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Really Nice Codeine Thread

Well today i had to do a run, got refused in sainburys because i go there every week apparently... then he changes his minds to every 2 weeks (which is the truth lol) and he was angry with me said go to the doctors bla bla same old shit. I wouldnt give a fuck dude i just dont really have much shame about the habit i guess. I even ended up going in superdrug this week and i said id never go there again the women there smiled when i said "no its not for that its for toothache" "have you been to the dentist?" "yes.." the she smiled and i almost burst out laughing.

I managed to get a pack of co co's and a pack of paramol eslewhere, ive just mixed them together cwe of each. Nice buzz with a smoke
Well thanks Dark Side guess it's not too big a deal, just I was going to a friend's Halloween party and had to connect public transport with a lift so I didn't really have time to shop around and it stressed me out, though I got stranded this morning and there happened to be a Sainsburys and Tescos so it passed the time!
Tell about it, i just swalloed 30 mg's of oxynorm. I miss drowning in an ocean of pocket money opiates
Tell about it, i just swalloed 30 mg's of oxynorm. I miss drowning in an ocean of pocket money opiates

you must get a very generous pocket money allowance. I allways found them expensive as hell, maybe i dont know the right people:\
That was a one off mate ofcourse its expensive Oxy is just bourgeois smack without the stigma and not as good high (not that i would know), im on the kratom right now and im going CT. lets see how long i last

Curious dont even think about it, you end up with a habit the Wd's are like heroin. You will also realize Value for money wise its pathetic compared to linctus one sesh will cost you almost the same as a week on codeine. Well a week for me anyway a bottle a day
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That was a one off mate ofcourse its expensive Oxy is just bourgeois smack without the stigma and not as good high (not that i would know), im on the kratom right now and im going CT. lets see how long i last

Curious dont even think about it, you end up with a habit the Wd's are like heroin. You will also realize Value for money wise its pathetic compared to linctus one sesh will cost you almost the same as a week on codeine. Well a week for me anyway a bottle a day

One night on Oxy would cost about the same as a fortnight on PST. I never understood the hype surrounding it, either.
I think first tried it in febuary and i remember thinking, hey codeine isn't that bad compared to this. the price of OC's just make them not worth it. If they were half the price it would be alright i guess. I actually ended up doing 40mg in total last night i could easily do 60mg maybe even 80! my gut tells me i would be fine. Self control is difficult with them mind ><

Suppose the good thing about kratom is i can have a wank before bed instead of killing my dick with a codeine death grip
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I think first tried it in febuary and i remember thinking, hey codeine isn't that bad compared to this. the price of OC's just make them not worth it. If they were half the price it would be alright i guess. I actually ended up doing 40mg in total last night i could easily do 60mg maybe even 80! my gut tells me i would be fine. Self control is difficult with them mind ><

If you have a low opiate tolerance: Codeine is fantastic, aside from the duration and redose issues. Hell, some of the best opiate highs I've ever had were from Codeine and Tramadol. Sadly, Codeine is all but worthless to me now aside from WD relief.
i dont seem to be a good 'codeine metaboliser' atall, i never did get anything much off it. The first 60mg they gave me in hospital recelty gave me a little spring to my step, but it didnt do anything noticebale after that first dose. Other than that it has helped in easing ODT w/ds after a recent 2 week binge. Now im mostly comfortable on just kratom, but have very low energy levels. Even with Red vein Thai kratom. Its a bit worrrying. Going to have to press "reset" soon as this kratom is a road to nowhere atm. Not gonna keep escalating my dose, thats pointless and will just make coming off it even worse. I can use the remainder of my 30mg cocos to help get off kratom. Maybe if i could get pure higher strength codeine tablets they might help more, i might do a bit of toring to see whats available. Otherwise it'll be a long, slow month coming off kratom.
I always remember this one codeine high accompanied by some nice kush, my first 2 box co co dose. I went to toilet for a piss and was just nodding out so much i can never piss on the stuff so i was sat down and was just sat there for about an hour, those were the days lol i cant remember the last time i nodded, don't think i ever could now
i dont seem to be a good 'codeine metaboliser' atall, i never did get anything much off it. The first 60mg they gave me in hospital recelty gave me a little spring to my step, but it didnt do anything noticebale after that first dose. Other than that it has helped in easing ODT w/ds after a recent 2 week binge. Now im mostly comfortable on just kratom, but have very low energy levels. Even with Red vein Thai kratom. Its a bit worrrying. Going to have to press "reset" soon as this kratom is a road to nowhere atm. Not gonna keep escalating my dose, thats pointless and will just make coming off it even worse. I can use the remainder of my 30mg cocos to help get off kratom. Maybe if i could get pure higher strength codeine tablets they might help more, i might do a bit of toring to see whats available. Otherwise it'll be a long, slow month coming off kratom.

Me either. I end up needing around 300mg to feel anything much and preferred dose is ~600mg. That's not even tolerance, I take the stuff every couple months now it's annoying. Also yeah the not being able to piss on codeine fucking sucks.

Man I want some codeine. Finding it increasingly harder to drink the linctus tho and CWE is effort but ultimately necessary. Reminds me, what's the best dose to start someone off with if they have no tolerance to any opiates/oids? Gf wants to try some and, assuming she hasn't got the same tolerance as me I have no idea how much to give her. 60mg-ish? More? Less? One Tramadol nearly KO'd her but Tramadol is fucking weird.
Codeine's weird too. I've seen people gouch out / perk up from 60mg or so, and others who don't respond to 10x that amount.

MDB, if the dose of codeine they gave you in hospital put a noticeable spring in your step, then maybe your opiate tolerance is pretty low, and you should just stick with gradually reducing your kratom?

Seems odd to 'taper off' kratom with codeine to me.
Me either. I end up needing around 300mg to feel anything much and preferred dose is ~600mg. That's not even tolerance, I take the stuff every couple months now it's annoying. Also yeah the not being able to piss on codeine fucking sucks.

Man I want some codeine. Finding it increasingly harder to drink the linctus tho and CWE is effort but ultimately necessary. Reminds me, what's the best dose to start someone off with if they have no tolerance to any opiates/oids? Gf wants to try some and, assuming she hasn't got the same tolerance as me I have no idea how much to give her. 60mg-ish? More? Less? One Tramadol nearly KO'd her but Tramadol is fucking weird.

Your girl friend is one of those people that needs fuck all then, even some posts on this forum amaze me that so and so amount of a drug has so much effect one person but fk all on another especially in regards to benzo's. Same on erowid i read this Kratom experience this guy seemed to be off his tits on kratom and half a bowl of weed. he even threw up twice.

I have already practically done 20 gs the stuff since last night and smoked a shit load of weed on it last night and i just felt like i was on a low end opiod, which was pretty much what i expected to feel like, i just dont know what it is with some people. Maybe some of us were just pre determined to become problem users and evolution had made us more resilient to constant drug abuse.

My best mate is bi polar and my lord can he handle alot of drugs, he should be dead by now
Codeine's weird too. I've seen people gouch out / perk up from 60mg or so, and others who don't respond to 10x that amount.

MDB, if the dose of codeine they gave you in hospital put a noticeable spring in your step, then maybe your opiate tolerance is pretty low, and you should just stick with gradually reducing your kratom?

Seems odd to 'taper off' kratom with codeine to me.

that was the first dose, therafter i couldnt feel it. Nothing unusual for me to odd things. :p 8(My reasonasoning goes something like this; since i dont really get anything out of codeine that it could make a workable taper method, and would obviouslu help with the opi side of k w/ds, though i know theres other things going on too. I think the opi side is the most wretched of them all though, and to lessen or even possibly completely reduce 1 of a possible 3 w/d symptoms would be a big help.
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To put codeine in perspective, apart from the craving there is just no Dope sickness not for me anyway. I honestly think its just a compulsive habit at times in my case, ive always had an addictive personality. compare that to no Diaz i think that one cold turkey experience probably just gave me a benchmark for shittyness that Codiene could never reach. Even the cravings for codiene its more of i want to get high in the same way as cannabis its not utter desperation its far from it. But that's just me i don't know about other people because i see so many varying stories on quitting it
i was thinking that if im unable to get any high from it, then it will make it a lot easier to stick to an unwavering taper. It will be used purely to relieve the discomfort of the opi w/d element of kratom .(It may have the benefit of some minor mood lift too). I hope to complete it over the course of a month or so, so thats neither too aggressive nor too wimpy, i think. Plus that is how long k w/ds can last if youve been on a several month run, like i have. So it makes sense to me, after a fashion.

The good news is that i kept my k dose down relatively low to about 6 teaspoons on this run, (which should also go in my favour, making the w/ds less severe than they might have been otherwise), there was none of this 50 teaspoons malarkey, but when it stops working at multi teaspoon doses its gone beyond time to stop and is just throwing money away really, as it brings no benfits other than stoppoing me feeling ill, which i would do if i was to suddenly stop. On one of these occasions i may actually be able to act on the knowledge that theres very little point in using k for more than 2-7 days, you start getting rapisly diminishing returns very quicikly. "Wisdom is putting knowledge into practice", so they say. I guess that means that im a fucking fool then, especially as i keep repeating the same mistakes over and over.

DS, do you mean no sickness when you w/d from Codeine? What sort of doses were you taking and for how long?
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My best mate is bi polar and my lord can he handle alot of drugs, he should be dead by now

Keep an eye on him. Lots of drugs + bipolar = disaster. Every time. Even if (especially if) he seems to be handling it. And I'm sure he already knows about interactions with meds, but it's worth checking.

that was the first dose, therafter i couldnt feel it. Nothing unusual for me to odd things. :p 8(My reasonasoning goes something like this; since i dont really get anything out of codeine that it could make a workable taper method, and would obviouslu help with the opi side of k w/ds, though i know theres other things going on too. I think the opi side is the most wretched of them all though, and to lessen or even possibly completely reduce 1 of a possible 3 w/d symptoms would be a big help.

Do you really need to taper off anything in the first place?

You've finished the ODT, right? You're getting along fine with only kratom, right? That tells me there's no withdrawal for you to worry about. Unless of course you've been doing kratom several times daily for six months or so, in which case you should just reduce your kratom intake gradually. Swapping kratom (piss weak opioid agonist) for codeine (proper opiate and full agonist) just seems insane!

Remember what happened last time you worried about withdrawals from ODT and attempted a disastrous 'taper' on subs?