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Reminiscing – Can you recall your first E?

sonic_reality: Strictly Techno - Had my most instense acid trip ever to vol 1 of this in 1995 (do a search for my nick in Trip Reports). Which one did you have?
For weirdness, Excursions in Ambience was another fantastic trippers' soundtrack.
Ahhh... Sweet sweet memories.
My first time was NYE 2001 and the culprit was a Pink Omega. I had asked my friend to provide me with a "decent pill" for my first time.
Suffice to say, whenever I look back to that night my brain melts in complete and utter bliss. I remember coming up like a mofo just when the count started and getting one of those once in a lifetime startling flashes of clarity. It kicked my life in a completely different direction, and I'm fucking glad it did.
Awww yeah.
first pill was on my 18th bday
MOS at belmont 1999
it was a green mitzi :)
i dropped a half than after half an hour dropped the other half cause it hadnt hit me yet
cant really remember the whole night i do remember dancing heaps and having sex with my bf in the back of his car :)
went home and slept for ages no come down
[ 21 November 2002: Message edited by: Plasmo ]
Can fondly remember my first pill (the first was oh.. such a nice feeling wasn't it).
Anyways, mid 2001, it was half of a blue MTV, I dropped with an experienced pill friend in a nightclub and thought "this isn't doing much to me". Then walked across the road to the strip club (it was a bucks night), and WHAMMO! the street lights hit me and I was peaking.
I remember saying to the guy I bought it off
"Hey, you got to get me more, can you get more of these?"
I sounded pretty desperate at the time :)
Although I have rolled 10 times since, only 1 time since have I felt more happiness and euphoric.
Every roll I have now I'm just f**ked up :)
I loved my first roll, I was in total bliss.
[ 24 November 2002: Message edited by: FB ]
Setting: March 2000 @ Two Tribes Melbourne
Pill: Orange Rolex
Got to the event at 12am, had organised to meet up with a friend to get the goods but couldn't find them. Fortunately found them around 2am so ended up chewing up just over a half. Went and had a boogie to Sister Bliss in the Renaissance Tent, then my g/f at the time tells me it's nearly 3am and to hurry up and get into Shed 4 for BT. I stop dancing under the tent and soon as i get out into the clear warm air... BOOM!! Couldn't believe the feeling, staggered into the absolutely packed Shed for BT's live set and went to heaven for the next hour during tracks such as Flaming June and Godspeed. Awesome first pill. That hour still lives in my mind like yesterday :)
the strictly techno cd's rocked :)
they got me into tekkers! talking, 94, 95ish here, volumes 1 thru 3.
Jan 2001
Pill: No Idea
The Story: A friend had known I was sorta keen to try an E (I'd been reading a lot about it) and lo and behold one sat night up pops a message on my IM client, "wanna come over and try an E?"
Didn't take me long to get over there, and I was pretty nervous, and had half. I still have no idea what it was (certainly not the best pill I've had, quite speedy I think).
Anyway... There were many nice and supportive ppl there and they kept asking "how do you feel?" to which I kept answering, "ok", and not feeling anything.
45 mins later... VERY loved up and aware of how in control I felt compared to other drugs and how 'clear' the world seemed... (no real rushes or peaks, but awesome never-the-less)... I asked for the other half... :)
An ephiany? Close. Even though it wasn't the best pill, nothing beats that first time.... being surprised how it is illegal, thinking silly things like all world problems could be solved it the leaders got their hands on this (and had supportive friends during bad comedowns)
Suddenly 4 hours had passed, but I was sat down at the PC in the front room and shown bluelight.ru, spent ages reading and saying out loud "YEAH! I agree... AWESOME!" (and I have been lurking ever since)
BAD comedown though. No sleep, paranoia next day etc, I have not had a post-E day like that since. (more evidence that it wasn't pure MDxx)
Best Ever? (As yet) GCSSS Syd 2002. Green Apple. Had half... nothing happened... waiting...waiting... an hour passed. Got bummed out as friend was starting to have rushes and grin a lot.
About 10 mins before Way Out West came on had a full... 25 mins later (or so) and BAM...
BAM!!!!!!! WOW!!!
Best rushes, eye goggles, the works. (And in the interim I reckon I had had about 4 pills that were pretty decent, but as always had at the least a couple of months break inbetween pills, so even though I knew what to expect by now, I guess I'd never really hit my max dosage).
Can't really remember the rest of the W.O.W. set... but the lights were good. :)
Having my first in about 4 months this coming weekend. I'm looking forward to it. A lot. :)
:) like crystal i can remember that night...
i had got a friend and his sister who had been clubbing for a while to sort me out.. and to take me out... we headed to home niteclub... it was a half a green euro.... i remember taking it, and dancing for a little bit... and then it hit me! i had to go upstairs and get some air.. spent most of the night on that balcony, peakin of my guts, talkin to strangers and watching the surreal streaks of tail lights go by on the over pass :) )) wicked wicked night...one that changed everything you know?
My first ever was a half in mid december 97 which was a dud.
My first good pill was a Green Mitsi early 98 and it truely fucked me up. Massive grins all round.
New Years 03/04, at a rave called Together. Apparently they werent supposed to be the best of pills, but it was my first time, and im little. i was fucked off half. oo and kissing, omg, i wanted to do it the whole nite, but my bf wanted to talk all the time damnit. :p

My First was in April 2003, in Canberra. I'd already been on a 24 hour drinking binge when one of my best mates who was an experianced user says to me "I'm gonna take an E tonight, you want to get one?" I was a bit nervous because we were on a road trip, and a fair way from home, but my mate promised he'd look after me and so I agreed. Before too long I had a noice little brown-speckled mx in my hot little hands. "You don't get much for $40 bucks!!" I said to my mate. I don't think I've ever been so wrong in my life!

Dumped a half at midnight. Had a few pints while I tried not to wait for it to come on. Still had nothing at 1am, so my mate told me to dump the other half. At 1:45am I still wasn't feeling anything apart from ripped off, so I started writing my mate an SMS. "Well, that was $40 well spe......." At that point my mobile phone started trying to float out of my hands, and I look up and the pub looks completely different. There's little halos around every light, and a strange extra beat in the music. I delete what I'd written in the SMS and replace it with "FUCK YEAH!!! LET'S GO TO A NIGHTCLUB!!!"

One of the best nights of my life. Certainly a life-changer. As soon as I got home I signed up to bluelight and never looked back. Funny how you can spen your whole adult life thinking that hard drugs aren't your thing, until you actually try them... ;)

Great thread... *sigh* memories.

I took my first pill near the start of January 2002 on a Saturday night, either the fifth or the twelth... I don't remember. Also didn't bother to look at what it was.

About two weeks previously I had gone out drinking with a colleague from work (actually my boss at the time), we met up with another guy we used to work with at the Prince of Wales public bar (gay side) on Fitzroy Street in St Kilda. The friend we met up with pulled out some pills while we were at the bar and offered us one... my boss said, "Why the hell not?"... I was like "no thank you".

Anyway we kicked on to Mink Bar and then back to the friends place, me a little drunk and watching my friends have a great time, I think I might have smoked my first joint that night. I sort of used my boss like a guniea pig, I guess I liked what I saw, he didn't drop dead and had a fucking good time.

Two weeks later I went with my boss to a house party, somewhere in Brunswick, at the house of the same friend who'd given him the pill before. Everyone was sitting in the backyard around a small fire and when my boss got a pill, I asked if I could get one too. Dropped it whole.

I remember it was a perfect, clear, warm summer night in Melbourne and sitting in the backyard around friends I was chatting to one guy when it hit. I looked up and the stars were magnificent... I couldn't talk... just lay back and stared at the sky in awe with the biggest Quarter-Pounder-grin (extra cheesy) you could imagine.

My friends suggested I socialise but I was just too far gone to handle people... I remember my boss's girlfriend giving me a massage and just feeling more content than I ever had in my entire life.

After a couple of hours me, my boss and his girlfriend headed to a small private party in an apartment in the middle of the CBD, we took a cab there and laughed our heads off when we walked past two really cute policewomen... I might or might not have said something I would never normally say... hehe.

I sat around at the party for a couple of hours just staring and grinning at people, I was amazed with how beautiful everyone looked. Around 7am headed back to my boss's high rise apartment in St Kilda and lay on his couch watching the sunrise over Melbourne.

The best part, that I'll never forget was the afterglow... the next day I was lying in bed watching the cricket and couldn't stop sighing and smiling.

Guess I didn't need an essay but wanted to go into detail since it was a pivotal life-changing event.
What: White Mitsubishi's
Where: Pub in Perth
When: Will be 5 years ago next week.

Don't remember much about the night except being completely naive & with a mate who didn't know much better I chewed through 4 pills in the space of about 90 minutes and then proceeded to dance my arse off for the next 7 hours.
5 years later thats still the most pills I've ever consumed in one night.
Not the smartest thing I ever did, but f*** me, what a great day ;)
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My first was at a Yr 10 after party(not my own). I'd organised 1 through my mate and I thought my night was set then I get there and he's forgotten it, I felt very angry seeing since I'd asked him maybe 3 hours b4 and already given him the money.
But as luck would have it a dealer's there at the party and while I was angrily sitting down smoking bongs trying to forget about it my good m8's scab up the money from every1 at the party and get me a green apple!
Cant say it was my best but i did love chatten to every random and being so open from my normal shy self!
I preferred my second time on New Years 03/04.If only I could still get yosamitys! =D
Sweet Reminisance (sp.).
I think around March last year.
I had just moved home and my mates were still living at my old residence.
A group of us somehow decided we try it.
I had been out to dinner with family so I arrived around 3/4 of a hour after my mates dropped.
When I arrived one friend was sitting by himself in a room freaking out (not particularly inspiring, seeing as I hadn't dropped yet) whilst 2 other of my mates were fine, feeling nothing.
I dropped half a white mitsubishi to start with (told my mates I had the whole.. god knows why, I think I wanted them to think I was goin' "head first" into it like them [Note: Head first with one pill? Those were the days =D]) and then had the other half about 30 minutes later.
We had NO IDEA what to expect (pretty naive now that I think about it).
I suppose I expected to be sped up (much like Dexxies [I hadn't had speed at that time so, again, I had no idea what to expect]).
At this time I was feeling not very much at all, I sat with mates in one of their rooms and we listened to music on a clock radio. =D
It was at this time we realised that we were all (without realising) boucning around as we spoke.
A little rush went through my body... "I'm high!" I thought.
This proceeded much like this for another hour or two (obviously not a strong dose of MDMA, more than likely speed or something, although i'll never know) before we started to have cones.
I remember quite a bit of the night surprisingly.
We went with the sick guy for a walk before going to his car.
This is when the fun part started.
We sat in the car and started to crank some Beatles (not normally my choice of music but it was THE SHIT!).
I closed my eyes and began to see a cartoon guy with black rimmed glasses.
I can still remember what this character looked like, very basic (BTW, I have seen this guy twice now, once when I was in the shower with my eyes closed after an event [I think after Red 3's].
A few of my other mates tripped out to shit that night also, seeing 'yellow submarines" (I do believe these guys, and i'm sure u can guess the track we were listening to at the time).
Reflecting on the night, it was pretty good.
A good start (For everyone except my one friend, who to this day cannot pill without freaking out and has since stopped) to a GREAT TIME OF MY LIFE!
Well, that's the story of my first pill.
Kinda fun to write about it.
I'm still tryin' to hold onto that innocence of E, although I know A LOT more than I did then... although I do wish I knew such info when the experience first occured.
Have Fun, Be Safe and try and hold onto those feelings, even when reality hits.
^^ I am meeting you at an event sometime soon man :)

My first?

Date: December 2000
Pill: Unknown

After organising a ragtag group of traveller mates at The Flying Pig (our hostel) 4 of us - me, a mate, another guy from my hometown I met there and a big Canadian - went drunk to Amsterdam's red light district.

The idea was to have one since we were all going our seperate ways the next day.

Finally getting to the dodgiest part (there were no roads, only dirt and hookers) we see this big black guy covered in gold chains standing on a street corner.

"Dealer" we all said in unison..

Making our way over we negotiate a price of about $15AUS per pill, which I later discovered was a well rip-off rate over there.
One of the guys I was with started threatening this massive chunk of man about what he will do if the pills were bunk. We slowly edged out of the situation.

Fast forward an hour and we are back at the hostel after knocking them back. The night from then on is a magical blur. Chatting to loads of travellers and hearing some fantastic tales, picking up 2 gorgeous blonde Dutch girls, utterly DOMINATING the pool table... I mean it was insane... pulling off shit that did not seem possible like curve jump shots and the like. I have never played like that again, and had people coming up to me asking if I was a pro.

In the end it wound down smoking some Northern Lights downstairs of the hostel with some whacked out American girls high on magic mushrooms watching TV static and talking bullshit.

Was pretty good fun. :D
My first E was at an outdoor party called [edited] on the GoldCoast. I was terribly excited about taking a pill but my dealer made me wait until this party. At around midnight I took it and waited for it to kick in. All of a sudden rain started to sprinkle lightly, Carl Cox was playing, and I started to peak. I made the most amazing friends that night, friends I still hold very dear to this day, and I still think hearing Carl Cox play "Here's Johnny" has to be one of the best memories of my life.

This was in 1992 and the pill consumed was being called a Cali White.
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