Education Side Hustles (Legal)

I just found out sex for money might be considered illegal. But making a donation for sex is tax deductible
Im not a college student or anything but I like to sell crack.
I write stories or love letters or anything anyone needs. Like I can write a childrens story where your son or niece or whoever is working with there favorite superhero to save the world. That type of thing. Or if you want write a heartfelt apology or break up letter and explain youself but have a hard time putting your feelings into words. When i mean write anything i mean anything. I have an amateur interest in psychology as well and I often know how to say the wise right thing.

I write stories too. I just tend to write what I care about. I’ve written a novel. I’ve written a children’s novel as a trilogy. I’ve got a large collection of short stories. People seem to enjoy my writing and I wish I could spend all the time I spend doing gig work or trying to find a real job on writing. I used to sell a lot of stuff. People compliment me on my ability to sell stuff. I just have no idea how to enter the world of marketing my writing to the public. I may be able to be popular. At certain times in my life people have treated me like some kind of prophetic figure. I too tend to say the right wise thing. I unfortunately have no idea where to go from here. I’ve been a factotum since I was thirteen. Nowadays I’m lacking substantial employment.

For the first time, I want to make my life better.

I want to create monetary value out of what I create. I need to get two hundred dollars together to pay my insurance or I can’t do gig work. I have a lovely heart breaking story about harm reduction that I’d love to donate to blue light and make available to all harm reduction non profits for free but in some sense I would also love to make my payments this month.

If anyone has any ideas on how I can perform the alchemy of turning words into gold, I’m all ears.

Any way to license my story to the harm reduction groups while still receiving income. I would truly be grateful. You’d be helping me out so much.

I kicked heron on my own
I let the drink stay in the bottle.
I let the smoke be other people’s pleasure.

Now I need to take the next best step.
How do I better my life while bettering other peoples lives through my writing

I want you all to read the story.
Most of all I want the normies to read it when they criticize a safe use kit. I want them to remember the story and recognize how crucial these services are.