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Say something you can't say to their face

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Yes, you should
You're right. I'm so shy, it's annoying. The dude who offered has been my best friend for many years. I've stood with him throughout being homeless. He came into some money and wants me to go with him. I shouldn't pass up my blessing, eh?

Well that didn't go where my cockbrain was hoping it would

Haha yeah, a huge black one of those would be nice too.
I don't want to be in your wedding... I love you, but I need to cut ties and have needed to for years now. I'm no longer doing things to please people that don't reciprocate the love and care anymore. Things are so fake and I'm done going with the flow to please him and your bitch mother to appear like a functioning family when it's a trainwreck X10. If people actually knew some of the things that have happened and probably still do only on a worse scale, they'd be shocked and disgusted. your mother would probably have a breakdown from embarassment.

Break free so you don't end up like them.. it's probably too late

Stick to your guns and make sure you stand up for yourself. Create boundaries so toxic people can't keep walking all over you. You're an awesome person. Be good to yourself and don't feel bad for it. 💗
Stick to your guns and make sure you stand up for yourself. Create boundaries so toxic people can't keep walking all over you. You're an awesome person. Be good to yourself and don't feel bad for it. 💗
Thanks darlin. After this past holiday I realize I have to stop contact with that side of the family, like now. Boundaries? Yeah, my boundary is that they never try to contact me again. There is no walking all over me, there hasn't been an opportunity for them to do that because it's like I don't exist. I can't do it anymore and i'm sick of crying over them. I've been doing this my whole life, but everything is so much clearer now. Despite my efforts, it has not worked out and it never will. You can't force people to love you and care about you. I learned what unconditional love is from my mother the 1st 16 years of my life. I know what it looks like and they clearly don't have any love for me at all. I'll need years of therapy.. I already know that, but once I let them go, I think I'll finally have a freedom. I appreciate your post. Thank you 💞
It's just like the first time every time, never gets old! 😂

I just listened to all the rants. Oh yeah, my other fave insults are "fickle cunt" and "glum cunt". LOL!
"I need a woman not a little girl with a fucking dysfunctional cunt!" He was on a roll. She does sound like a biatch just trying to egg him on so I didn't feel bad for her.

This is wonderful. "You should just smile and blow me".

If those aren't relationships goals i dont know what is.

Ive never heard this, thank you for this.
Thanks darlin. After this past holiday I realize I have to stop contact with that side of the family, like now. Boundaries? Yeah, my boundary is that they never try to contact me again. There is no walking all over me, there hasn't been an opportunity for them to do that because it's like I don't exist. I can't do it anymore and i'm sick of crying over them. I've been doing this my whole life, but everything is so much clearer now. Despite my efforts, it has not worked out and it never will. You can't force people to love you and care about you. I learned what unconditional love is from my mother the 1st 16 years of my life. I know what it looks like and they clearly don't have any love for me at all. I'll need years of therapy.. I already know that, but once I let them go, I think I'll finally have a freedom. I appreciate your post. Thank you 💞

Ignoring someone is definitely a form of abuse. It makes people feel the need to constantly seek the approval of the person(s) ignoring them. Yes, cut that cord and get into therapy. I love when I tell my therapist something about my family and he validated my feelings. It makes you feel ok. Good people tend to feel guilty about certain things, but you're on the right track! :)

This is wonderful. "You should just smile and blow me".

If those aren't relationships goals i dont know what is.

Ive never heard this, thank you for this.

Imagine thinking that you are the prize or that blog articles are the pinnacle of childcare information and be all end all of what to do in a spur of the moment 2 am situation. I'm getting really sick of your bullshit.
Don't know what to do. Lost cunt. Great, I need more drugs to deal with this shit. Hope your happy.
All my exes were right about you. And you clearly have a histrionic personality disorder. You jealous, kiniving bitch.
No more filling you little girls that run in gangs with pockets with money..........All online baby....and it's shitload better gear!
I'm 20 million timuypides far ahead of you :) I'm intelligents yaww stuypid as hell :) mmmmmmeth gives you no ideassssssssssssss lmfao
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