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Say something you can't say to their face

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What's wrong with you? Why are you so angry? Why can't you have a normal conversation with me? Can't you see it's ending? Or is that why you're acting out?
Why have you changed so much? Why are you suddenly so independent and so powerful, so to speak. You seem to be irritated all the time.
You don't miss chance to make sharp, ironic critiques. Why?
What's wrong with you? Why are you so angry? Why can't you have a normal conversation with me? Can't you see it's ending? Or is that why you're acting out?

Damn sound like somthin my wife would say word for word....id have to tell her its cause i gave u everything and u do me like that to get your fix ...angels really truly do fall from grace everyday but never thought ud be one of them...
^ I had the same thought.. sure, my wife could have said it to me even if I wasn't angry at all. :\
If your relationship isn't working out, listen to that small voice inside. Ask yourself if you need to continue on with the relationship or if you need to let it go. Sometimes we outgrow people in our lives and it's time to move on. You have to be sensitive enough to know when it's time to change. Someone new and better will come along. Trust me. So never cling to someone because you are afraid of being alone. You are never alone. Some doors close in order for something fantastic to come your way.
I really like hanging out with you. But I don't care about how much you love your dad when we are on a date or hanging out.
I think we both understand that polyamory and independence is not the real reason that you won't seriously commit to me. It's because I don't have the income or social status that you want at this point of your life. And whatever, I mean we have good sex and fun times and I don't want that to cease. I just wish you had the maturity to tell me the truth.
Seriously, I might be a very nice person, but I'm definitely not:
*a pushover/doormat
*unaware of all of your manipulative, selfish natures

Nor am I the type of person who does nice things because I'm desperate to be liked (i have NEVER had that problem, thank goodness, for it must be exhausting not to be comfortable and confident enough to constantly worry and base your self worth on others opinions! Ugh!), nor am I afraid of confrontation.

Really cracks me up that you all think youre so subtle,.clever, and slick, that I can't see right through you. I just try to live my values, thats all. I do occasionally say things like,"You know I'm not stupid, right? I see what youre doing." Etc. But I get the feeling you dont think I'll ever straight up blow up and scream that I've had enough.

Youre right, you know. I probably won't. I don't enjoy acting like a complete lunatic, and rarely engage in screaming because I'd rather just walk away and leave you behind. You know damn well what the reason is, I even gave calm and polite warnings along the way.

I don't do nice things to get a pat on the back. Nor to be told how great I am. In fact, there are plenty of nice things I've done for you guys that you aren't even aware of - exactly BECAUSE I.don't do it to be praised, but rather, just for the sake of being nice. I've always, since I was a toddler, been that way... Believing that kindness and compassion are incredibly important, and I take pride in my heart. But just because my heart is soft doesn't mean my mind is.

So, yeah, it's highly unlikely I'll tell you off. But don't go mistaking that for me being weak or afraid. It's just not worth it. I don't feel I should have to spell out simple courtesy to fully grown adults. You should know. I chose the more polite route so as not to mortify you, by calmly reminding you I'm not stupid or weak and have no ulterior motives. You were warned. You just didn't think I'd eventually just.....

....stop having you in my life.

My kindest friends are people I cherish and wouldn't dream of taking advantage of. Taking advantage of people who have your back is sickening to me.

If you chose to place youre greed and selfishness over having a true friend like me, your loss.

I'm moving on.

Surprised, eh?

Guess you should've listened when I said you were misjudging me.

Turns out I'm not into drama, and if several gentle, but clear, warnings weren't enough to get through to you, I'm not really interested in screaming drama. I'd rather just spend my energy and heart on others who appreciate it and me for who and what I am.

Because I ain't half bad.

Now stop asking me for favors. Practically daily, often several times daily.

Not responding to you should be a clue you can figure out. But youre so wrapped up in your selfishness, you seem to still think I'm gonna keep being treated with zero consideration.

Yeah..... Nope.
Time for healing while you are are elsewhere. We all would benefit from this level of separation. It's feels lighter and good.
I keep thinking of Sheryl Crow's song "Are You Strong Enough to Be My Man?" You have to be strong to be my man. I date interracially in a segregated state. I have been called racial slurs before in the past, it is not easy. I do not take it as defeat, I just keep going because I know what I want.

All I ask is do NOT take my kindness for weakness! I go into relationships with an open heart and I'm not bitter. If you start to think you can take me for granted, you have another thing coming! I will NOT start chasing you. If it comes down to it, I will let you walk away. If you do, you are not the right one for me. God is still on the throne and someone new and better will step up and be the man you could not be. So I'm kinda begging you to try me because when I see signs you're backing away, I'm just going to dust you off and keep going.
^ Excellent.

I'm realizing I don't actually know what you could be up to. You could still be seeking other women on a site for all I know, even though in the past, you told me you're not. You made me feel like I'm the only one you've had this kind of connection with. Maybe I'm trusting you too soon. Can't worry about it. I just know I'm not chasing you. What will be will be. I could be overreacting, but I can't put my full trust in you yet. People are capable of anything. I know my heart and when I say you are the only one I'm seeing, that's what I truly mean.

Another thing is if I'm not feeling a full connection anymore, I would rather tell a person instead of dragging them along.

People are cowards or don't want to hurt your feelings and would rather slowly back off or make up excuses, giving false hope. It's lame.

None of this could actually be happening, but I wouldn't be surprised. lol Just a good reminder for me to question things sometimes...It's in God's hands anyway.
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Why would I be typing here when I enjoy telling you to your face what I already told you (random person) because it sets me free.
Oh, yep, i'm bored and drunk.
...enjoy reading other peoples unfulfilled repressed desires - like the sad, bored perv that I am. :sus:=D
^ Interesting Asclepius.

I don't perceive you as a sad, bored perv. There is another side of you which is good and better. Suggest you focus on that side instead. :)
I'm learning about patience from you so that's good in the bigger picture. You were really kind and patient with me when I wasn't feeling well before so I'm going to remember that and give you the time you need to feel better.

Plus, I'm an introvert. God knows I love space anyway. hehe

In dating situations, it's easy to let insecurities and ego cloud judgment so I'm glad I can see things with a bit more clarity now.
^ Very interesting insights about your dating situations It seems you spot on your own issues making it easier to resolve them.
^ Very interesting insights about your dating situations It seems you spot on your own issues making it easier to resolve them.

Thank you! It's helping to search myself and question my behavior at times. Still learning! :)
If there would be no legal consequences for blowing your head off with a 12 bore shotgun, I would.
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