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Septsober - The September gettn and stayn sober thread 2014

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24 more down all good people =D

Great Job njiren!!! Today marks 10 days no suboxone for me after a very short 4 day suboxone detox and its 2 weeks since I've taken the last oxycodone for the rest of my life.Instead of waking up and injesting a oxycodone I'm taking all vitamins and feeling better with each day that passes.
I believe today is 28 days off benzos and 13 days off bupe and tramadol. Withdrawal is proving to be extremely non-linear. The past few days have all been similar, I felt OK in the morning but was flooded with symptoms later in the day. Woke up feeling relatively good today as well even though I haven't gotten a good nights sleep since I came off the pills. I knew it was going to be rough quitting these three drugs at the same time though, time to pay the piper..

I also haven't had a drink in 5 days, only drugs have been caffeine and marijuana. I'm working on quitting those as well but if smoking weed a couple times a day helps me get through the worst of the pharmie withdrawal so be it.
That's how I was feeling Straightrazor waking up feeling good but lose energy and motivation in the late afternoon. It's getting better daily for me though but your quitting three meds at once.Great Job and keep up the good fight and a BIG CONGRATS TO YOU ON MAKING IT TO 28 DAYS TODAY !!!
Congratulations to you as well, shawnz 10 days as a big deal and you are definitely over the worst of it. I'm happy I'm not getting cravings as bad as I have in the past. When I first quit this time around it was because I completely ran out of money and couldn't afford to maintain my habit any longer. Since then I have came into some more money but have resisted the urge to purchase anything. I have got this far why give up now?

Keep up the good fight man! We are both more then capable of putting this stuff behind us.
Thanks for the words of encouragement straight razor right back at you.The thing that is still killing me is these on and off high preaPreasure headaches but I know it's just my brain trying to fix itsself and start producing those important endorphins on its own again since its outside source has been abruptly cut off.Are your headaches gone by now? If you dont mind me asking what were you taking on a daily basic?
I stopped having any real heachaches maybe a week ago. Right now I'm mostly dealing with anxiety, insomnia, soreness and muscle pain as well as some strange perceptual changes. My sinuses as well as my stomach are doing well again. When I quit I was taking ~40mg diazepam daily as well as 600+mg of tramadol and 4mg of sub everyday. I had originally been taking the sub at higher doses to come off a dope and oxy habit. My original plan was to take the tramadol to get off the buprenorphine but they ended up synergizing nicely together and I ended up staying on both of them. I was taking the tramadol and suboxone together for 7-8 months. Before I started taking the tramadol I was on 16mg of sub for a couple years so at least I managed to lower the dose some. I quit everything cold turkey (the benzos and painkilers 15 days apart) which I'm aware wasn't the best idea but I don't have the will power required to maintain any type of taper, I tend to just binge on things until I run out.
Wow your doing Great then at almost a month after stopping three different meds cold turkey.I really look up to you because you are a Boss for doing what you have done over the last 4 weeks !!! Keep it up dont cave in no matter what ! Were fighting for our freedom. I was taking around 150mgs daily oxycodone prescribed from my dr when he presribes me 240mgs a day.I never took as much as he prescribed they were 15mgs so I would get 480 a month thatz 16 a day so I would normally take 10 sometimes 12 a day.I just decided enough is enough and tapered down to just 15mgs a day over about a 3 week period got me seven packages of suboxone film strips only used one and a half of those over 4 days.1st day 12 hrs after my last oxycodone I took 4mgs of sub.2nd day another 4mg of Sub 3rd day 1mg of Sub and 4th and final day 10 days ago today I only took a 1/2 mg of Suboxone. I have no headache so far today and im feeling about 90% but its sord of a roller coaster you know that tomorrow hopefully not the headache could be back.I believe the very aggressive taper I did off the oxycodone really helped my detox alot it definitely couldn't have hurt (lol) I am really proud of you and everyone on here fighting to regain thier freedom once and for all.
It so does … :\ Thank you C.H.
I'm sooooo glad it's over, yay! Some lingering, but not like it was. Grateful to be alive.

I'm very grateful to be alive too. I'm wondering how many more years I'll have at the rate I'm going though.
How is everyone doing today? Well quick update today is day 11 no suboxone and day 14 no oxycodone. Yesterday I had great energy all day no headaches really if I felt my head getting a little crazy I take a hot shower or bath and its gone.My sleep is not quite where I want it to be yet but hey that will come back in due time.I go to bed at 10 or 11pm and up at around 4 am and I usually always get a good 8 hrs of sleep.But if thats my only problem I have left I'm very Thankful because when I do wake up I feel great and have energy and just pop on the good ol ear buds and start jamming to sound good ol music.Hope you are all doing great today !
Day 30 benzo free + 15 days off opiates :D

Hope everyone is doing well. I am glad the temperatures are dropping and leaves are beginning to fall, this is my favorite time of year.
second that!
Now im sober i just love being outside, wheter the sun is shining or not.
This fall kind of resembles the decay of my addiction and mental health problems, while i used to always get super depressed this time of the year.
I actually look forward to wind and rain lol.
I cant imagine how i must feel next years spring :D

Today i am totally sober for the 37th day.
Im still a little shocked of how quick i recovered this time, and how fast i am going now towards living a furfilling life.
I went from complete desperation and isolation two months ago to all of a sudden waking up smiling, i have friends (or i had them allready and now i am open for maintaining friendship), peace of mind, plans for the future, things to look out to, no more anxiety and depression.
Its an almost spiritual expierence, im finally walking into the light...took me 20 years...

Just came back from my psychiatrist, who says im in the final stage of mourning, i am really accepting myself and am letting go of the past.
The only thing is i still have pretty disturbing nightmares about growing up in the mess of my home situation, the stress and anxiety of being bullied and beaten as a kid, living without a father, a depressed sister and a mother who was always on the brink of a burn-out.
He is saying that is a clear sign im now processing that instead of walking away from it, if it still bothers me in my dreams a couple of months from now we can also look closer into it to finally defeat it, perhaps with emdr or psychotherapy.

He is such a understanding guy, he came up with trying promethazine to sleep through the nights, but when i stated id rather try different doses of mirtazapine to see where that would take me (last night i took 22.5 instead of the usual 15mg, and i slept all night) he was enhousiastic about that because in his opinion own solutions always tend to work better then the ones handed out to you, and its a clear sign i have controle over my addiction, because the addict i used to be would immedeatly take the sedatives!!
Im absolutely confident i dont want that, as well as Lyrica and methylphenidate, even though it helps for anxiety and ADD, i know i shouldt be having medicines around of wich i can get high.
He wrote me a discription for 60 x 15mg to try different doses this month to see what works, and i will evaluate that next month.
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That's great njirem! I am glad you are feeling so well. I completely agree with fall being reminiscent of the decay of addiction, I like that. It is interesting that you mention mourning, I have been thinking a lot recently trying to find the root issue of why I can never get completely sober and always desire some source of escapism. I realized that the time I really stopped caring about life in general was right around the same time my mom died. I completely used this an excuse to eat handful after handful of pills for years on end. I realize that no drugs are doing to take any of that pain away and I'd like to think I'm starting to come to terms with it as well. Hopefully this realization is something I will continue to take close to heart in the future. This isn't the first time I have tried to quit and I fully realize I'm early in my recovery and that cravings and other addictive thought can make an appearance out of seemingly nowhere. One day at a time...
Big Congrats to both of you !!! Today is day 12 for me no suboxone and day 15 no oxycodone. I'm not getting those headaches anymore Thank God and energy is really good its soo awesome being sober I totally agree with you both 100% about enjoying the oudoors.
Big Congrats to both of you !!! Today is day 12 for me no suboxone and day 15 no oxycodone. I'm not getting those headaches anymore Thank God and energy is really good its soo awesome being sober I totally agree with you both 100% about enjoying the oudoors.

Congrats Shawnzquitting ! ! :)
Thanks Smoky isn't today the 30 day mark for you? A big congrats to you buddy for a whole month.Great Job !!!
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