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Septsober - The September gettn and stayn sober thread 2014

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Today is day 7 no suboxone and 11 days since taking my last oxycodone. So far this short 4 day suboxone detox has worked very well for me.A night and days difference then stopping cold turkey.
congrats shawnzquitting - keep up the good work :)

I'm still tapering heroin. Feel like I've kind of hit a wall here - I wake up a lot less sick than I used to, but I still need a tiny bit in the am, at 6 pm and then before bed. I mean it's a tiny amount - a 1/5 of a half gram broken down in some water, but if I don't do it I feel crappy. I guess the next step is to stop the six pm one, but then I"m going to feel too crappy to eat. Maybe I'll just eat around 4 and then tough it out til it's 11 and time for a little more and bed...
Hope you guys are doing well. Haven't posted here in a lil bit... personally been ok, real busy with gym and catchin up on NA meetings finishing up outpatient in 2 more classes finally. The cravings are not really there as much as they were last month which is freakin nice. It's been 3 MONTHS officially. And 4 months without Marijuana which I do not ever remember going this long without for :)

@BlueSaffron - Did you fall back on the H a little bit again? Stopped the methadones?

@lman15 - That is awesome to read man. Taking out the energy and feelings through something like Boxing or weights man oh boy it helps A LOT!
I am so proud of all my fellow quitters!! <3

I am now sober 33 days
I am now free for the fifth week
I am now on my way for month two.

Great Job Everyone !!! I can't wait to soon be where your all at.Today is another day clean of oxycodone after my short 4 day suboxone detox.Today marks day 8 no suboxone and day 12 since I took my last oxycodone.
Zerix - yeah, I got off methadone and was still really sick, but more than that it was the depression. The last three months I spent on methadone were, no joke, three of the worst months of my life. I felt like I was going crazy and there's no way to explain it properly - I'm sure people are just thinking "well yes, you're depressed when you detox", but it was more than that. Anyway, I used a couple days after I got off, and kept using for almost two weeks, and now I'm tapering heroin. I hope to be done in a few more days.
Congrats on day 27 smoky.

Hey hey Shawnzquittin, thank you! How are you doing? There was some prescription cold medicine with codeine in it at a house today I was Working at. So very tempting, but not worth it, no matter what. :)
Im doing great smoky thanks for asking buddy.Today is a great day seems like alot of my energy is coming back I feel about 90% my normal self yaay lol I can't believe in 2 days it will already be two weeks since ive taken any oxycodone and I cant express enough how great it is not to wake up feeling like crap every morning. How are you doing Smoky? And Great job on your part at resisting tempation your almost a month clean already !!! GREAT JOB !!!
Im doing great smoky thanks for asking buddy.Today is a great day seems like alot of my energy is coming back I feel about 90% my normal self yaay lol I can't believe in 2 days it will already be two weeks since ive taken any oxycodone and I cant express enough how great it is not to wake up feeling like crap every morning. How are you doing Smoky? And Great job on your part at resisting tempation your almost a month clean already !!! GREAT JOB !!!

Good to hear!
Congrats on coming up on 2 weeks, those were the hardest for me. 15 days was the first day I didn't feel psychotic in the afternoon, this derealization would come in this huge wave out of nowhere with panic. It's mostly gone now, yay! I feel more connected to reality. My energy is better but still a little off; although I don't have a thyroid gland and need to check my levels….
Not waking up sick, shaking … reaching for my dope in the morning is such a delight. I was in a place where it was the only thing I was looking forward to in life… BEing absolutely ill, then immediately better. All my other priorities had to come after that… So grateful to drink coffee in am without needing to use first, and in middle of the night at times. :)
Now that Autumn (and my.30th birthday) are right around the.corner,.I'm.again dreaming of dropping.down to a.single.drug of.choice (if not none)
Kicked cannabis.this year, opiates.& mdma last year .. but still depended.on.alcohol and Newly.on.diazepines.

At.a.roadblock.where I.feel stuck..
I'm the go:for:broke.type.can't.envisioning.myself.tapering.at.all..which is gonna.make.w/ds.at.work.hell.

Could.try and get help.thru.my.crap.HMO but always Been afraid of.having addiction on my record,.and.probably.dropping this INS.next year

Sorry for.the crap typing, phone + intox = bad BLing
Congrats SMOKY day 28 for you !!! Day 9 today no suboxone I can't believe it's almost 2 weeks since last oxycodone. I'm feeling so much better with each day that passes.Good Luck to everyone on taking back control of your life instead of letting a drug control your every move you make.It's such a terrible way to live your life and I am so happy I have broke out of that cage and made the choice to put my life back together right now for the very last time ever once and for all.Take Care everyone Im off to cheer on Dale Earnhardt Jr #88 and Hopefully a Pittsburgh Steelers Win tonight over the carolina Panthers.
I've been doing pretty well lately. Was hitting the 25i-NBOH hard the first half of this year, along with copious marijuana use. Since the end of June I've only used twice (lost my desire for the substances), but until recently was drinking quite a bit. Something happened in the last thirty days or so, and I just feel naturally better, like slowing down the way I did made it a hell of a lot easier to put the substances down. Also been working more, exercising more, and eating healthier. (Lots of chicken, man--loving it these days. When chicken is a third of the price of beef, I simply don't buy beef. Even pork is higher than it used to be. Cost drives the market for me.)

There have been a few pitfalls unrelated to substance use that I've been dealing with (rather well, I think) -- and I'm happy in my current state. I have the ability NOT to give up. That's the main thing. Good to see so many of you other SL-ers rockin and staying positive. I've invited a close friend to Recovery, and hope he'll be able to benefit from the community the way I have.
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