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Stimulants Self Medicating ADHD With Meth

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Don’t bring Jesus into it. We’ve already got people believing they’re saving the world as spacemen. The last thing we need is @acklac7 finding out he can walk on water
He can. I was out surfing on the east coast and there he was, walking on water. True story. Well fine - I dont surf. Im turf only. You got me. My web of lies has been untangled once again.

when I saw him out on the water, I was just so envious, actually downright jealous, that I bought a surfboard to go out and smack him on the head. But I fell and waterboarded myself.

I hate surfing. Im no good at it. Stupid shrimps and sharks and seaweed always tripping me up. Crocodiles too.
He can. I was out surfing on the east coast and there he was, walking on water. True story. Well fine - I dont surf. Im turf only. You got me. My web of lies has been untangled once again.

when I saw him out on the water, I was just so envious, actually downright jealous, that I bought a surfboard to go out and smack him on the head. But I fell and waterboarded myself.

I hate surfing. Im no good at it. Stupid shrimps and sharks and seaweed always tripping me up. Crocodiles too.
You can extract pure d-methamp from the jellyfish if you know how to make them laugh.
You can extract pure d-methamp from the jellyfish if you know how to make them laugh.
It’s only true if you are near an ocean sewerage outfall where they can soak up all the meth we’ve pissed away.
I mean I've thought about it, who hasn't? And who has time to extract it. Quick, while it is still body temp!
I microwave it for a nice hot drink, post it on pornhub. Its hot.
Mom: "Hey A.J. how did work go today?"

Me: "Oh, you know, the usual, chatted with the A.I. in regards to anti-gravity devices and getting into Space, the usual..."

Who were you texting?
Dunno if this thread is for real or not but it's been very entertaining and amusing
Joe Biden gets daily updates on me. Hell, I had Donald Trump pulled into the situation room at the end of December!

I just wonder how many NSL's I'm responsible for 😂😂😂😂
You are in a psychosis. I hear and imagine weird shit too. Its the drugs. Youre going to have a very stark realization someday and I hope it is soon. Shut your mind off, try doing the opposite of what it’s telling you. You’ll find out that daily crystal meth use pushing your subconscious mind this far is pushing a subconscious dream and not conscious reality. Youre living in a nightmare. Mark Zuckerburg doesnt have a clue who you are. CIA hasnt done a thing to you, but a lot of other companies have you on track. Its analytics and its geared to targeting ads at you and your demographic, and its not that scary. There definitely arent bots impersonating all your friends. No one has the time or incentive to write the program the AI just to fuck with you exclusively. These are delusions of persecution and grandeur, and theyre very, very common with meth users.
The CIA hasn't bugged my Father's phone and played games with all his contacts. No, that's Psychosis!

A.J. "Services" that's pretty you funny guys, that's pretty funny...

The CIA hasn't bugged my Father's phone and played games with all his contacts. No, that's Psychosis!

A.J. "Services" that's pretty you funny guys, that's pretty funny...

Have you ever answered your phone?

74 voicemails. Youre either extremely popular or extremely paranoid. I cant figure out which one... tough call!
Have you ever answered your phone?

74 voicemails. Youre either extremely popular or extremely paranoid. I cant figure out which one... tough call!
That's my Dad's phone. He hasn't the first clue how to configure it.

I mean, you all could leave my Family out of it, I mean they're afraid of you and stuff? They're definitely spooked.
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That's my Dad's phone. He hasn't the first clue how to configure it.

I mean, you all could leave my Family out of it, I mean they're afraid of you and stuff? They're definitely spooked.

Me? Oh I'm loving this shit! I think I might be up on some stockholm syndrome type deal to be honest...
Are you sure it is us that scares your family, or is it the fact their son, the Harvard graduate, has in the span of 2 years of meth use become a paranoid schizphrenic, emaciated halfway to the grave, and thinks he looks and sounds great?

Please stop using meth. It is going to destroy you very quickly. There is nowhere to go from here.
That's my Dad's phone. He hasn't the first clue how to configure it.

I mean, you all could leave my Family out of it, I mean they're afraid of you and stuff? They're definitely spooked.

Me? Oh I'm loving this shit! I think I might be up on some stockholm syndrome type deal to be honest...
Do they know you use METH?
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