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Smackie Thread

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I that's probably any enzyme deficiency? Look it up if you want
I don't think it's got to do with your dopamine receptors/neurological system.
I'm no doctor though.
I've found that alot of my mates that gave the weed away when they were younger ended up loving and abusing meth, while the others who still smoke weed prefer opiates.

Don't know of that's the same for everyone, definetly the case in my group of mates.
Friday. You know what that means.

lol. i just woke up and had a little poke (IV) of some morphine (only 100mg) due to starting work a few hours late (1pm). it'll provide me with the pain relief i need throughout most the day and i've got my other prescribed grey nurse on hand if needed.
this isn't sourcing since i already know where it is, but from a HR point of view what are the street deals like from Cabra these days? are they filled with cut?
I've always wondered what cabra's street quality is and how it would compare to Melbournes street quality. Melbournes seems to stay pretty regular, usually it's pretty mediocre but I have been surprised from time to time.
Prefacing a sourcing question with 'this isn't sourcing' doesn't change the dynamic of what you're saying.
'There are pushers on x street' is against the rules afaik.
^ I have removed the post DeathDomokun is referring to (please report it in future!)

Asking about areas where dealers can be found is sourcing.
I live not too far from there and dont get ur hopes up in terms if scoring or whatever there, the main players have all been taken down and the people that still push it all do it behind closed doors as they normally do everywhere. Your about 5-10 years late when you could see every 3rd person nodding out on the street somewhere. Plus street heroin off random dealers is pretty shit, most low level scum dealers are cutting it just to maintain there habit which is not good not to mention how dangerous it all can be.
edit: coz i'm guessing someone jumped on the back of my post to ask which streets.

I just want to know the quality of the drugs these days in the streets of Cabra and the Vale. That said though it was a pretty shitty mission. Hardly any dealers around. Only pills and methadone. It would seem like the busts in south-wests sydney have decimated supply, and what was around isn't being shared. even the pinned dude cleaning windscreens was being coy.

A friend remarked today that they've never seen the queues at the clinic so long, and lots of new people too.

and divine motion are you referring to my post? I didn't ask where to get it I just wanted to know the quality of street deals in Cabra. Are they cutting it, what are the cuts. Purely seeking information for my health.

Fucking annoyed that with all this interdiction of supply that the cops are just causing dealers to cut their shit more and more, making it all the more unhealthy for the rest of the population.
and divine motion are you referring to my post? I didn't ask where to get it I just wanted to know the quality of street deals in Cabra. Are they cutting it, what are the cuts. Purely seeking information for my health.

Well I said I removed the post so if yours is still there then I'm not referring to it ;)
A friend remarked today that they've never seen the queues at the clinic so long, and lots of new people too.

Same deal here, 7 people on the waiting list to get into the clinic who have been waiting 8 months. Just methadone and pills amongst the methadonians.

Ash. <3
Do you guys get bad depression/lethargy the day after using?

I get that quite a lot after using an amount for days. U just feel tired and worn out, the depression sucks too. There isnt much remedy for it unless u take more or ride it out.
One of the reasons I use opiates is because i don't get a hangover, I used to drink quite a lot but the hangovers got unbearable once I hit about 25, now even 4 or 5 beers gives me a nasty headache the next day and getting drunk writes off at least two days. Morphine occasionally gives me a nasty hangover, the oxymorphone I had in new York made me really sick a couple of times but I think that was partly to do with having a low tolerance at the time and over doing it a bit.

I get bad cravings the day or two after using h and I have to up my dose of pst to counter the withdrawals from increasing my tolerance a bit, the days after a binge when you've spent too much money and have to deal with withdrawals can be pretty depressing. Blowing all my money on heroin gets me down, I get paid once a fortnight and the last week and a half I've been on the bread line from spending way to much on it. I spent the last of my money on a shot tonight and I know I'm going to hate myself for it for the rest of the week.
H is boring IMO. China white aka α-Methylfentanyl is a bit more interesting. You could always shoot some unrefined black tar H fresh from the 8 hour boil in acetic acid curtousy of an Afgani farmer or South American drug cartel :). Not a big H fan but opiate drugs other than H, which is just a step up from Morphine IMO, are quiten enjoyable. Good quality refined golden brown H is nice but rare as fuck and other opiate drugs are much easier to source and potentially less expensive/cut. The bonus of non-heroin pharmaceutical opiate drugs is that they are usually produced in a pharmaceutical company lab. I know what I'd go with but it's just my personal preferance, everyone is entitled to their own views and opinions.
Same deal here, 7 people on the waiting list to get into the clinic who have been waiting 8 months. Just methadone and pills amongst the methadonians.

Ash. <3

yep, i'd been on the waiting list 8 months when i went and picked up sharps wednesday just gone.

i told the lady i was back on pain management so she could take my name off the list then she mentioned about keeping me on a second list so if i change my mind/anything pops up i'm still on there and don't have to start the process over again. i was given no indication of where i was on the main waiting list but it gives an idea of how hard it is to get on maintenance in more "rural" areas :|
I just registered to use the forums but I can't find where or how to post the question I need to ask. My question or problem is not being able to find a vein. Been using for 2 years. Even when I go to the Dr they can never find a vein on me since I was a child. I'm 6 ft and 200lbs. I had good spots on my arms, hands, feet but they are all used up. I have never seen a vein on my legs. I have poked myself over 100 times between today and yest. Can anyone help? Can I use my neck? Between ties our fingers? If so, how? I'll try anything. Someone help me find a vein. I have some half inch 31g and one of those really short 6mm rigs. I am open to anything please help
^ man I have to say it seems like its time to ease off on IV, i don't believe in karma or signs or any of that toss but when you get to where you are I think it's time to think about stopping doing what you're doing. Have you thought about rectal? It has good ba, either that or micron filtering and using IM.
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