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Seemed like a good idea at the time.... silly things you've done on E Mega merge

this HAS to be is THE worst (wasnt me, but some other dude): I sometimes need to go for a dump when i'm vova'd (well, often actually) and this one night i got a real strong urge for a number two whilst on the floor. the sphincter contractions were beginning to intefere with my raving so i headed for the toilets. it was at this stage i realised i REALLY needed to go. i burst into the stall without checking to see if there is any paper in the stall. has anyone ever dumped while vova'd? its really cool i can tell ya tripping there in the toilet and all. anyways i hear a good song and i decide its time to bop again. there's no toilet paper. shit. i have a bottle of water on me and i tear the label off that and use it... more work has to be done so i call out for someone to hand me some TP, some guy then pipes up that there's none in any of the other stalls... so he then goes out the toilets and collects seriously about 25 water bottles and peels off the labels. thats what i used to wipe my ass. he then proceeds to collect as many water bottle labels as he can and to stock the stalls for improv TP. he seems pissed off that i didnt offer to help him in his quest. i then do what i was intending to do after wiping and go off and tell a staff member that the stalls have run out of TP and she quickly replaces them. i go to check the dudes reaction and he seems genuinely pissed off that his services are no longer needed when she relieves him of his duty. laughed my ass off - the look on his face when i didnt offer to help him and then when the club staff lady came was just too priceless.
[ 13 February 2003: Message edited by: inonzi_prowler ]
First, and worst of all, puking on my date while we were at the club. The combination of huge amounts of schwag, MDMA, and alcohol just doesn't always work out like it's supposed to.
Second, driving twelve miles out on the interstate when the trip home is only supposed to take less than five minutes from downtown. Hrmmm ... I think we forgot where we were going.
Finally, heading off to judge a high school debate tournament early in the morning only hours after throwing back a bean. "Why's he wearing sunglasses?" Needless to say, I was only available to judge one round before I gave notice that I was sick and went home.
Oh yeah ... And public transportation is never a good idea while you're rolling. You'll actually say something back to the smelly, homeless transvestite who's sitting next to you.
They always insist on starting conversations.
stupid things you say or do when your roll

I wanna know what you guys do or say that is stupid when u r rolling. For me i chew on my lip. Not the innocent kind of every day chew on ya lip and stop. I mean i MUNCH and EAT my lip. i have no idea why - well i do, but afterwards im like wtf why did i do that. It will all start off with me needing gum. then i get sick of the gum, and as i am rollin i start gently chewin on my lip and it feels SOO DAMN GOOD. my bf will tell me dont do it, it really doesnt feel good u r gonna regret it. and i will say ok, and 5 seconds later i am munchin on my lip again. It was so bad the first time i did it that i developed a huge absess inside my lip and couldnt eat for a week. eventually i went to the doctor because it wasnt going away but i told him i had a bad dream and woke up chewin on it (which is true if u think about it)....anwyas he put me on antibiotics and it was cured. But i continue to do it every time i roll.............bad stuff.....................any stories you guys wanna share?
D'oh... I did that on friday night and I still have a really sore blistery type thing inside my mouth near my top lip.... pooey!
OMG I do that same thing all the time lol. Really bad habbit. :(
I don't know about stupid things I do, but a stupid thing I did on friday night was manage to fall down the same flight of stairs twice in the space of 5 minutes, got up and kept dancing, only noticing a sensation that my ankle felt like it may possibly give way at some point, not realising until the next morning that I'd actually broken it in one of the falls. Dumbarse.
ohh my lips are always sore from chewing them!! it was even worse last year when i had braces, mega pain!!
I chewed my lip like this the last time on coke. On E I always have plenty of gum with me and I smoke a lot of cigarettes, and that's a bad habit, but it feels so good
I always say the most incredibly and horribly stupid things imaginable when I'm rolling. I don't know where the hell it all comes from either. The worst night by far was about two years ago. While watching some random cartoon, I blurted out, "I'm glad that I don't lay eggs." Later in the night, I told everyone, "I see cappucinos on the wall." And finally, "Woah! When the hell did that window get there!"
Whenever I try to hold a conversation when I'm rolling, I always get these intermittent memory lapses, and in the middle of the conversation I'll briefly forget what I was talking about and start talking about some other random thing that has nothing to do with what the conversation is pertaining to, then I'll get back on track and resume the original convo. It's pretty damn annoying, and makes me look like a toal goober :p
^^ haha omg i get that too! i shoot the salad like its my job. ill be just sittin in the car and ill jump into conversation and think everyones supposed to know what im talkin about. Once i was like ya duff is in the computer lab......(duff beina girl i graduated with) and my bf will look at me and be like "wha???" and ill be like hmm what did i just say? then ill remember and try to cover it up like it was supposed to mean somethin. LOL
im just really polite when i roll, but one thing that sticks in my head was when i was haing a smoke in the back of my mates car.
had a chuppa chup in noe had ciggatette, bottle of coke and 50 bucks in the other and i cut off the conversaition i was in the middle of and proceeded to talk about how i was going to grow more hands by the next week.
I used to chew on my cheeks, lips, my tongue....just about anything. Or chew my gum so hard and fast that my jaw got really sore for the next couple of days. Everytime, I told myself not to, and tried to make a concious effort controlling it, but next day, always the same pain.

Blondie, cup of ice can be your best friend. Don't chew it, just hold it between your teeth and suck on it. Stopped my insane chewing. Magnesium is supposed to help, but I have not tried it yet, so I can't give an anectodal evidence. I'll try next time and see if it makes a difference.

Other stupid things I do...I always have mints or candy and give it out to people....but when I give it out to girls, I usually put it in their mouth. Nothing sexual. It happens when I offer the girl mint or candy and lot of times they just open their mouth or stick out their tongue for me to put it on. Couple of times, this got their boyfriends pissed off, but they see I'm rolling (usually they are too) and they know I don't mean anything by it, and it's all good.

Also, I don't know how many free pills I've given out. Not even just to friends, but friends of friends, or strangers I just met and had a nice conversation with....damn this plur thing.... =D
Jaw clenches, are a real bad habit of mine, instead of jaw sticking out i rub my back two teeth together and bite as hard as i can, following morning i can barely spk, my dropping partner says he aint seen n e 1 chew so hard, he rokons i would bite thrub a bone, in fact i chewed an entire pencils once for fun in under 2 min!! lol!! twat, i found splinters in my mouth the next day!!
Chewing on gum absurdly hard. I can't really help it. Last time, about a month ago, we ate these sketchy orange "911" pills, the next morning my jaw cracked. Been like that ever since....so sad.
haha, that sucks! i am more the polite type 2... and i go around telling people how awsome they are and how much i love them and stuff haha its kinda embarassing the next day... ill go to sum random girl be like o man ur so great i love u and give her a hug... sigh lol rollin' kids say the darndest things
In regards to magnesium helping with gurning, i can confirm that it does.

I take 500mg's of magnesium about 5 hours before i take the pills. I find this helps me a lot. I still get slight gurning, but its much more controlable.

The theory is that magnesium is responsable for nerve and muscle control. All amphetamines deplete your reserves of magnesium (i don't know how). The gurning (and also the eye wiggling) is caused by the resulting loss of muscle control.