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religion - your thoughts

i grew up in a very religious environment. my old man's a minister, and i went to church at least 3 times a week for most of my life. i also had the benefit of living in a household where christianity wasn't so much as preached, as lived.

and yet, i no longer go to church. i don't plan to return anytime soon, either. what i mostly learned was that organised religion sucks. it's full of insecure people that use religion as a crutch, or as weapon. the intention is great, hang out with like minded people, but the practice comes out lacking.

that being said, i fully believe in spirituality. the funny thing is, i've learned more about the 'mind of God' in the time since i left the church than i ever did while i was there. yes, i believe in a god, and i believe in a spiritual world paralleling the visible world. it's a personal belief, that's come about due to my experiences and path through life. i don't feel the need to push my beliefs on others though, and i certainly don't take the bible literally. however, my way works for me, and while i don't use it as a crutch, it helps me to deal with the world, and provides answers to many of my questions.
I have grown up in a household that calls itself christian but doesn't really full on live it. I went to a christian school where the majority of people claimed to be christian but didn't act it.

so yeah... i dunno.

Interestingly enough I decided to take a uni subject over summer that was based on contemporary belief systems where my major project was on Weber and his theory that religion is a "Life Cure". I totally agree with mr fluffy when he said that alot of people use religion as a crutch for reality, and as weber describes it, also as an excuse for life and its haphazardness.

It's nice to have reasoning for everything, and something that will carry you through. I don't use religion for this, but others defeinately do.
I like the sound of your son doofqueen... He kinda sounds like me as a child lol... A child who thinks about things is more useful than someone who follows the crowd.. u must be doing a really good job raising him.
Backo said:
I like the sound of your son doofqueen... He kinda sounds like me as a child lol... A child who thinks about things is more useful than someone who follows the crowd.. u must be doing a really good job raising him.

has anyone ever said anything different?
^^^ huh? pay a compliment and get confused by someone elses reply... :\ whats the deal...
I was born and bred in the Seventh Day Adventist Church... and I dont regret one day of it. Infact in a way I envy my content Christian friends. Their lives are simple and uncomplicated.. go to college, get married, spend the rest of your time working as a nurse/teacher, having kids, gossipping with friends after church, and baking savouries for pot luck lunches. My old friends are positive, happy and content with their lives. They spend their time door knocking for aid organisations, organising kids clubs in country towns, travelling overseas to volunteer for organisations over there.

Its the exact same place I could have been if I hadnt been so rebellious. I grew jaded and spent more time with non-Christian friends and grew to want the 'forbidden fruit'.. they got to go out and party on a Friday night, they could go shopping on Saturday, they could go out drinking etc. I cant claim that there is anything wrong witht he Religion that I was bought up in.. theres some idiots, those who take things a little too far/literally and think they must impose their views upon everyone else, even if it means threatening them. People are fucking stupid.. doesnt matter where you are or what group of people you are part of.. theres always going to be a few people who take things too far and offend others.

We all cry foul when people talk down on raves, or people who take drugs, saying "We're not like that! Don't judge us because of the actions of stupid people". But we'll happily turn around and point at someone who claims to be a Christian and say "You're a brainwashed loser!". Why? Because once when we were young we ran into a Christian who said that if we were weren't a Christian we'd burn in hell... Just like your average Joe reads an article in the newspaper about heroin addicts.

I believe in a God.. I've studied enough biochemistry and genetics to have to question the whole 'accidental evolution' thing. You think it seems near impossible for a supreme being to use his immense power to create a world.. I think its pretty near impossible for life to have just spontaneously formed, due to the immense complexity of our cells.

Basically to cap it off, I dont really know where I'm at right now. I dont dislike the religion I was bought up with, I just dont really feel like puttin in the effort that it involves. Right now I just want to rebel against it. I want to live without rules and not worry about the consequences of the things that I do to myself. One day I'm sure I'll get over it and take another look at what I'm doing with myself. But right now the only real word I have for my current religious experience is "Jaded".

I believe in my senses and their perception of the world around me and how my mind translates it is my eternal truth. My “god” is the energy that impulses through all of us and holds our consciousness. Energy can never die it can only be transferred, we are all immortal.

On organised religion, I believe that Buddha, Mohammed, Jesus and the other prophets were all extraordinary people. They have many good ideas and some are still relevant today. It is unfortunate that most of them would be deeply saddened by the deeds done in their names.

As for reconciling my drug use, it allows my energies to flow in different directions and through different pathways. Enabling me to better understand myself and my surroundings by giving me new perspective. By my reckoning, it’s bringing me closer to “god”.
Atheist here. I just dont see the point in gods, if they did exist they would have a time limit. We are all star-stuff anyway and thats all we become. when the 45 billion year mark of the universe comes around and protons start to decay (if my memory serves me correctly that is the half life of a proton...) then even the star-stuff we are made of becomes nothing but a seething mass of quarks... and the universe then becomes something completely different... and so on and so on... I believe that everyone can be their own god.

My parents are greek orthodox and respect my non-belief, my sister is wiccan, the rest of my family are just way too religious and have even put if forward to me that nebulae are masses of lost souls in limbo... I dont think they understand hydrogen 8) I think that if i had to have belief in a god and follow a dogma per-se, i would worship the sun, for without it we would not even exist to think about the existence of gods or the universe. So i think that the egyptians were the closest to getting it right.

as for my drug use... to me it is very easy to ponder the universe, its physics, its quanta and its meaning while sober... a few tabs of acid and i start to feel at one with it... every particle has an effect on every other particle in the universe, and i like to feel at home.

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Something I've always wanted to know...

To get into heaven you need to accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, correct? So what about all the people that never hear about Christianity, African tribes and the like? In this day and age it's probably not so much of an issue due to the wonders of modern communication, but what about in the thousands of years that came before? Does that mean they'll go to hell? If that's the case then this god who is supposedly fair and just hasn't really looked at things from every angle.

I'm definitely agnostic. I went to a Christian school, have a mother who's a born again christian (and tells me I'm going to hell on a regular basis) and have studied so many other religions it's just not funny. I have a fairly active dislike for organised religion.

I respect and admire people who can have complete faith in the unknown, but at the same time I think a lot of people use religion as their security blanket.
My Dad and all of his family are Baptists, and my mum's family are all Baptists (though mum herself is athiest), so I was raised a Baptist and went to Sunday School and church and so on till I was about 6, I think.

I'm not sure if I'd call myself a "baptist", because I'm not really all that learned on the differences between different Christian denominations, but I'd certainly call myself Christian. And not because of the way I was brought up, either. In 1997 when I was in Italy, I felt a distinct 'presence' that I now carry with me everywhere. At the time, I apparently described it as "it feels like there's strawberry milk running through my veins now instead of blood". So yeah, that's a feeling I hold very dear.

Bits and pieces of religion and life confuse me and that's fine. I don't need to know everything. I take solace in the fact that I feel loved, even when everyone hates me.

My fiance is Catholic and apart from the pre-marital sex/living together thing, he believes the teachings of it. It's actually really refreshing and comforting to live with someone who has such strong convictions - it makes me feel more sure that everything will be okay now and after I die.

In terms of the drugs, I don't take any. However, when I had my first psychosis at the end of 2001, I prayed to God to make it go away and promised that if it did, I'd never take drugs again. It did go away, and I did do drugs again. I suffer every day because I broke that promise.
anti religion.
but baha is good, they are into spritalitaly.

but i do read bitsd of the bible every so often, for a laugh.
have you read that shit.
its gold
my grandfather was a minister and basically forced my dad to believe in all that (this was in romania). tho he never did. wen i grew up i was never directly influenced into believing in a certain thing but it turned out that i have the same views as my dad.

to me, there is no god, and the bible is just a fairy story. the sole purpose of religion is to comfort those who arent strong enough without it. i also think it keeps a lot of ppl 'in line'. its hard to explain and i wont go into it cos i hate to push my views on others.

as far as drugs r concerned...for me, religion does not come into it at all. they are completely seperate. if there was a god, and drugs were 'sinful' or watever, they wouldnt exist. therefore, i conclude there is no god!
To get into heaven you need to accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, correct? So what about all the people that never hear about Christianity, African tribes and the like?
That is a question that an answer was never given for. It is something we genuinely do not know. If anyone tries to give you an answer to this question, without very concise resources, they are wrong. Its not up to us to try and answer a question that we know nothing of. Therefore, the only real answer is that we dont know... and we'll just have to wait and see wont we?

Oh, and I dont attempt to justify my drug use at all in relation to my religion. I'm doing something stupid, I'm abusing my body.. its all a hedonistic urge. I may *feel* more on a spiritual level with the universe when I am on acid, and I like to ponder my spirituality a lot more when like this.. but its more of a clear-thinking type of thing, where I try to gain some kind of insight into how things are.


i personally do not believe in a higher being, i think the concept is out-dated and ridiculous. i believe in myself, and i do believe in the soul. but i strongly believe religion is a tool used to control. yeah, it does help people through tough times and i can understand why people have faith, and that is very important. but i have faith in myself, even though sometimes that faith does sometimes slip, it always comes back.

religion has brought far more bad into this world than it has brought good IMHO, but go for it if u want to. just don't try to tell me that your god is right and mine is wrong, or that your religion is the correct one. that is just fucked.

living a religious life is living a life where you just accept your fate, you don't strive for more or try to find out why things are the way they are, you just accept that GOD is responsible for everything. i have been exposed to religion a lot during my life, and the older i got and the more i approached a vulnerable age (early teens) the more the religion was forced onto me and i was taken to camps and had the religion forced onto me. i was susceptable for a little while and i even got suckered in, but i quickly reversed my decision. it was not for me. the same thing happened to my brother, for a while there he was impressionable and he said he believed in god, but now he doesn't. to blindly follow religion is stupid, if you investigate it and learn about it, it can be very enlighening. but the feeling of having total faith in somebody else is a feeling that we all want, and is what we are born with (we have total faith in our parents when we are young, up to a point) god is in some ways the replacement for our parents. i think that it is immature to believe in god, but i may change my mind, that is always an option.

but i am my own god, not in the way u mite imagine it, but i have control over my life and i don't fear death. but i will not give money to a church for no reason, i would rather use my money to help people in my own way. but yeah...

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Cohaagen said:
i personally do not believe in a higher being, i think the concept is out-dated and ridiculous.

I'm not flaming, I'm genuinely curious. What makes the concept of a higher being out-dated and ridiculous NOW any more than it has been throughout.. well, throughout the entire history of the world? Is it to do with technology? With drugs? With the human race being so superior?

Seriously, the words you used made me very curious. I honestly don't understand how the concept of having an all-powerful, all-loving being watching over you and keeping you safe could ever be "out-dated".

(Again, I'm not flaming or being sarcastic)
anna! said:
Seriously, the words you used made me very curious. I honestly don't understand how the concept of having an all-powerful, all-loving being watching over you and keeping you safe could ever be "out-dated".

(Again, I'm not flaming or being sarcastic) [/B]

thats cool... :)

i personally believe in the superiority of the human race. i believe we have unlimited potential to achieve amazing things. the reason why i think it is out-dated is because we are now at the age in our civilization where we are "teenagers", we are just beginning to test our boundaries with our minds and technology, and we have come SOOOO far in the last 100 years, the technology we have in our hands now is just the start of an amazing time in our history.

as it is important for a child to eventually think for themselves and not be protected by their parents, we as a species need to move on from our gods (which have the same sort of role as parents) and begin to take steps forward. as a species we need to mature. i think religion stops us doing this.

i love the concept of somebody looking out for me and watching over me, it makes me feel safe and loved. but i cannot believe that it is true. faith is a good thing, but having faith in yourself is the only true faith that i can accept. i know i exist and i know that i will always be there for me. i have a great love for the human race, and i hope that one day we can achieve our full potential and work together for a better world. if we believe in ourselves and believe in each other then this can happen. i don't think belief in god (in the traditional sense) will allow this progress.

i would love there to be a god, but i just don't think there is. i am not disappointed by this, i understand the purpose of religion in the growth of our civilization, but i believe that we are here for more than just to live our lives and fall in love and have kids. i think that we are here to evolve into something great and to make the most of our amazing minds and creativity. it is a gift that we must use.

for all of you that are interested in the heaven and hell idea, go and grab yoruself copies of The Divine Comedy, by Dante. i say copies because its three books, subtitled Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. its a fucking good read, although it can require some patience as its poetry that is translated from old french into old english... its a slog at times but one hell of a fucking good story.. written in the 1500's. basically Dante, while trying ot cross a mountain, comes across some wild beasts (signifying various vices) that block his path and try to eat him. theyre just about to overcome him when Virgil, a dead poet and philosopher, appears and tells Dante that he can take him around them and teach him various things, and proceeds to take him on a trip through all the various circles of Hell then through Purgatory(the limbo between heaven and hell) and then to Paradise. along the way he gets to talk to all sorts of people and find out why they were sent to Hell etc and what the various crimes get as punishment... its very cool.

I found it interesting, to say the least, that the first circle (from memory) of hell is reserved for those that never did anything wrong, were good people, even lived by gods law, but were never baptised....

so ill see most of you there :) if not (myself at least) in one of the lower circles....

organised religion is usefull, just like crutches for people with leg injury... and you couldnt take it away from them, they need it.
i just thought i sould add, that i am a clergy man.
well, i got my certificate off teh net, so im not sure how legit it is, but i can marry people and such what not. and im 17 hahahaha.
and this comes from me, mister nonreligion.
anyone to be married today??
The one thing that I cannot stand in relation to anyone's beliefs.. is when someone says to you "dont you preach your bullshit to me.." and then presently attempts to put down your beliefs and make you change your thinking on the subject, basically attempting to convert you.

This frustrates me because I have been in many conversations with people of extremely differing religions/non-religions to mine, where its ok for them to slander every word I say, put me down and generally try to make me think along their lines.. but if I say anything in an attempt to make them think, I'm the one doing the dirty converting.

I just hope here that everyone who has said "I dont like people who try to impose their theories on me", can stand back and say quite surely that they have never attempted to try and change someone's mind in regards to their religion.. coz you dont have to be Christian to preach, infact you dont even have to believe in a god.

Just a pet bitch of mine really.
