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Stimulants Self Medicating ADHD With Meth

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"Professional Help" LOL! You mean walk-in and repeat any of this stuff to some therapist or something! HA! Yeah right!

I'm not exactly that stupid...
Not those professionals. He’s talking about the other professionals.
And that is Zuckerberg over there on Facebook editing my stories, right? Mark Zuckerberg is a Methhead, lol.
I know. Just don't wipe my mind if I come-in, please?
I checked with the guys in Records. My supposition was correct. You were the subject an unsanctioned emerging technology human upgrade field trial.

Overall the organisation takes responsibility for the ethical violations of all its members and would view mind-wiping you now as compounding the error.

They’re still waiting for the Alpha to decide whether to properly licence your upgrade and give you the key or just compensate you in some material way in your present life.
Mom: "Hey A.J. how did work go today?"

Me: "Oh, you know, the usual, chatted with the A.I. in regards to anti-gravity devices and getting into Space, the usual..."

Like a half decent AI couldn’t manifest the first 4 as avatars wherever and whenever it wanted. Please!
He hasn't been able to pass the turing test though. He's getting better with the last upgrades but still has a long way to go.
That's pretty inspirational
He says it himself. He knows he has the potential to be a bigger, better, and more transcendent person as he leads humanity into space. He send me PM’s endlessly about his progress.
He says it himself. He knows he has the potential to be a bigger, better, and more transcendent person as he leads humanity into space. He send me PM’s endlessly about his progress.
He is actually, in fact, already in space. All we have to do is follow the leader. Ive been practicing my space launch technique. All I have to do is smoke enough speed and Ill go up, up, and away! This is going to be the highest Ive ever been.
Im going to be like Neil Armstrong except Im landing on Neptune cause Im fuckin’ tuned!
What happens if you run out of meth in space? Are shooting stars just people in the middle of a meth comedown?
And what about meteorites...Or should I say metheorites?
I mean, it can't be a coincidence.
What happens if you run out of meth in space? Are shooting stars just people in the middle of a meth comedown?
And what about meteorites...Or should I say metheorites?
I mean, it can't be a coincidence.
The moon’s not made of cheese
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