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religion - your thoughts

it's good some people, & also citizen's around the world have religon it give's them something to believe in and to give them hope through the dark painful times these days especially like during the Iraq war and in Jerusalem give's them some light at the end of the tunnel.
i was baptised a christian, as the years at school wore on tho my faith began to run out, and at uni i abondoned religion and took up philosophy (not that its a replacement but i found it as one). i put my faith in reasoning now.
religion is a very tribal thing, i think, its like a form of policing people with no police, using ppls conscience to regulate their behaviour.

in place of believing in forms of mysterianism i now ascribe to such quotes as

"the world is all that is the case"

"if i can think of an object in the context of an atomic fact, I cannot think of it apart from the possibility of this context"

all tings that are not in the world are illusions of the mind in imagination or (willful/unwillful) subjective deception. we are in the world now, yet you know so little about it and our own nature, why should we be trying to make sence of a devine nature that does not concern us in these current states of affairs that we are in?

for religion if any id prob go hinduism or buddhism, i've been trying to meditate and acheive the sence of 'nowness' abandoning the past and future, its a really light almost 'high' feeling if u can do it. Its only the foundations for meditation tho, the ground must be solid to build ontop of securely.
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my parents are not very religious at all. as a child we only went to church for weddings and stuff like that. i loved it as it gave me a more carefree childhood (rather than being burdened with something like catholic guilt that everything i did was wrong and i was going to hell) and it really annoyed me when the compulsory scripture classes came along at school (and i just went to a normal state school). this upbringing has left me to find my own path, which is now predominantly wiccan/pagan, although i'm willing to take on anyone's ideas, so long as it rings true for me. as for active ritual work, i'm not that prolific. i work when i feel i am called to, and as for the rest of the time i just acknowledge that the god and goddess are a part of every facet of my life. as far as my drug use goes in the context of my religious beliefs, i feel no guilt about it. because paganism isnt about specific dogmas there are no 'rules' to follow or be broken, it merely asks you to live your life as a good person causing harm to none. also being in altered states of mind can become somewhat a spiritual experience in itself, as in the hallucinatory 'vision quest' of the native americans and other tribal cultures
Well both my parents are Jewish, and for the first few years of my life, lived a typical reformed Jewish upbringing. As time went on, and I developed somewhat of a curious, overly analytical mind, I struggled with the conflict between Judaism (organised denominational religion) and logic (science, to me)... and I came to the conclusion that I am a realist. I cannot believe in such restrictive religious ideals as Judaism sets out.

To me, my Judaism is history, heritage, tradition, and a memory of the holocaust. (17 member of my family were gassed in Dachau and Buchenwald in the 40's)

But nothing more than that.

If you do subscribe to a particular religion,what is it and how strongly do you hold those beliefs?
Buddhism is my choice of poison.Im certainly not full flegged though.See,I went through a really bad stage in my life nearning the end of my high school years.I felt lost and felt like there was nothing for me to look forward to_One day I picked up a copy of "The Ocean Of Wisdom" By the Dalai lhama.It wasnt the faith in reincarnation or the knowledge of Buddha that made me want to become more involved.It was the never ending compassion and tolerance towards others.I had never read such positive words in my life.It made me happy and with that,I decided to follow the positive views and opinions as best as I could.
So,its more the beautiful mind frame that I believe in rather than the prayers and vows of celabicy.AS IF!

Is it something you made a conscious decision on, or have you followed in what your family does?
I decided to take Buddhism myself.

On a side note, how do you reconcile your drug taking - which I'd imagine would be against most religions?
My answer would pretty much be the same as Plazmas.
Although smokes and alchohol are a no no,many ancient psycho drugs like Mushrooms and so forth are included into the religion for enlightening purposes.It was considered good for the mind as it brought you closer to what you believed in.

If you show love and compassion towards all sentient beings especially your enemies, that is true love and compassion
i'm in the religion of beer...

personally, i am an athiest. dont believe in anything, but do not persecute those who do believe.. wotever their religion...

on a lighter note, i think beer is much better than religion... why?

No one will kill you for not drinking Beer.

Beer doesn't tell you how to have sex.

Beer has never caused a major war.

They don't force Beer on minors who can't think for themselves.

When you have a Beer, you don't knock on people's doors trying to give it away.

Nobody's ever been burned at the stake, hanged, or tortured over his brand of Beer.

You don't have to wait 2000+ years for a second Beer.

There are laws saying Beer labels can't lie to you.

You can prove Beer exists.

If you've devoted your life to Beer, there are groups to help you stop.

Hangovers go away, Jehovas Witnesses do not.
Damn! this deserves a bump. i haven't structured my thoughts enough to post yet. there is literally so much you can say on the issue.

the question early on about who/what created the first cell from which everything grew is an especially interesting topic!
hmmm...speaking of evolution....mind u i'm not clear on this.....

there is a huge jump in time between neanderthal man and the species we orginated from...this was the ice age and i've read such things as "maybe some neanderthal survived and married the other". ridiculous.

i say we come from aliens. and how can there NOT be life elsewhere? what r the odds that there arent?
Backo said:
I like the sound of your son doofqueen... He kinda sounds like me as a child lol... A child who thinks about things is more useful than someone who follows the crowd.. u must be doing a really good job raising him.

Thankyou Backo...it's always nice to hear that =D

I pride myself on the fact that my eight year old does think for himself and thinks more often about things in this world than most adults i know 8)

I see the way that he looks at the world with all his questions and he actually does view it as his personal playground to play in. He is very aware that there are so many people in the world that have different thoughts and that there is no one answer to any question and that possibilities are endless *big proud grin*

That's what you get from having a hippy mum that runs around the forest with wings on i guess ;)

Flea.....huh? 8( what did you mean by that exactly?
^^^ oh thats so cool. i think the best parents r the ones that encourage their child to be an individual and do what makes them happy.

and i love a child's innocence, they havent been "corrupted" by the world yet.
yeah i try not to hide too much from him (to a degree) like for example he asked what spagetti boloanise was and i said 'well your eating what was once a cow' he wasn't too happy but at least he is aware of what he's eating lol He doesn't like the fact that he is eating animals but he says "but it's so yummy" hehehe

he comes up with so much stuff.....it's so damn adorable =D
syntech said:
i say we come from aliens. and how can there NOT be life elsewhere? what r the odds that there arent?

If you want to do some reading on it have a read of The Fifth Miracle by Paul Davies (if you live anywhere near Newie i can give you a lend if you like). He talks allot about this sort of stuff and about how life could have been created and the sort of odds for various events happening etc.

My only issue with this book is i guess like any author he has his own barrow to push about his theories about there being some sort of higher force that is pushing towards the existence of life. It's been too long since i read it for me to remember much.

I guess we'll never know so any story is a good as any other really! My personal theory is that we're all some part of a sim-universe type game that 'god' (ie some over-spoilt bratty child somewhere) is playing and giggling with glee watching us destroy ourselves! - the last 2000 years or so will be rolled back when he gets back from a trip to the bathroom - realises how crap it's all gone and will revert to a previously saved game. I'll have my rant on religion during the weekend after i get some sleep!

Edit: Fixed a speeling mistake.
I grew up in a greek orthodox household - not a strict one in sense of church attendance, usually reserved for main religious occasions. I wouldn't say I'm religous in anyway but I have gained many of my morals from my "christian" upbringing. I like to believe that there is something out there and I like the belief that a god exists - I'm not entirely sure why, but I find it comforting. I however don't hinge my life on this belief.

Having said all this, I'm no fan of organised religion and the religious competition among them all.
I don't like religion much. Forced beliefs doesn't appeal to me. Live life and make up your own mind. I think religion is for those who need something to believe in. Why not believe in yourself?

I also personally believe that religion is a major cause of war.

shal... :D
Being a mod of T&A I should throw in my 2c's worth.

I think its all good. God, the creator, the source, whatever you wanna call the big guy seems to like diversity so I aint necessarily against one thing or in favor of one thing. My personal religion is more down to social bearing and family ties. I feel that the only real thing is spiritual progress, altered states, meditation, kundalini and all that. It seems to be what religions and other traditions were originally founded upon, and how you can develop a genuine connection to yourself and reality. As long as you get into that I do not think it really matter what you believe in.
Is god trying to send us a message? ;)
I'm agnostic because ive never seen any credible evidence that a god exists. It's easy enough to say "Prove that god doesnt exist!" But then i can just say "Prove there isnt an invisible rhinocerous in the room!"

But an interesting religion is:

Frisbeetarianism, n.:

The belief that when you die, your soul goes up
on the roof and gets stuck.
I've been involved in a coven situation, and quite enjoyed it, but currently solitary.

That said, I don't so much belong or place myself in any religious group.

It just so happens that a lot of my beleifs, and thing's I feel comfortable with, and bring me joy, are what makes up a particular religion.
I don't follow any doctrines, or rules, and I bring my own individuality into my own interpretation of the religion.

* * *

My parents were always very free thinking, and encouraged us to find what was right for us, if there was something out there that fitted.

My Mum has been Hindu for over 25 years, [no Indian ancestry at all] and also agrees with a lot of Bhuddist teachings, as well as Wiccan principals.

My Dad has and will always beleive in God, first and foremost, but also respects and and finds insight in other teachings [like Bhuddism, etc.].