Roll Call - Florida

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yup that's right another UCF attendee. Hi raverdad, yoyi, and everyone else. :) Hugs to ya.
So many forums on BlueLight... seems I wander into a new one every day!!
I'm in Hollywood, smack dab between Ft. Lauderdale and Miami. I don't go to clubs in Miami too often because the crowd seems so fake! Fetish Factory Alter Ego parties just on the outskirts of Boca is my usual haunt..
Jacksonville [sucks!!!] here!!
I'm in Mandarin, to be specific. Livin' out here 300-and-something feet off Marbon Road. Mr. "astralweeks" lives on the opposite end of the road.
AIM: mydisfunkshin
Yahoo: d_e_fto_n_e
[ 17 February 2003: Message edited by: spooko ]
Coconut Creek.. just found this site again.. been 2 years.. getting back into the swing of things
Wow! Fancy seeing you around here. :)
[ 17 February 2003: Message edited by: ~*Meg*~ ]
me? and whys that?
Edit: hrm.. think i figured it out..
[ 18 February 2003: Message edited by: HiRollah ]
im from indiana and the party scene in ohio is off the hook!, prolly the best in the nation.
anyways im coming down to fl for spring break next weekend and im wondering if theres anything goin on anywhere. im gonna be in the clearwater area but ill travel. id love to see what the scene is like down there
Cocoa, FL. I'm new here (for school) from Toronto, ON. Anyone in this area send me a PM.
[ 09 March 2003: Message edited by: anadistributors ]
To the one saying Miami"fucking boring" Florida...
Dude, you must be tha most boring person alive to dont have fun over here in da MIA...
This city is F-U-N!
Isolde: if you ever wanna meet up with a fellow bluelighter at one of the fetish factory parties lemme know, I've only been to one of them, but it wasn't too bad, I just didn't know anyone there. My aim is trippies so feel free to IM me.
Eh can't believe I haven't been paying enough attention to this forum, I never do. Anyway, I'm in wpb florida, not TOO far from miami/ft laud (where anything worth doing happens). Feel free to contact me via instant message at 'trippies'.
^^doubling up click clack like double dutch on Pro4romMars reply.. only love watchu got so if ur living borin in this beautiful tropical city then... WHACK~!
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