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Say something you can't say to their face

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thank you for leaving me because i would have stayed with you forever. it was the decision i couldn't make, but it was the right one!
thank you thank you thank you
She was an immature cunt. I'm sorry she said that to you. Don't worry. You have to find the girl who is the right fit for you.

My boyfriend is not the biggest guy I've ever been with, but bigger isn't always better. Technique has a lot to do with it and he is the perfect fit for me.

^^I second that sentiment.

Don't let one skank ruin what you think of yourself.

If you really have fears, then focus instead on what you CAN do, and master those skills. Foreplay is a very much appreciated aspect of sex for women especially, as it can take a moment even when turned on to - I'm trying so hard to think of the least vulgar way to put this but I can't soooo I'm just going to be real af - get wet so that sec is comfortable, and some men seem to forget this or just plain not care.

So, focus on what you can control. Get good,get great, at things like oral sex, kissing, touching etc.

Believe me, the effort is appreciated.

You are fine as you are. I repeat, do not let one skank ruin what you think of yourself.

Please, God. Let her ACTUALLY BE THERE FOR ME like I've been for her. I need help desperately. The mold in here is killing me. Can someone please give me a hand up, before I DIE???

I just need a little help for maybe a couple of months. I'm not intrusive. I'm helpful. I'm humble. Please, God.

Let someone listen to me, let someone understand. Before its too late for me.

Please. Please. I'm sleeping in the car ffs. I'm sick. Please, God, just get me away from this toxic environment long enough to get a job.

I will work full time and sleep in the car after that if that's what it takes. Minimize my exposure.

Please, God. Help me help myself.
^ get angry dude. Feeling victimised is fine when you are but you need an out, noone will rescue you but yourself - if you need people, you will find them when you come to terms with yourself and your situation.
It's easy for me to say and not judging you for how awful it feels for you...By any measure. However, you can put your energy into erasing the present; or you can accept, plan and strategize toward the future. You will.❤️
your mom is a control freak and your dad has made all your important life choises for you, you can't do anything without their approval because you are a co-dependent baby and you won't ever be able to love somebody if you don't get over it, which you will probably never do. GOODBYE.
I am tired of being put in between you two. Solve your issues and let me alone. I believe I've done enough.
^ For some reason I always think you're talking to me and get v paranoid.
I know the feeling, sometimes it happens to me, e.g., when you mentioned about a comment I or someone else made under current politcs once (?) but not now ;)
i am a little apprehensive about today, there is a decent amount of potential for it going wrong.
The program that I work has allowed me to work through the hate i have in my life, and I replace the word 'hate' with the word 'sick'. Some are a lot sicker then others, and I hope you get the help you need.
I loathe your fiancé with a passion! He is completely useless! He's turned you into a brain-dead zombie who caters to him even though you're the one who works all day long. Your mother and I told you he does jackshit all day and you go out of your way to help him do nothing.
You turn against your own family just to defend him. It's sickening.

Carrying this kind of hatred day in and day out is not healthy. I can't help it. This house is too crowded. I can't make a move without someone being in my face. I need to get away from here for good. I'm not dying here. All I feel are people around me trying to keep me down.

Focusing on the future and making a life with the man who loves me should be my priority. Not all this hatred and anger for the assholes I'm surrounded by.

Just now I heard your pathetic excuse for a fiancé speaking to you like a dog yelling "WHAT ARE YOU COOKING?!" He should be the one cooking, not you! This is your day off. He is acting like a piece of shit and trying to rush you so you can take him to see his family. Why are you with him? Just to say you're not alone. You are alone anyway. If anything, this is a shining example of what I will never put up with.

Made me think of Elliott Smith's song where he sings:

"She appears composed, so she is, I suppose. Who can really tell?
She shows no emotion at all,
Stares into space like a dead China doll."

That's supposedly about what his stepfather turned his mother into. That's what your fiancé has done to you.
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Please. Dont say no. Especially for that reason, because you're wrong. But mostly, please, because I don't want to die.

So, please.

I must have faith in life.

It's my only option.
You're either all in or your out...
It's not my fault you don't know what you want or even know who you are
and I'm not here to make you feel better about yourself at my own expense...
I'm no longer taking ownership of your oscillations
So do me a favor and go waste someone else's time...
We all make mistakes in life, some of the greatest minds in history fucked up a few times. Its really what you get from the mistake, if you make use of the mistake and learn to grow from it then doing so will help you achieve your goal, if you don't learn anything from the mistake and keep going on the downward spiral then you destined to a life of misery and chaos.
You're either all in or your out...
It's not my fault you don't know what you want or even know who you are
and I'm not here to make you feel better about yourself at my own expense...
I'm no longer taking ownership of your oscillations
So do me a favor and go waste someone else's time...

Sorry to be intrusive, but this seems to good to be held in silence, not be told!
Yes, I do fear you but I never admitted to it because you would have just used that knowledge to manipulate me even more. I suppose that's the sort of manipulative behavior one learns from an abusive partner. Omission of information to hinder efforts at manipulation... Call it a lie if you want, even if it was deceitful it's intention wasn't to harm anyone and it might have even protected you from yourself, I don't want you to drown in self hatred even more. What kind of a loving partner would constantly keep prodding you with questions like "do you fear me?" anyway? I don't care if you think that makes me a hypocrite when I say I don't approve of manipulating others, I don't want to be near people who turn being honest into putting yourself at risk and exposing yourself to further abuse. You may think you have successfully undermined my personal values, but the truth is, you failed to break my character and somehow I feel like that is just provoking you to attempt even harder. In a way I am grateful for all the hard lessons you have taught me but I still believe the world would be a better place if nobody had to learn such lessons in the first place.
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