something. I'm pretty much brand new to IV, Ive tried it in the past but have only recently made a conscious decision to exclusively IV when using heroin, I've done a couple of hours of reading on it but there is still a few things that I cant find answers to.

As long as you use a micron filter a small strand of hair or something isn't going to be an issue. The finer micron filters can even get rid of bacteria, so I don't think a little lint or whatever is going to be an issue, especially considering all the other stuff thats probably already in your shot.

As for antihistamines, I used to take them every time I dosed opiates, out of necessity because even with a solid tolerance I'd get crazy nausea without them. That said, I'd take them orally, I wouldn't recommend IVing antihistamines because it can be severely painful and by some accounts cause heavy vein damage. Either take them orally or, if you need to use a needle, IM them.

However I never really found them to increase the quality of the high, they'll add a little sedation, sure, but no real euphoria, and too high a dose can give a dirty feel to your buzz or knock you out and cause you to miss the high entirely. Unless you need them for the side effects, I wouldn't bother.
agreed with crankinit -they're not worth IVing with the dope. i've iv'd doxy in the 25mg range or so and it wasn't anything to write home about, nor do i use antihistamines as it is. apart the odd promethazine before a shot of morphine to control the histamine release.
The gear I am getting does not need potentiating, so it seems. :) Unless an overdose is the desired result. Which is a good thing, mostly.

Ash. <3
I had some street heroin for the first time here in Brisbane yesterday and was bitterly disappointed. The girl that got it and shot up in my bathroom let me choose of here stash so no issues there. She is an addict...arms all banged up. She said the gear is good by Brisbane standards....so the careful monkey I am i bumped a small line of my 2 points I bought off her. Could barely feel anything ....kept on goin and in 1 hour the lot was gone. Yes, I was a bit high and eyes shut here and there...but it wasn't great. I'd prefer a grey MSContin any day over this. If my calcs are right, this would be 10-20 pure maximum. If it were 10%, then that would be 20mgs H so 40mgs Morph so nothing. Has anyone actually experienced good heroin in Brisbane? Where you can take half a point and feel like your blacking out? Anyways, I was so disappointed compared to the smack in Laos. 5 points kept me going hard for 2 days there.
do yourself a favour and just inject into your fat at the belly....forget iv if things are that bad......please.
brisbane gear is shit.

i bumped into two people from brisbane who had made there way to cabra in the hopes of getting on. they were sick of how bad it is up north.
Isn't the scene in Cabra supposed to be pretty dead these days?

I've heard the same about QLD smack, though I can't speak from personal experience.
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