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Roadside Drug Testing....

jammeth said:
So the I just heard on the radio, that they have just started tests today and within the first 15 min a man in the western suburbs was done like a dinner

Here's a link to the story... Done in 15 minutes

Here's an interesting quote...
A second man today returned a positive sample to speed at the roadside test, but an analysis in the police van was negative.

The 1st day in...and already they've got a false positive....just bad luck (in terms of testing success) or is this an omen that this is going to be one hell of a messy campaign, with a lot of very, very pissed off innocent drivers?
Re: VICTORIA - Roadside drug testing Procedures, penalties & FAQ

bunny said:
22. What will drivers who return positive saliva test results for illicit drugs be charged with?

Driving whilst exceeding the prescribed concentration of a prescribed illicit drug.

you mean meth and pot is now prescribed? woo-hoo!

someone get me a script!
just wondering with all this testing could cocaine come up with the saliva test or is it just pills and thc
read the 1st post carefully it doesnt mention cocaine as one of the things that could be detected
Apparently only THC and amphetamines. VicPol have stated in another media article that users of substances that are not detected such as cocaine and GHB can also be tested if they looked to be impaired (under existing laws I assume). This is yet to be seen but as they have a drug bus on site it would certainly be possible to test someone looking toasted that passes the initial tests with the more accurate equipment in the bus.
Well thats fine for me, I don't consume amphetamines or cannabis. Sticking to the research chems from now on.

Police officer: "Have you consumed anything tonight that might affect your driving sonny"

Tripper: "Nothing you can detect!"

I believe that even if you do look wasted and are blood tested under existing laws non amphetamine phenethylamines and tryptamines would probably not be detected.

I still wont be driving whilst fucked though, that would be stupid. I just dont have to worry about being pinged for the residual amounts of drugs in my system.

sorry maybe Im stupid. But if I have 3 x pills and get tested will I be positive or is it only for speed and pot ?:\
If by "pills" you mean MDMA then yes. As keeps getting repeated MDMA is a type of amphetamine and will be detected.
So if I was on dexamphetamine i would es positive yeah? So, if they were perscribed and could prove it the cops wouldn't have a leg to stand on right?
Apparently NO perscribable medications will be detected.... But I don't see how that's true with Dexamphetamine... But that's what they're saying......
ergh, so much confusion.

DAMN W.A Bastards all you pricks with fuckin A.D.D are all on amphetamines anyway you bastards! you'll get away with it!


If anything Anyone would drive better on speed... On speed anyone would drive better as long as they weren't taking it as a lack of sleep, depends tho how much sleep you've missed out on as well! If I go to a Rave I will be scat next mornin... I think it's better to be buzzin on Whizz driving than it is being hell scat and tired almost fallin asleep!

Same with pot

If im stoned I'll drive a bit slower and pay alot more attention to how im driving cuz the Paranoia is always there!!!

Damn i better be diagnosed with A.D.D before legislations bought it in QLD!
Originally posted by Special-T.B.K
If anything Anyone would drive better on speed... On speed anyone would drive better as long as they weren't taking it as a lack of sleep, depends tho how much sleep you've missed out on as well! If I go to a Rave I will be scat next mornin... I think it's better to be buzzin on Whizz driving than it is being hell scat and tired almost fallin asleep!

Same with pot

If im stoned I'll drive a bit slower and pay alot more attention to how im driving cuz the Paranoia is always there!!!
Yeah, and like, I drive better after I've had 10 beers, cos I'm more cruisey and laid back, so I won't drive as aggressively. When I'm totally trolleyed on piss I'm less likely to drive over the speed limit, so that makes me a safer driver.
Its people with a lack of knowledge and attitudes like yours Special TBK that fuck things up.
Do a bit of research and see if you still think that driving whilst under influence of speed or weed makes you a better driver.
There are plenty of threads on here discussing your view, use the search function and see what it turns up.

Beech out
NEWS 14/02/2004

Note the important part, the second article from the Herald Sun suggests that the first positive result intends to challenge the result in court. Interesting to see how that turns out.

Roadside drug test swiftly snares offender No.1
By Dan Silkstone
Transport Reporter
Xavier La Canna
December 14, 2004

The world's first roadside drug screening unit took just 15 minutes to claim a scalp yesterday after police set up their new drug-testing bus at Yarraville.

The fourth driver stopped and tested by the 12-strong unit returned a positive saliva test for methamphetamines. His second sample also tested positive.

Presumably unaware that he was making history, the driver was left to phone a friend for a ride home.

Police told him he could not drive for at least four hours and his delivery van was left on the side of the road.

He will now have to wait up to 14 days while the police laboratory performs further tests. A third positive result will earn him a $300 fine and three demerit points.

"While it was disappointing to have a positive reading so early in the program, the overall response we had from motorists throughout the day was encouraging," said Assistant Commissioner (Traffic) Bob Hastings.

The man was the only driver to return two positive readings out of 32 motorists tested.

Under the new regime, a positive result for the initial test is followed by a second test inside the police bus. The sample is then sent away for confirmation before an infringement notice is issued.

Police said another driver produced a positive first test for methamphetamine, followed by a negative follow-up test. "The second test is much more sophisticated," said police spokesman Sean Cadd.

"Clearly this particular person was a low-level user and there was a trace of it in the initial test but the second test came up negative," he said.

The saliva test can detect speed, marijuana and some party drugs that contain traces of amphetamines.

The test unit is operating on a 12-month trial and will expand its activities as police become more familiar with the methods and technology.

It will operate every day this week around Melbourne and in the new year will be extended to rural areas, as well as targeting dance parties and raves.

In recent weeks police had warned they would also target the long-distance trucking industry - long associated with rumours of amphetamine use. Yesterday's action made good on that promise. Whitehall Street is a heavily used truck route and of the 32 vehicles pulled over, 22 were trucks.

Phil Lovell from freight industry group the Victorian Transport Association said he was watching the situation to make sure truck drivers were not being treated unfairly.

"We're not impressed that they are targeting the transport industry specifically," he said. "That's assuming there is a problem, which we don't believe there is - any more than with the general population."

Mr Lovell said he supported random drug testing, provided it did not needlessly or unfairly disrupt drivers, a statement echoed by Transport Workers Union secretary Bill Noonan.

Mr Cadd said motorists were patient about the new tests, which took up to five minutes to process.

A booze bus operation on Saturday night found only 16 people above the limit out of 4480 tests.

The booze buses were set up at South Melbourne, Werribee, Broadmeadows, Wantirna South, Middle Park, Rosebud, Ballarat and Bendigo.

From The Age

Also... same story from Herald -Sun

First drug-driving man to fight case
Ashley Gardiner, transport reporter
14 Dec 2004

A MELBOURNE man who yesterday became the first person in the world to return a positive roadside drug test will fight the result.

The roadside random drug testing station took just 15 minutes to detect its first alleged drugged driver.

The man, who identified himself as John, was pulled over by police in Whitehall St, Yarraville, about 11.15am.

"I am the first person in the world, they have told me, to come up positive to this particular test," John told the Herald Sun.

He was the fourth driver tested under Victoria's new random roadside saliva testing for illicit drugs.

Following an initial test that allegedly indicated the presence of methamphetamines, John was taken to the drug bus for a second test.

Police can test for the presence of methamphetamines or cannabis.

"The police told me that I had consumed marijuana in the last couple of hours," said John, who works as a driver.

"That is definitely not the case. I've been at work. I've been working all morning."

John, who said he had not smoked marijuana during the previous month, said he would consider having his sample independently analysed.

If the laboratory test confirms the presence of cannabis or methamphetamines, John will be fined $300 and incur three demerit points.

"I have had a clean driving record for the last 15 years -- not a speeding fine, not a parking fine, nothing in 15 years. Now they're telling me I've been smoking drugs," John said.

"Don't get me wrong. I think it is a good thing. I think they should be testing everyone on the road. No doubt about it."

John, from the southern suburbs, had to call for someone to pick him up because drivers are not allowed to get behind the wheel immediately after a second positive test.

During 2 1/2 hours in Whitehall St, police did 32 tests, including 22 truck drivers. A driver who initially tested positive to methamphetamines was allowed to go when a second test proved negative.

Assistant Commissioner Bob Hastings said the first day of drug testing had been a success.

"While it was disappointing to have a positive reading so early in the program, the overall response we had from motorists throughout the day was encouraging," Mr Hastings said.

"This is about safety on Victorian roads and raising community awareness that driving under the influence of illicit drugs is dangerous and will not be tolerated."
Also, as for whether pills will return a postiive result, I can tell you for sure that they will. Thanks to Pop Popavich for bringing a few testing kits to the meetup @ [dance party in Ballarat] on Saturday night.

I tested positive about two hours after taking 1.5 red rolexes.

Are these testing kits available to the general public? I want one.

And how is it that the driver was positive for speed in the first test, but pot in the second?