• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

Roll Call Everyone...

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Okay, um, oh yeah, that question, I am Beckie and I am, um, 23, yeah, and I am very unemployed still and have been on here since, god the start of the year or something (when we were still MDMA Clearing house) and moved over when this page came up, hmm, best pill, god, the Doves 5 years ago, and um, oh the Clear caps 2 years ago, and, oh there's been heaps that have been great...
Best nights...? Hmmmmm....possibly Northern Exposure 3 years ago.....or the earlier Hardware parties in melbourne...., um, the Rennaissance Parties have all been great......and I've had some wonderful club nights too.
Music-Trance, Old School, Progressive House, some Break Beat and Big Beat.
What else can I say.....haven't been around much lately....spending less and less time on the internet, yeah. I think that covers it.
Love Beckie xxxx
P.S. I should probably add that I was previously known as Chicken for those of you who missed me announcing my name change!
"You have to dance like nobody's watching, and love like you're not gonna get hurt."
[This message has been edited by Beckie (edited 01 November 1999).]
OK, so I'm Kasia from Warsaw, Poland (as far as I see, the only one from this corner of the world ;-) ).
I love rolling, but I try not to do XTC too often (every 2 months or so...).
I do really LOVE MJ and shrooms from time to time. I have gotten my beautiful Shroomy Baby one month ago.
Oh, one more thing: I KNOW the future will be ours, so keep on rolling, people!
One Love -
Wow, this is getting to be a really long thread!
Home: Edmonton, Alberta (aka E-Town!) in the big bad land of Canada.
Age/Occ: 24/ Government Geek (or drone - I appreciate the anonymity, cool hours and good pay)
Time on Bluelight: Waaayy to many hours to count! I found the first site (bluelight.net) in Jan ' 98 and I've been kicking around ever since.
Pastimes: Shaking my 'thang to anything resembling a drum beat. Kickin' it with my girl and friends. Learning. The occaisional huge-ass party!
Favorite Sounds: TRANCE, Funky Breaks, HOusE.
Most Important Thing I've Learned from Bluelight:
and a million other things, but I'm too tired.
Long thread indeed!!!

My name is Ben, I'm 22, born, bred & still hanging around Wollongong, NSW, Australia.
I work in IT full time & am studying for my degree part-time (5th year, with a couple more to go yet!
) at Wollongong Uni. After hours, I try & spend as much time away from the computer as possible, although since I've found bluelight that seems to be changing.
I enjoy hanging out with my mates, whether it be surfing, riding mountain bikes, kicking the hack around or just chilling with a few pipes. My music taste is pretty varied ( no cheesy top 40 shite though ), but the techno has taken over as my main interest in the last year or two.
I first tried e about a year / year & a half ago (come to think of it, almost two years ago!!!) and dropped once every few months when we'd all come up to sydney to go clubbing. My best was probably in January this year for the Big Day Out. I can't remember what it was though! Underworld, that night, was probably the best live music experience I have ever had. Yes, the e helped it be that way

About two months ago I decided that I loved my techno, clubbing, and dancing so much that I was just going to come up to Sydney and go, regardless of whether my friends wanted to tag along. For some reason it always seemed such a big deal before - don't know why, 'cause it isn't! This weekend (FREAKY LOOPS!) will be 8 weeks in a row. I think I'll have a few weeks off over the exam period...

Being the glutton for information I am, I went searching for info on e about 6 weeks ago. I'd been to ecstasy.org about 12 months ago, but now work has blocked that off (& erowid.org
), but a search on mdma in my favourite search engine ( http://dmoz.org ) brought up this site (I just checked, but it didn't come up, so maybe it was another one. oh well). I lurked for a little bit and loved how cool and sincere everybody was. I posted a few times, then met miss apple, pinger, mona, jack & pillcat (you guys go off!) at Sublime one night. Since then I've become more active on the board

Lots of thanks to Jase & Skydancer - I appreciate how much effort you guys put in to keep this thing going!!
Anyway - I'll see everybody who's going, at FREAKY LOOPS! Hope that everybody else has a great weekend where ever they end up partying!

"Everything gets better all the time"
Hi My name is Jon. I like caribou and pornography! I live in Sydney.
I'm also a dead-set legend. (Seriously!)
hey everyone im a 18 year old college student that just got on the scene about 2 months ago! i used to go to regular nite clubs but my cousin called me up and asked me if i wanted to check out a rave so dicided to go and ever since ive been on the scene!! well in the short span ive been raving i took smurfs,007's, ferraris, mitsubishis, and blue nikes. i gotta say that smurfs are my fave right now!!! and we need more of a variety here in hawaii!! and im leaning to try mercedes they got good reviews from my friends!! and i gotta say this theres goin to be a crazy outdoor rave here in hawaii and carl cox is headling it!!!! well everyone roll safe and practice-------->PLUR!!!!! and im outs!! :>
ps shout outs to amy, travis, courtney,ivan and darin much love to u all!!!!!!!
[This message has been edited by korean raver from 808 (edited 29 October 1999).]
Jon...you ARE a deadset legend.
Hi My name is Mona and i'm a postaholic. All the sydney bluelighter's would agree with me there.
Jon was the first bluelighter i arranged to meet and there have a been a string of us to meet since then, all through no fault of my own. As time draws on, our group grows larger.. Pillcat, Pinger, Miss Apple, Jon, Ben, Jack (or is it steaming lump?), Chill & Special K (sson to be Cody) but the three people who have been nearest in my last few weeks of drugged up debauchery have been 'Tha Ping', PC and Apples (yes we actually call each other that in real life). Jon has been my steady on the phones, always managing to convince me that I'm not the only one who goes on 8 day speed binges and pulls out of them ok...and whenever he's not on speed he has the ability to pull my head out of the clouds and stop me from making silly mistakes (you KNOW what I'm talking about
Anyway this is meant to be about me...well, i guess that was. The friends I've made through Bluelight will be around for a lot more time to come, and i guess that friends really do 'maketh the man' (do they? or was that just waffle?)
I'm 20, from Sydney, started taking pills about 2 years ago and have been pretty regular right since the start. Hmm...fave pill you ask? My first of course...a yellow canary, then I'd have to say the white mitzies that were around in march this year, Big Blue Butterflies that were here in April last year (i only remember the exact time because it was my bro's b'day)...hmm...007's were good...OH FUCK THEY ALL ARE! OK!
I hereby announce that i have NEVER had a shit pill. NEVER! sure some are better than others...and some are AWESOME...BUT never has a pill not worked.
I also like beer. dark beer. I like pot, except i dont smoke it nearly enough
I like speed...coke is ok...but not for parties,i have an N20 charger sitting in my lap right now *pause* *bulb* *aaah* lol...j/kand my first candyflip will be at Camp Bluelight on December 4th. YAY! then comes K, G &...B (whats B? i dunno i just wanted to type the letters K G B in quick succession)oh yeah and i also need someone to show me shrooms...
I was led to this site by my 'mommy' Pillcat. I believe it was one day at uni when we were arranging some sort of pill exchange, our eyes met across a crowded computer centre and there lay 'Ye Olde Board' upon her screen. I used to lurk at the old old board (i didnt have a comp then, but every chance i got i was there...) then i sprouted the name mona on the new old board...many there probably wish i didnt exist
and then it crashed (probabloy because they were trying to get rid of me) and now here I am...better than fucking ever. Oh yeah I swear and burp way too much for a girl.oh...niiiiice.
I just want to say thanks to Jase and Skydancer
for making this all possible...i'd be a lot dumber and probably a lot more dead if it weren't for this board.
this post was way too long.

My name is Camilla and I'm from Sweden. I desperatly seek new friends who enjoy rolling and raves, since my crowd is not into either of this. I usually go to Copenhagen at raves.
My favourite of course is E but I also enjoy shrooms, acid and pot.
- Camilla
[This message has been edited by star (edited 29 October 1999).]
Well, those of you who know me, know the cool mofo that I am (hence the sunglasses) J/k! I'll be 20 in a week, am a culinary student, cook at Universal..hmm...I was first introduced to e early in April by my ex girlfriend, the first drug other than booze I'd taken. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't till June or so I rolled with any regularity. I discovered bluelight through yahoo in a search to find out exactly what was in this shit I was pumping through my system. Since then, I've expanded my horizons slightly with some pther drugs, so I'm not quite the drug lab rat raverdad is! Candy flipping's an intense experience, troll only when prepared! Fav music-To steal a quote from my friend Chalice "I'm atrance fiend!" Trance, progressive, d&b to a point, breaks are always nice thrown into the mix. Fav roll- machintosh's (the most loved up, blissfull, blow me out of my brains bean I've ever had), 8 balls (the most speedy, get lost in your own universe pill I've eaten), white elephants (a nice median that lasted from 10:30-6:30 in the morning). One more thing, I'm a proud member of the group that's picking it up and tearing it down-the central florida bluelighters. These are the most hardcore, party animal, rave till dawn, but best friends you'll meet! Just a bummer I'm out of commision with my bum wing.
How's it going. I'm 33 years old and live in Nashville,Tn. I just found out about this site through some friends. I am a promoter for local and regional bands here in town, plus I write some very bad songs. I have been rolling for about 7 years and also do a little mushrooms. I get to travel all over the southeast so I get to experience the "southeast rolling scene". Charlotte is pretty good and Dallas is great.
Take care,
Hi Guys! I am the ultimate candy raver - hence my name. If you're ever out with me - you'll know why - I love to see people happy.
This board's a great idea - opened my eyes to the fact that there are a lot of awsome people around me in Philly! (Now this is coming from an original NYer, so you know it means a lot!)
Jase - keep up the good work.
Occupation: Narc ha ha...your all busted *LOL* actually, I advertise books...
Fave Bean of the year: CK's out of NY
Take care everyone and Have a Great Halloween!
Live loud, Laugh often, Love much...
It's taken me ages to skim through those .....
Anyway - I'm 27 and from London. I've been clubbing for ten years and love underground Techno. Jeff Mills is God. There doesn't seem to be many Techno heads out there in Bluelight World???
I just love MDMA powder - the more gramms the better but don't say no to a few mitso's especially the earlier ones. Had a result over the summer at the Total Eclipse Festival in Devon - anyone go? - when we ran into a girl whose sister had four from the summer before and had kept them at home. It meant missing a day of the festival to go and get them but boy was it worth it!!!
Love hearing your funny stories .....
callname: PhrEakyKat
other nicknames: twisty, twistynips
gender: male
locale: long island, new york
favorite venue: sound factory
favorite candy: Ex
reason for nickname : i wear leopard ears when i go out!
check out my previous posted message titled. "Where are my manners? (intro)"
website. hasn't been updated fur a while www.angelfire.com/ny2/fulltwister
fun for all
[email protected]
code name: Roy**E**
age : 29
location: Asia / Singapore
other: consultant
i'm very new in bluelight.ru
drug(s) of choice: E ; K ; G ;
music : depends on what i'm taking.
house;trance; happy hardcore ;
drum & bass ; break beat ;
hobbies: raving , surfing , emailing
favourite pills : mitsu , super-hero , Blue Sky , men&women (still the best I took 3 years ago)
my name is ryan, i live in texas, right now i am a student(nutritional sciences major)and have just been rollin since this summer. i like trance alot and anything with a pounding bangin beat. im a new guy on here. sorry i dont have much to say, but im kinda sick right now. might have more later.
Hey, all!
My name is Glenda and I'm 22 yrs old. I live in Little Falls, NJ, USA. I found the "old" bluelight pack in back in May '98 and, with the exception of a few random posts, mostly lurk. I did make it out to 2 meetups and had the pleasure of meeting e_rep, Randy, stacEy 'n K, halusin8, 9finger, among others.
Above all, I'm a pothead; anyway I can do it - bowls, rolled, blunted, brownies, homemade hash, etc.
My first roll was a red devil at my first party back in '97 (yummy).
My musical tastes vary greatly - from Pink Floyd to Rage to Cypress Hill to Nirvana to Phish. And of course I love going to parties and dancing my ass off to some slammin music - house, goa/psy trance, hardcore, dn'b, etc.
Enough rambling....nice "meeting" all of you and thanx to Jase & Skydancer for making such a great place for all of us to gather.
peace n'luv~
OH WOW!!! almost missed roll call. i can't believe how many responses there are. this is great.
my name is joe and i am 21/M from the big apple. i've been into the music for about three years but i've been rollin' for a year. for anyone who remembers Konkrete Jungle, thats about the time i got started.
now i'm into trance. djs like Paul Van Dyk, Sasha, John Digweed, Paul Okenfold, Carl Cox.
from that lineup i guess you can tell i go to Twilo a lot!
ok..nice meeting everyone, maybe we can all meet up sometime...throw a big bluelighter rave!! PLUR
Am I fashionably late with my post?
My handle is Rollo, as you can see, and these are a few things about me. I'm love to roll on Xtacy, It makes me happy and full of glee. I'm from puerto Rico, in the Carribean sea and I ride a board most avidly. I'm here to meet others like me, people who love to truly be free. I'm not a poet (though I try to be), but my message is clear: have fun on E!
and remmember: We are the music makers and the dreamers of the dream.
Willy Wonka
Hi I'm Diablo's Xstasy. (Got the name from my boyfriend... His nickname is Diablo has been for ages, and before we started doing E he nicknamed me Xstasy and it stuck.)
I'm 20, female, and from Long Island New York Baby!!!
English major and Shot Girl- for you who don't know what that is, I walk around clubs selling shots of liquor.
I was Part of the Old bluelight.
Been doing Ecstasy for about a year and a half and loving it.. My all time favorite drugs E & K. =o)
Favorite pill would have to be mitzubishi's from last fall although white clouds weren't bad either!!!!
Favorite things to do on E & K- clubbin of course, but also chillin and conversing with people =o)
[This message has been edited by Diablo's Xstasy (edited 29 October 1999).]
Hi! I'm a female from the Baltimore, DC area and have only rolled 2 times but both have been EXCELLENT! I'm 27 and a musician (getting my doctorate in music this semester). Both types of pills I've had have been reallllllly good. The first were a really light brown, with a score--didn't know the name but thought maybe tic tac because that's what was going around in atlanta at the time. and the 2nd type was a mitsubishi --verrrrrry good roll. took a while to kick in but when it did i rolled for a hell of a long time! looking for some good fun in this area! know any cool places to hang?
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