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Say something you can't say to their face

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Bringing up our big fight from three years ago whenever something upsets you DOES NOT make me want to stay in a relationship with you! You can't just tell me you hate me and pretend like nothing is wrong the next day. You can't just decide that our entire relationship means nothing to you one day and everything to you the next!

And yet I put up with this day after day 8(
Please leave it you have the means to. That's my goal right now. I'm with ya, friend xo
Although I do get your ways of being and I appreciate your qualities, I can't be anyone else but myself. I'm far from being perfect but I'm not going to be a better person by thinking like someone else. We are all individuals and unique and I trust that following role models can make us good examples in life. But that does not mean I have to be like you because I can't.
I love you and you are fucking awesome, despite the fact that you irritate the fuck out of me (everyone does) so it's not personal.

- sure iv'e said this outright anyway; in less blunt terms. hehe
" I love you, but this does not mean I accept your behavior that is somewhat abusive towards me and those I love. "

Please get help!

I won't be here forever. <3
Leave your abusive husband and let me be your abusive boyfriend :|
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I know you're hurting still. I'd never dobthat to you. I wish you'd just give us a shot. Also I don't understand why you have to be mean just out of the blue. I love you.
Don't worry about what you have said regarding what you have felt during all of those years. I won't be far away because you told me things that I didn't expect from you. I just wished you'd tell me before rather than now. You don't protect me by hiding what you feel towards me. I'm also concerned bc if it wasn't because of our discussion I'd never know how intense all of those feelings were, and that it had affected your life. I'm deeply sorry for that.

The things I have done remains in a past that is the present for most people who don't live around me. And there's nothing I can do about that other than try to live more consciously. And I know that my past condemns me and it will continue doing so even in 10 or 20 years from now. And you'll hear more about it. So please open up and talk to me.
I still have my wedding rings and I put them on when I'm home alone. I compare you to my ex husband constantly. He's gone. He's not coming back. Why would you be mad if I were in love with someone that is no longer alive? Your not gonna find me in bed with him, or catch me texting him. I pretend our daughter is his too...

This made me cry as soon as I read it .
That person clearly does not understand the pain inside of you.
But don't ever feel bad about feeling bad .
You've been strong for so long
It's okay to take a break
Whenever I come over we always giggle and laugh together.

It's always nice to see you smile
Like I said once, you had already been forgiven way before you apologized.
You have always been a role model for me. Hoping to get closer again..
It was me the whole time - I know you talk to girls behind my back. I know you were lying but I didn't say anything and I don't know why I continue with you
I hate living here - I want my own place again.I don't know why I agreed to this. You promised you would finally get a job - I'm tired of taking care of you and every single bill and anything we do. I'm tired of paying for your drugs
A part of me hates you for bringing that shit around me again! I was clean for 7 years - why the fuck am I with you
I've given my heart, my money, my love, my trust even tho you don't deserve it, everything I have its yours - I did this because of the love I have for you and what do I get in return? Side eye , eye rolls, looks of what do you want, lies,lies and more lies, addiction, oh yea your tweaker crafts -i've got a shit ton of those
Why do you keep walking in my room - can you feel that I'm distancing myself from you- you created this- oh by the way bub your not getting this snatch tonight - so turn your ass around and go back to your side of the house.
just you wait. one day i will be over you and maybe then you will get it. never will you find another like me
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