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Really Nice Codeine Thread

Keep an eye on him. Lots of drugs + bipolar = disaster. Every time. Even if (especially if) he seems to be handling it. And I'm sure he already knows about interactions with meds, but it's worth checking.

Do you really need to taper off anything in the first place?

You've finished the ODT, right? You're getting along fine with only kratom, right? That tells me there's no withdrawal for you to worry about. Unless of course you've been doing kratom several times daily for six months or so, in which case you should just reduce your kratom intake gradually. Swapping kratom (piss weak opioid agonist) for codeine (proper opiate and full agonist) just seems insane!

Remember what happened last time you worried about withdrawals from ODT and attempted a disastrous 'taper' on subs?

I take kratom 3 times dayly, it isnt doing anything besides 'holding me', im getting no lift, no energy, no positives from it atall. But there will be w/ds from kartom, there allways has been as i always let my runs go on for too long and let the dose spiral too high. It maybe quite prolonged and miserable too as this is currenly my longest run ever (3-4 months). Ive previously found the w/ds bad enough after just one month.

The occasion you're talking about from a couple of years ago, was after my odt ran out, i switched to poppy pods for an extended period, then AH, then finally bupe. It may seem insane, But ive experienced that codeine is effective in relieving w/ds but doesnt get me high. Codeine is the lowest strength opi right? Not in the same league as bupe atall? Im figuring that a quick sharp taper will be the quickest and most effective way to get off kratom. I cant see myself farting about reducing by 0.5 tsp of kratom every few days for weeks on end, well i can, but thats a scenario id rather avoid. Id probably still feel out of sorts at the end of it anyway.

The problem with bupe was that i loved it, that wasnt supposed to happen, so the "taper" quickly started going on the wrong direction, as i set about going on a 3 month bupe binge. I think ive learnt a lot since then though, about myself, and about opis. I'm not saying that what you said doesnt make perfect logical, rational sense, i just have a strong gut feeling that a codeine taper will do the trick on this occasion. All down to belief again, as its largely all in the mind.
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Codeine is far less potent than buprenorphine, sure, but it's stronger in other ways, being a full agonist and all. Many people find it to be more euphoric too. Codeine withdrawal is far worse in terms of intensity than coming off subs.

I've used kratom for up to three months daily and experienced no withdrawal whatsoever. I really think that you may be giving yourself psychosomatic symptoms. Which isn't to say you aren't feeling real pain, but a lot of withdrawal is in the mind, and it seems like you're particularly scared of it when you needn't necessarily be.

The codeine is a bad idea. You might feel out of sorts quitting kratom, but you'll feel a lot more so if you hook yourself on codeine in the process.
I appreciate your input, i really do. I know i can be a stubborn and annoying twat at times. The codeine plan is not to get addicted to it, (seeing as it doesnt get me high i dont see that being a problem, ive had those 100 30mg cocos from the hospital for over a month, and still have 4 blistres left. That means i have no compulsion to fiend on it) This all leads me to believe that it wont be a problem substance for me. Im not gonna be taking it to get high, but to start reducing as soon as i find my comfort zone.

Kratom clearly affects different people diffrently. Maybe you have a much stronger mental and physical resilience than i do? Infact i know that you do. YMMV as ever.

I know it frustrates and annoys you to see other people making mistakes that could have been avoided if only they'd listened. However on this occasion, im not doing this out of naivety or stupidity, but with prior experience of how codeine affects me, and how it helped ease ODT w/ds, just 60mg here and there.
Fair enough - it's your choice. I still don't see how taking a full opioid agonist that's stronger than the weak receptor-tickler you're attempting to give up will work out, but if that's the way you feel comfortable...
You used Bupe to get off kratom, christ on a bike i bet that gave your receptors a good tickle :D
no i used bupe to get off odt, poppies, and AH. In hidnsight it was the wrong decision. But now all that is long behind me, and ive learnt from it.
Keep an eye on him. Lots of drugs + bipolar = disaster. Every time. Even if (especially if) he seems to be handling it. And I'm sure he already knows about interactions with meds, but it's worth checking.

I dont think he is on meds atm, he has been on all sorts. Lithium, antipsychotics. Weed is fine infact i prefer being with him when he is stoned and not manic he is so much more level headed on weed. Alcohol though, jesus fkn christ. dont even get me started. He is a borderline alcoholic. I will never understand alcohism its not like it blocks anything it just unleashes and turns you into a subhuman cunt.
Sounds similar to pre-meds me. Everybody wanted to be around me when I was stoned, few people would want to be around me if I was drinking. Some people just ended up not wanting to be around me much, or at all.

I forget the figures, but safe to say it's hard to find a bipolar who hasn't had a drink problem. Alcohol can really help with some of the symptoms, but at some stage, at either end of the pendulum, it's going to bring out the most horrible demons. Which is not to say that any ensuing antics are excusable, but it's the condition taking over, which is something I'm glad you appear to recognise. Your friend is lucky to have you.

Did lithium not work for him? I'm against the use of antipsychotics in anything but the most, um, psychotic cases of bipolar, and even then in the short term, but there are other medications out there. They ain't perfect - no med is perfect - but it's better than being controlled by that horrible affliction. Try to talk to your friend about meds. And bless you. :)
Yeah there was apoint 3 years ago where he was off the rails, tried to top himself numerous times. Was drinking like a fish i remember a women in tesco questioned him about the amount of spirits he had been buying and he didnt take too well to that. at one point his mum kicked him out and slept rough on a farmers field in a tent, until the farmer smashed his tent up. Pretty soon after that he moved to brighton and got a job at a bar, bar work is all he has ever done which is another problem. We all had enough of him by that point anyway he was horrible to me and everyone. He got alot better when was in brighton which is good.

He has spent nights in prisons cells due to drink and he has been sectioned numerous times. I have witnessed a few psychotic episodes with him being utterly shit faced. But yeah obviosuly im the one who has to deal with his bad sides where as alot of people just see the lovely version of him

Ive never discussed meds with him, im really not sure why he isnt on anything tbh
I met up with one of the people who used to be in your position the other week. We hadn't talked in two years, despite 16 years of friendship prior to that. Another close friend now keeps a safe distance. The one who really put up with a lot of shit, I'll probably never talk to again, and I don't blame her.

Your friend can't go on self-medicating, especially when it becomes indistinguishable from self-harm. Symptoms get worse over time, and he's at the risk of marginalising himself. I know it must be hard, but he needs good friends. And possibly some medical maintenance. I know it isn't easy to persuade people, but when it gets bad, it gets really, really bad.
Really Nice Bipolar Thread!

Ran out of 30mgs and not getting my repeats for another two weeks so I'm shopping around for some mail-order codeine to hold me. Best I've found so far seems Zapain 30/500 for 35cents.

DHC costs at least twice as much though it's not much more potent than regular codeine is it? How much are you UK folk paying for your co-codamol?
Yeah i know i should try more Sammy

Back on the subject of codiene, im on my 3rd day now. This morning was miserable im not gonna lie and say its easy. Yesterday weren't that bad but this morning i almost phoned in sick due to feel miserable and crying in the shower (no idea what i was crying about). Also had an awful gut most likely from the kratom. Anyway did some kratom and i feel alot better i honestly think with out this foul tasting plant i would of cracked today. It seems to have taken away the minor depression but i need quite alot of the stuff like 10 g. Kind of makes me feel like im a day dream, its hard to describe this drug tbh

Plus my method of consumption is shit, im just bombing it in rizla paper. Any decent methods apart from Caps?
Buy some yoghurt, and mix the kratom in. It's the only way I can stomach it.

Sorry for the lecture. I was pretty drunk, and these matters are close to home. ;)
I got a pack of co co's dissolving, i knew i wouldn't last long. I think me on any form of opiate was always gonna be a bad idea. Im just a miserable cunt fixated on instant gratification

Looks like im going to cheltenham later to do a pharmacy run, fuckin hell thats my afternoon gone 8)
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you might find Red Vein Thai to be a better strain of kratom DS, nothing 'daydreamy' about that.
Im on the sumatra i like it its got really nice anti anxiety effect, i just bought some codeine from my local pharmacy i wouldn't of gone in there if wasn't on kratom. Same pharmacy that i used go in once a week for along time and they banned me and then refused to give me co co's when i got my val script from em because you shouldn't mix the two apparently. ahem
Am down to just kratom this weekend, have a mix of green kali, thai and golden indo. For some reason green kali jacks me up like speed, I prefer golden indo at night.

Kratom is a blessing but can become costly especially since there seems to be a shortage of stem powder (this used to work just as well for me as other types, I might be a high kratom metaboliser or some such thing!).

Going to try not to do any pharmacy runs, I have a cold so running around trying to source codeine is not what I want to be doing, hopefully I can get out of the habit and at some point get off the kratom too, though last time I got off the kratom, I used codeine to ease the WDs and then of course got hooked back on the codeine.

But seriously, I would take codeine withdrawals over kratom withdrawals any day - I have to keep moving for 2 days with kratom and the restless body syndrome, this is always much milder with other opiates, I detoxed from a heavy Oxycodone habit years ago, and that was easier than any kratom withdrawal for some reason...
I just walked 4 miles, went to sainsburys. Asked the women at the till for co co's and she was like "I remember you, ive served you before recently" im like "No i havnt been here in months" (4 months in fact) she ended up checking a book and then said she would serve me just this time and if i come back within a month i aint getting jack. The book... i bet they got nick names for all us codeine fiends

Fair enough hed i suppose i should be careful with it, im the type of person that will just substitute drugs.
I just walked 4 miles, went to sainsburys. Asked the women at the till for co co's and she was like "I remember you, ive served you before recently" im like "No i havnt been here in months" (4 months in fact) she ended up checking a book and then said she would serve me just this time and if i come back within a month i aint getting jack. The book... i bet they got nick names for all us codeine fiends

Fair enough hed i suppose i should be careful with it, im the type of person that will just substitute drugs.

I've never seen an actual book!

I am much the same, I quit smoking and drinking, but ended up with opiates and kratom - I'd rather stay on one of the latter than either of the former though!

I am quite glad I am not able to avail myself of harder opiates these days, that would be a very slippery slope indeed!