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[Salvia Subthread] Salvia not Working

Nope... some people just don't have the capability of experiencing Salvia's visionary effects. Myself, if I take even a medium-smallish (single) hit of 5x, I will start to go off into "salvia land" but I wont fully get there. 1-3 huge hits, and I am gone.

Now I have watched friends literally smoke through BOWLS of the stuff, with little to no effect whatsoever. Actually, it just seemed like they were stoned. I dont know why, but it just doesnt work for some people.
bro, it works , I went off into another world etc. yaddi yaddi ya..
plain and simple
I used it once, and its somewhere in my room gaining dust.
maybe you don't like psychadelics????^

but dude the guy above who compared it to duster....
Both aren't really anything to get worked up about. Duster can makes you feel really fucked up and get you the weirdest thoughts, like tripping. But it gives no euphoria, doesn't relax you, or give you lots of energy. Nothing to get worked up about.

Salvia makes you trip hard, laugh your ass off, entity presence, think weird shit, but not much to get worked about either. Not much euphoria, doesnt relax you or give you energy, doesnt last long.
I fear this is going a little off topic, but it depends on what you want from a drug experience as to whether you'll find salvia positive for you or not.

CreativeRandom, from your posts it seems you prefer drugs that give you euphoria, relax you or give you energy. None of which are essential characteristics of a psychedelic drug, and I would go so far as to say that most people arnt primarily looking for those kind of effects when they take psychdelics. If you want euphoria or energy, that lasts for a long time, pick up the stimulants...

Entity contact? Not that much to get worked up about? Er, really? Id place salvia in a very limited class of drugs (along with DMT, 5-meo-DMT and possibly ketamine) in producing a very powerful, full blown psychdelic and often fully dissociative experience.

Sure, if you want a seriously euphoric or long lasting experience, maybe don't pick salvia. That doesnt make it any less worthwhile a psychedelic.

I think you'll find the reason its not more popular is that it doesnt have those kind "recreational" characteristics that MDMA, mushrooms or LSD have - its not a drug for kids to get high and have fun on, its a seriously mindwarping experience.

I too have had a load of 10x extract sat in my room for many months. I've used it a few times, and the reason i dont go back to it more often is because it is so powerful. My last experience was somewhat scary, and I'm waiting until I feel ready to try it again.

For the original poster, if you're still having problems getting any effects, I can suggest you use a jet flame lighter - salvinorin has a pretty high boiling point, so you need to get it really quite hot. And if you have to take multiple hits, do them in as quick succession as possible - you need to get the peak levels of the drug pretty high in you body for it to work.

PS what is "duster"? Are you talking about PCP?
I think it's a hydrocarbon mixture packed into a can. Used for blowing shit out of keyboards, mobos, etc... and also huffed, to tragic effect, by the youth and otherwise. Who learn of such things by typing in

"Computer Duster" on google :|
As far as the duster goes, just for the record, it can induce a most powerful experience. There have been times when I felt myself to be in a completely different reality from it, totally enmeshed in it, no realization that I had taken anything, just pure and utter acceptance of being wherever it was that I ended up. The problem is, the more you use duster, the dumber you start to get. It has been said to dust off some brain cells when you do it, and for that reason I try to keep myself away from it these daze, but it does sure as hell do something powerful to me.

(alright, someone else get this back on topic)
Unfortunately today's experiment with some 5x failed as well.

On the duster note, the content that gets you fucked up is difluoroethane and is highly dangerous. A 1/4th lung full would give me an ether like high. On 1/2-2/3rds I lose my vision, the ability to hear, move, or respond. There is a loud ringing and all I can see is static. No light, no blackness, static. Very strange.
are you already stoned when smoking it?
if i am i know i need to smoke much more salvia to get the effects.
Another hint: after taking as many hits as you think are required, lay back and close your eyes. Try not to think about what is going on, try not to analyze the effects (or lack of), and just let the experience unfold. I have found in the past with certain substances that I am blocking my perception of the effects with a bunch of mental chatter. Just let the experience show itself to you and maybe that will help...
last time i tried it was CRAZY. i had a sample of some 6x extract. loaded a bowl of it and the first time i took two good hits and set the bong to the side as i didnt' want to knock it over. i was "pulled" to the floor and the room felt like it was a cube being hurled through space. the floor became the wall and then became the ceiling. i tried to get up and it was like one of those rides at the carnival where they spin you around and you stick tothe wall and they drop the floor out... i was finally able to stand and gravity was at about a 50degree angle to the floor. really weird.

the next time i did the 6x extract i had it set up to be quite and pitch black and that i could lay on my bed. well i loaded up a huge bowl and burned as much as i could in 1 HUGE hit. set the bong aside. fell back onto the bed and pulled the sheet on me. this is where it gets weird...
anyone remember that scene in the matrix where neo takes the red pill and the liquid metal "consumes" him? there was like a point in my room where this plantlike liquid started oozing from VERY quickly. consumed the carpet, the walls, around the corner and out the door and finally crawled up the side of the bed and over me. its like it had consumed everything and i was now being "held" by it. i literally felt "fingers" of this thing as they came arcoss me. almost like rough leaves or something. was weird. it then felt like everything was hurling through space at tremendous speeds. i "knew" it was just the salvia, but in my head i truely felt like i had been transformed into some type of energy and was SAILING through time&space.i felt totally seperated from my body. i couldnt' move it felt SOO incredibly real. i wasn't flipping out or anything, but was a little anxious as it was much more intense than i expected. all i could do was sense the sheet on top of my body and i could see moonlight on the blinds. if i hadn't had that sheet on and there was no moon that night it proably would have freaked me a little by how real it was. those were the only ways i had to really "ground" myself. as soon as it wore off enough that i could get up i did... had the same after effect where gravity wasn't perpendicular to the earth's surface, but i saw an outline of where i had been laying on the bed. sweat. in the prolly 2-3 min that the salvia had me i broke out into a cold sweat and soaked the bed. i dont' usually smoke cigs, but i had to go downstairs and have a couple. promised myself i wouldn't do it again and hid the rest of the saliva extract. I found it the other day looking for soemthing lse and was like "oh yeah... this stuff" i MAY try it again, but the trip was SOOO intense and i just wasnt ready for it. i think i would know more what to expect now but im still reluctant to do it.

I tried salvia for the first time today. I bought it at a pipe/bong store and it was 40x. Smoked it out of my bong and it did not do a thing except feel like weed. I felt high for half and hour or so and that is it. I didn't see shapes, colors, or experience anything psychadellic. Wondering if I did anything wrong? Let me know how this might have happened.
That's very strange; bad batch maybe? You should light it with a butane torch lighter for maximum efficiency but a normal bic will work, just not as well.
you didnt break through. use a propane/butane torch lighter as previous poster said to appropriately activate the sirovinvA(sp) or whateve
I used a normal lighter...I split a gram among three people, including myself. I would take the biggest hits I could, hold it in for as long as I could, and nothing. I took a good 4 or 5 hits...Nothing
I guarantee it was bunk. You would feel fucked out of your mind, but not the interesting break-through way. I know this from smoking lots of 10x with a bic and a pipe. Always was real fucked, thought i was on the mr dress up show (NO JOKES)

Go back out, buy some more, get a torch lighter and a bong with NO WATER (i dunno if salvinorin is water soluble but best not take the chance) and pack a bowl with one more on hand. Hit the first bowl HARD, clear it, hold it for 30 secs and load the second. Repeat. By the time the second hit is taken, you'll be surprised you even know what salvia is, nonetheless your name.

This is some fucked up shit. Don't take it lightly.
1). Don't buy shady stuff like that from headshops - its often crap and they rape you on the price anyway. They are fucking irresponsible as hell with the stuff too. I have been asked to leave headshops before after a sales guy told people totally wrong info about it and i interrupted (in a nice way). They were selling it basically as a weed substitute, and one of the guys was going to smoke it on the way home... DRIVING A CAR!?

2). 40x is ludicrous and totally unnecessary, which (see point 1) kind makes me think it is marketing nonsense.

I have had the most intense experience of my life smoking 10x standardized extract. (IMPORTANT! otherwise you may get uneven stuff, also important they are a reliable source)

I only puffed 100mg of it too, and did so in a manner that no doubt wasted a good portion of it. I don't think you really need a jet flame lighter as many advise personally, and in fact think it is a bad idea, because if you get blown while the flame is going you can burn the shit out of your fingers.

and man, I have taken some (what I will admit are) flat-out stupid doses of hallucinogens before.. and they were nothing compared to this. seconds after it kicked in, I didn't even know I had smoked a drug. I was vaguely aware of being human for another couple seconds, and then it all faded away and I completely parted with reality. The last thing I remember was thinking, "gravity seems to be pulling me backwards instead of down... how odd.. I wonder if I could somehow calculate the amount of force being put on my body by this new grav... HOLY FUCKING SHITFUCK!!!!..."

Colors and shapes and stuff? its orders of magnitude beyond that. those things don't even compute in salvia-land. It has scared the shit out of me each and every time, and I'm pretty seasoned with psychedelics. Its like dying, or becoming a spiritual cog in the inner workings of the universe, living ut alternate lives, indescribable things.

please be careful.

I have a feeling that had it worked, you'd have very desperately wished that it hadn't.
Maybe so...but I feel like I got gipped hard and that's bullshit. Where do your recommend buying it then?
yeah bro, salvia is either a hit or miss

personally, it hit me dead on.