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Sibling Relationships

from a family with 5 other brothers and sisters, and mainly have relationships with each one individually when we talk to eachother.
As we arent often interacting together as a whole unit.
I get on well with my sibling. We both live 2 very private lives and really have no contact other than when we are both at home. We have good times together and get on well but i dont hang out with (insert name here) much
i come from a large family... 6 kids... 4 girls, 2 boys... we've never really been a close family (many family dramas...) and i'm probably the most normal one of the lot (which for those who know me, thats scary!!).. i generally dont talk to them all that much.. maybe once a month...

i have a sister who is 27, she's married, we get on well now, got on well when we were little, but fought like cats and dogs when we were teenagers. she's actually the reason i moved outta home. plus, i have a bloodshot in the side of my left eye from here, where she poked me when i was a baby, then she dropped a glass bottle on my head when i was getting my nappy changed. so i got her back. when i was 2, i kicked her in the nose when i was wearing hiking boots, and then every time it got cold for the next 8 years, she got a nosebleed :)

i have a sister who is 22, she's been through anorexia, bulemia and is a bit of a headcase at the moment.. very unpredictable... my dad came to live with her after he had a heart operation (he had no-where else to go) and she wanted to kick him out after a week...

i have a sister who is 20, she is an absolute psycho. the black sheep of the family. will have no problem trying to beat the shit out of, or claw the shit out of anyone who disagrees with her.

i have an 18yr old sister, into pot, doesnt say much, very hard to read. although, she did do a classic one night when she was pissed, mistook the a plastic stool in the bathroom for the toilet... think for yourselves there kids...

and finally my 17 yr old brother... little shit has NO social skills, spends all his time on computer (all the time) and has no drive or determination for anything. big fucker though...

so basically, my relationship with my siblings is a little disfunctional, we fight all the time, but on saying that, if anyone fucks with them, i'll kill them :)

i said to my sisters boyfriend one time after he upset her... "next time you make her cry, i make you cry" :)
"next time you make her cry, i make u cry" lol, luv that

i hav a brother who is 18, he is abit nerdy sumtimes and used to spend way too much time playing computer games and hanging out with nerd mates. after telling him to get new frends and not b a nerd for a few years he has gradually come around and now prefers to go clubbing and shite. we get on pretty well but he can't handle me beating him at anything. now he refuses to play pool with me and insists im making up rules lol. twice i have showed him he is wrong with a rule book but thats not enough). anyway so we get on pretty well.

i have a younger sister who is 9. that is the worst age, boy is she a little shit. she can b such a winger and so cheeky. she givs shit to evri1 and u say anything back and its "muuuuuuuuuuuuuuum ben called me names or muuuuuuuuuuuuuum ben told me to shut up". then its just ben your older and you should no better8(

ah well if theyre pissing me off i live with my dad so i can just go home =D
I have the most funkified setup ever. So I better give some background. My parents divorced when I was 12(?) and soon* after my dad married my now step-mum who already had 2 kids. Since then, they have had another child - my half-sister .. but I consider her my real sister.

*my step brother and I have always thought it was suspicious ;)

blood brother - 15. We have a great relationship. He's a surfer rat that's not into drugs but his friends are just starting out. He is growing up pretty quick and went hard on New Years - He drunk 8 woodies and was still charging at 10am and went for a surf when a friend and I had been crashed out for a good 3 hours after a some nice pills. He loves playing sony and we get along well, but sometimes he is a bit rude to my parents so I get a bit angry.

blood sister - 17. We get along really well, but she is really secretive. I have nothing to say about her. We've had a million fights, but never held a grudge at all. She might be moving to Sydney next year which would be cool.

step brother 1 - I was at first intimidated by him (with due cause), but then I learnt how to deal with him. He's only a year older, but two years ahead in school and about twice my size. He got me into drugs and showed me the ropes. Taught me how to grafiti and we spent everyday smoking weed, skateboarding and making up elaborate schemes to get rich, take over the world, kill people etc.

He's had a girlfriend for 4 years now and he owns his own house. We have a good relationship, but he does some fucken crazy things sometimes. I can't help but share the latest story: He was getting an ounce from my best mate and I drove my mate to meet up with my bro in a carpark. I pulled up next to him in the car and my mate told him it would be $5 more expensive. Without saying anything, my brother starts his car and screeches away in disgust.

step sister - 27 years old. a lawyer and we've never really gotten very close. She lives in Surry Hills, but we haven't spoken since Christmas.

half-sister - I watched this youngen grow up and I really miss her atm. She's 6 years old and we are pretty close.

I've also got 4 other step brothers on my mums side that I get along with well.
1 brother and 1 sister..... get on pretty well with my brother who is 15, we really never got on well until recently, because we used to be so opposite, he was a little woose etc, didnt take to sports and we simply had nothing in common... now that hes toughened up, been into gangster rap for a while, and starting to get wasted (drinks only for him atm, not allowed weed till 16) we have a bit more to chat about now as i share his love for gangster rap and wastedness... i can see us chilling together a fair bit once hes older and smoking etc...

my sister who is 17 is just a very nice person who in all truth would be impossible not to get on with... her and i are fairly active socially, so we dont see much of each other, but we never fight anymore..... only bone i have to pick with her are her friends, they are very annoying, and wont take the hint that i dont want to talk to them, and when shes really tired, she gets upset, as in tears, very easily (which happens alot coz shes so busy and needs lotsa sleep)
Eze, I know how much you are fearing the prospect of the older sister's 18th. I have brought it upon myself to intercept you from the the respective venue in order to free you of her annoying friends, the offer is there, I can make it out to be totally by chance that I am in the area, thereby giving you a reason to leave Birthday Proceedings.

Thanks for the contributions to the thread guys, it has been engaging to say the least. Keep them coming.
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^Eze-master, you do realise why your sisters friends fiend you, don't you? ;)

You should be cashing in on the compliments train, d00d. :D
Originally posted by CHiLD-0F-THE-BEAT
^Eze-master, you do realise why your sisters friends fiend you, don't you? ;)

You should be cashing in on the compliments train, d00d. :D

They Fiend the Eez-Master
and his Mop goodness. The Mop is still in the incubator though.
Hook up the Mop action though man.
Muzby if you're the most normal of the lot I want to meet your brothers and sisters. I think we'd get along. They must be 10 times more evil than you Muz. Is that possible?
Apparently So.
*Twilight Zone*.
I have two younger sisters. I have always been able to get along really well with the youngest, she’s very bubbly and like me (minus the bitch, plus some ditz). The other sister and I just rub each other the wrong way – she has a supreme case of MCS (Middle Child Syndrome) which leads her to believe that she’s always being had done by because as the first I was spoilt rotten and the youngest is, of course, the baby and also spoilt. She’s getting her own now as the first of us to be pregnant (about to drop any day – I get to be an auntie!) she is getting spoilt rotten.

Our relationships have changed with age though, we’ve always been a very close family, I view my sisters as my friends despite the arguments and I would put myself in front of a bullet for either of them without hesitation.

The middle sister is 18 months younger than me and the youngest is 3 years younger. Neither ever really got into the drug taking scene which was lovely because apart from the freakout I had when I found out they were experimenting, I’ve never really had to worry about their exposure to it. I took the middle sister to her first rave on her 18th birthday and she didn’t like it much (despite having a good time) because the music wasn’t to her taste.

I like that my sisters are so different from me, the middle child is a pop lover with a penchant for names such as Mariah Carey and Jessica Simpson and the youngest loves her RnB. The youngest is very artistic but I can’t draw to save my life but combined together we managed to get everything covered.

It’s weird that my two younger sisters are more settled than me, they both have gorgeous and loving partners and one with a bub on the way and I’m career focussed and can’t even think of living the lives that they do.

Anyhow, I’ve rambled on too long about my siblings. I adore them and even though we fight, argue, take the piss out of each other and generally cause havoc in each others lives we do love each other greatly and would be lost without each other.

i have a little sister that i don't see nor talk to nearly enough. she lives about an hour away, so actually getting out to see her (when i'm struggling to get to work putting in $3 of petrol at a time :\) isn't much of an option, but i should really try to talk to her more often.

i definitely haven't taken an active enough role in her life, and she's nearly fucking eight already! still, when i do see her i try to be a nice influence on her - her mother has no fucking idea how to raise a kid (it's just constant junk food and shitty television), so i'm the one who's always trying to get her interested in books and anything that might broaden her horizons. it's her birthday next week though, and i'll be spending the sunday with her, which will be nice :)
I have a younger brother who is 24 in end of May and younger sister who will be 20 in November, we are very close, even we don't chat/MSN/SMS/email much and they live over 800-1000km's away but we all are very close, it just seems in back of our minds, we all know that we love each other, and will always be there when we need help, etc.

But everytime we catch up together, usually is every few months we always have a crazy big night out on the piss with few other naughty products... catching up and sharing tales of the stupid shit we been up to, and just the usual brother/sister bonding if you know what I mean.

Funny enough it was my younger brother who introduced me my first weed and eccies. And I guided my younger sister her first candyflipping expereince on Xmas day last year.... it was priceless....and seem we got closer than ever since that Candyflipping expereince... strange, but good! :D

When we all were under 18, we were all kind of enemies, we all didnt get on very well, but when I turned 18/19, I moved out of home, and travelled all over the place for few years and didnt see my relatives for few years and finally we all caught up, and seemed we all got matured a bit, and we all been very close every since.

It just odd how when you grow up and depart, makes you realise how important your Siblings are and just how everytime you catch up with them is always very worthwhile of the effort and time you made to see them again, especially if you lived miles away.

I love you Ali and Nic :D
I have one sibling.. a brother who is two years younger than me (he's 19).. we get along really well and are quite close.

When we were younger we used to argue alot, but as we both grew up things changed. I am very proud of the person he has become, and I even learn things off him. He is a very motivated person and I think that's a great quality to have.
Dandy, this is an awesomely great topic and you're a legend for posting it, but it makes me kinda sad :\

I have a brother who's 9 years older than me, and a sister who's 14 years older.

When I was a kid (ie:in primary school) I used to stay with my sister every weekend (she had her own family pretty much from the time I was 2). We developed the most awesome relationship, and for a long time she was like my second mum. Then I told her I was gay, she decided that equated to pedophilia, and that was kind of the end of the closeness. :(
There were other factors, but the fact remains that we're nowhere near as close as we once were. In fact, we're not close at all. She still thinks I'm the person I was when I was a kid, because she won't accept that I've grown since then. And due to stuff that's happened in her own life, she won't ever open herself emotionally to anyone, so there's not much hope of that ever changing. :\

My brother....growing up, we ALWAYS hated one another. He was the baby of the family till I came along, and he'd been spoiled rotten. By the time I was born, he'd gotten used to getting his own way above and beyond anyone else's needs. I wasn't too happy with this cause I've always been a bit of a socialist, and so we never saw eye-to-eye growing up. Again, lots more issues at hand, but basically we hated each other for a long time. We actually stopped talking altogether for 4 years, even though we lived only 5 minutes' walk from one another.

After a few incidents he woke up to himself and realised he'd been a cunt for a long time....he apologised and our relationship now is better than it's ever been; I love him heaps, but we've spent so long hating each other that we don't really relate on an equal level. So it's kind of hard being together.

So yeah, that's my family. Not very Brady Bunch eh? :\
I have a brother who's 21 and as harsh as it is to say, I wish he wasn't my brother at all :( I can't remember ever getting on with him, but naturally things go a little deeper than that. One of the earliest memorys I have is of straddling a little dog that had broken its leg and was pretty beaten up (he was two maybe three years old). He sat there for a good hour slowly pulling and twisting the poor dog's leg as it whimpered in pain, all the time smiling sadistically at the excruciating pain he was causing. :X

He's beaten mum around the head with a length of poly pipe, has stolen priceless family jewellery from my and my mothers hands as we slept, and went back to his old primary school when he was 15 attempting to kill his old principal. And this was before he discovered smack :(. As much as I hate to say it, he now fits the stereotype of a junky perfectly, although hasn't become any less violent.

He's due to go back inside in about three weeks and as far as I'm concerned, the longer he stays there the better. He's manipulative down to even the simplist action, and yes it is a judgement on my part, but he's one of the few people I see as being a truly bad person.

The upside is I'm always seeking 'brother like' relationships with male friends - having non blood 'brothers' rock! :)
I have one sister who's two years younger than me.

She's easily the person I trust most in the world and probably knows more about me than most of my close friends.

We fought a little growing up, but just the general stupid sibling type stuff. As we've gotten older (and also since the death of our mum) we've gotten a hell of a lot closer. She works down the snow for most of winter and it sucks hardcore her being away.

She's da best :)
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I really love the fact that you all have opened up and gone into your relationships with your brothers and sisters. In a way I think it helps to put things into perspective if your relationship(s) with these people weren't something that was bearing heavily on your minds.

I respect the honesty that has gone into the replies and I can certainly gather a lot about where to 'class' the relationship I have with my brother in a sense, some of you don't get along with siblings, some do and I hope that in a sense things feel a tad easier by expressing your feelings in the thread, maybe even remind you to give them a call or to see them.

Keep the replies coming it has been a pleasure to read them.
Well this could get complicated....
Technically I'm one of 11!!! 6 Girls and 5Boys.
But don't worry My mum didn't have us all she isn't that crazy. she just had 5;)
Dad and his first wife had 3 Girls.
Dad and my Mum had 2 Girls, 3 Boys.
Dad's third Wife Has 2 Girls, 1 boy to her previous husband.

So I have Three half sisters, Two stepsisters, one stepbrother, three brothers and a sister.

Michelle- 35 Half sister. married with 3 boys. I've only met michelle a couple of times She lives in Perth. She is a real mother hen type and a bit old fashioned.
Danielle & Nicole- 33 Half sisters (twins). Haven't met either of the twins Danielle has been very sick fighting a meth addiction, been in and out of hospital. Nicole I have spoken to and I have met her son Charlie. Both live in Perth...Will be seeing them in June.

Paul-29 Step Brother. He's ok, is a mechanic but I am never letting him touch my car again. Alcoholic, bit of a slob but we get along when we see each at family events.
Simone-28 married with two boys. She is ok again only see her at family events but we get along then.
Peta-25. She is cool actually like a real sister to me, we get together occasionally.

Tristan 22 My big bro, he and I never used to get along cos we are so close in age, we grew up sharing the same friends. Now its all good. He lives a few hrs away though so I don't see him much but we chat on the phone a bit.
Seb 18 My litle bro he is a bit quiet we usually get along ok when he gets angry tho he gets really nasty.
Theo 15 The litlle shit. I love him to pieces, he reminds me of myself I'm the only one that can make him see sense when he is cracking it.
Morwenna 13 My baby sister is a sweetheart. she never complains about anything, she wants to be like me I hope she never is:)