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RC Benzodiazepines


Apr 1, 2023
About a decade ago life events resulted in my taking diclazepam (like diazepam but x10 as potent) for a year. By the end of that year I was taking 12mg in the morning and 12mg in the evening. Now I was VERY lucky in that my doctor knew me, knew my wife professionally and had studied benzodiazepines as part of his studies.

In my case it took 360mg of diazepam/day to stop withdrawal symptoms. People won't believe me but it's hardly something one would be proud to admit, it is? I had messed up my body SO MUCH that it took frankly hideous doses of diazepam just to survive.

It then took a full year for me to get down to nothing. Well, I say 'nothing' but when I reached 10mg, I just stopped. I presume my brain chemistry has been altered so for me, diazepam does NOTHING.

I am concerned that people are developing dependency on benzodiazepines, especially given that now their are examples 2 orders of magnitude MORE potent. Anxiety is common and benzos really do feel like a miracle drug. You don't take them to feel good, you take them just to manage.

So I am interested to know if I represent a unique case or have others got into trouble using RC benzos? I read flunitazolam is active at 0,1mg making it even more potent than brotizolam.

All and any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am concerned that people are developing dependency on benzodiazepines, especially given that now their are examples 2 orders of magnitude MORE potent. Anxiety is common and benzos really do feel like a miracle drug. You don't take them to feel good, you take them just to manage.
About 2 years ago I think I researched every benzo thread in BL out of boredom. I do like reading about all kinds of drugs. But what struck me are the astronomical tolerances people aquired. There are threads of members taking 200-300 mgs of etizolam a day. Another guy just took flubromazolam and clonazolam pure powder, dumped it into a drink and drank from it all day to no effect, just to avoid seizures. Then our hero members that got off of 1500 mgs of diazepam a day.

I had a bunch of links saved that I can go look for. What I did was went to the other drugs forum and filtered on benzos. I admit some people I do not know what became of. But plenty of contributing members today had some bad benzo habits some years ago.

Take care of your health AT-2 (AT is Autotripper. :)) Find whatever balance you can and ride it from there. That is all I can say and will leave the real advise to the people that have climbed Mount Everest so to speak. Tapering can be done is what I learned so there is some level of healing the body can do at some levels. People do start feeling better so the resilience is amazing. However agreed, a dangerous game that most can avoid. It takes taking the drug very seriously.
I would very much appreciate any data you can provide be it personal or from other sources.

This week someone noted how great their 10mg norflunitrazepam tablets were! I mean, that's like >100mg of diazepam! Are people now using them as potent hypnotics in the barbiturate mould?

This behavior will see a ban - and then the prices will rise and suddenly we will have an epidemic of people who realize that they cannot afford a habit costing $200/day and what can they do?

So I have some ideas... but getting the information to HR agencies is key.
Well I thought 24mg of diclazepam was some sort of record, but as you say, people using 100s of mg of etizolam... detox from THAT is going to be a nightmare for all concerned.

I appreciate your help - I am happy to credit you, by whatever name you choose.
I was using etizolam in a such manner that sometimes I would weight out 10 – 20mg and put it in a juice and drink it for a great day. Than I would take some more powder when I would need to go to sleep. I felt life was great, no anxiety, no worries, no insomnia, no way of ever running out of it. But I started fucking up my life by thinking I’m not looking high while it was often really obvious. I would also often end up using other drugs irresponsibly and in a manner I certainly would not without etizolam. Like doing some stimulant all day long and than simply taking enough of etizolam and falling a sleep, in a pleasant sleep, in a short time. Than I would take some psychedelic (that became less and less common) and instead of dealing with a trip, if I wasn’t liking effects for any reason I would simply mellow it down with etizolam, or in other cases when I wouldn’t take some psychedelic normally, on etiz it was just another pleasure inducing experience without much depth, therefore defeating the purpose of taking it. More and more etizoalm became my drug of choice and it was both apparent in how much I was using it and in how much harder was it to stop it than to stop cocaine and morphine. I would 100 times rather chose morphine WD than etiz, same goes for coke. Much of a reason for that was how good was etizolam at melting all bad feelings while maintaining state of mind which didn’t really seem to interfere with my ability to do what must be done, in fact opposite was true. Taking etizolam would make me get stuff done, more than morphine and certainly much more than coke did. All I found coke good was endless chatting and sex while morphine made me feel great but without push of wanting, almost needing to get stuff done so I could reward myself with more of a drug.

I might have continued to take etizolam till it kills me (by getting into some and any kind of accident) or seriously harms me (by rendering me perma-fried beyond recognition) but luckily I never run out of “good drugs” and good people and more and more I noticed my decline in eyes of other and in my mind upon taking psychedelics. Once I smoked Salvia I had a such a powerful and mindfuck experience that culminated with feeling of etizolam in form of some tiny pack-mans in my brain, destroying and morphing my personality. Unfortunately benzos ain’t drugs you just decide to stop, I did and take it again, I would travel with just a small amount of it to the other part of country just to be happy to get back for more. What I did to stop was going on a full auto-destruct and etizolam-destruct. I became so much aware of subtle and sneaky damage that I did to myself that I went to such a small dose of diazepam in no time, 3 x 5mg daily, went trough hell, hell that lasted for years. Never getting nearly as good effects from diazepam, alprazolam or any other Rx benzo. In doses high enough to get high I was rendered useless, in normal doses I wouldn’t feel a shit. Years after when I found like a few mg of etizolam it did work great, reminding me how worry free it’s possible to be but going down that path again never again seemed like a good idea. Atm I’m taking no benzos and intend to keep use of benzos to bare minimum. Etizolam took years of my life and at the same time gave me feeling my life improved by use of it while I was on it. Months, years needed to pass to start feeling good and start feeling how damage done to myself is reversing.

Might sound funny, but as a HR advice I would say, rather do opiods than RC benzos. Opiods are way easier to stop and feel way less damaging to brain than strong/high doses of benzos.
Yes, I have delved into diclazepam, etizolam, Clonazolam (landed me a DUI charge), and in the past year bromazolam.

I've found it really difficult to control my doses if I keep it on me. I'm sober from everything else basically besides weed and booze, so it's like mothers milk to me. I'll make a 60mg bottle and go through it in 2-3 days. Which is clearly unsustainable. I have a long history of abusing my gaba system with gabapentinoids, alcohol, and I once took 90 valium's in a suicide attempt.

I've started to leave it away from me so I'm not constantly tempted. If I can get it down to 2-3 doses a day I'd be happy. But I've been going through some extensive life upheaval, so I'm not beating myself up too hard. Overall I don't feel intoxicated even at these doses, and unless I combine with alcohol you wouldn't tell I had taken anything.

The rc benzos are a very slippery slope, and coming off of them is going to be a real process. I am not looking forward to the rebound anxiety. I also recently quit opioids so in all likelihood I'm just using it as a crutch.
Now imagine someone who has lots of money. First the price of benzos will shoot up even more, then the supply will be limited to further increase price.

People don't seem to know that their hundred-mg diazepam habit will soon cost them $100/day.

Yes - I'm sure their will be competition within China, but the moment a compound they DIDN'T invent (rediscover) turns up... they are not good at copying. It took 8 years for anyone to make pyrazolam and even then, it wasn't very pure.

But people who develop a flunitrazolam habit are going to be in real trouble. We always KNEW it was very active, but because of it's uncertain safety profile, it was avoided. Now the makers have given up caring.

BTW beyond what we have, their are some derivatives that are 'super-agonists' i.e. they alter the Cl- gate more than any compound in the human body. Fentanyl MAY be classed as a super-agonist because it binds to an extra site... and my comparison with fentanyl should be a hint.
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Didn't forget about the links. I have them saved on one of 3 computers. Once I find them I will link them. I can edit this post. Have a little craziness surrounding me too at the moment. Almost a good excuse for me to take a benzo. :) Probably won't though.

Edit: Found some of the links.

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Ive had a couple pretty ridiculous benzo habits due to buying them pure in multiple grams. First time was in 09-10 when i started fucking with Phenazepam. Spent more than a year on it daily (30mg+) and eventually got to take 15-20mgs twice perday towards the end. I was completely blasted during that period and barely even remember most of it, like a fog has gone over those memories.

Eventually i wanted to stop and i went in for medical detox and was given Phenobarbitol for a week to prevent seizures. Problem was given Phenazepams extremely long halflife and how long i was on it i had an insane amount built up in my system. Well a few days into the first week i ended having a drug induced psychotic break and became convinced i was a time traveller and was hallucinating hardcore.

Well they ended up moving me to the psychiatric portion of the hospital and it took two weeks till i regained my mind and was back to being myself, but still in severe withdrawals. Well the ended up having me court ordered to be there during my time travelling episode so i had to see a judge to get out and it took 35 days.

Once i was out i felt withdrawal symptoms for no joke 6 weeks more and i had bad PAWS for at least a year after. It was one of the worst experiences i had coming off drugs. Years later i had a 20mg perday Etizolam habit and i went to the same place and detoxed with Phenobarbitol again but coming off that was so much easier in retrospect, like not even comparable.
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I’m really glad that my benzo addiction was with etizolam and not something else. WDs were really bad, but results from years of being in benzo haze were much worse result of that abuse.
Etizolam has a short T1/2 but not too much a1 affinity. I was sent 100mg of etizolam and asked 'IS THIS ETIZOLAM' so I swallowed it all, walked down town, did some shopping, posted a letter, bought my wife some flowers and walked home....

YES I could feel it, but I suspect it has a plateau beyond which more will not do more. BTW I'm not bragging, it was a f**king stupid thing to do but nobody noted that I was intoxicated.

But imagine if it had been say 10mg of flunitrazolam? I might have woken up in a hospital or a prison cell.... and in either case, IF you have a monster benzo habit, neither place is going to offer much help. It's things like that people forget. The term 'hooked' means that a sharp, painful object is causing you pain and the further away you walk, the more painful it will become...

Phenobarbitone is VERY likely to be the drug used to treat the dependent. I HAVE designed something better. Tell me your thoughts.

The compound is norflubromazepam with an N-propanoyl moiety making it a prodrug. Over 12 hours the N-propanoyl will undergo hydrolysis so given once daily, it will keep the plasma level of the active metabolite very, very steady. I think their ARE some benzos with an N-acetyl but this is slower AND I have gone for a benzodiazepine that is classed as a 'super-agonist'.

So just like people having to pick up methadone and drink it in front of the pharmacist (supervised consumption), so this is readily soluble in propylene glycol and so 1mg/mL or 5mg/mL or even 10mg/mL are all quite possible. Un like methadone where over 24 hours the plasma levels rise for 2.5-4 hours as it is absorbed and then slowly drop back, this will be solid and given the long duration of the active (3 days), even when the dose is dropped, you won't actually feel ANYTHING for 24+ hours.

I should also add that since the onset is slow and the duration very long, it won't be euphoric and (hopefully) it will be of no interest to people seeking to get high off benzos...

Just to be clear - I didn't engineer this crisis to profit from a design. It isn't patented and nor can it be - so ANY generic drug maker can produce it and given that the cost is about $6000/Kg (based on Pharma Compass pricing), someone needing 50mg/day should only pay about 35 cents....
ive been up and down this road. triple digit c-lam daily tapered over more than 10 years following the ashton method as much as I could afford to down to 3mg kpin daily. So far zero seizures and my 2.75-3 mg (1 three times daily .75 in the morning if im feeling strong).

Mssg me anytime with any concerns. (no im not 'the' or 'a plug') nor am I a chemist. But I have lots of experience and probably real world info.

BTW that compound sounds like a godsend. I know I would rather go that way than into the super agonist category.

If you are who im 90% sure you are, stock up on that boring one from an oriental country that doesn't trip the analog act.
kava and amanita are reparative in these cases.
kava and amanita are reparative in these cases.

Have you got some reference for that? Sounds interesting.

I discovered that while kavain is supposed to be the active material in Kava, it turns out that 6-methyl kavain (which also occurs naturally but only in tiny amounts) is about x60 more potent. Since it IS natural, one could make 'Kava forte' tablets that were mostly kavain & 6-methyl Kavain.
Never tried bnz until psych tried to cut me off from stimulants while dignosing me w adhd at the same time- when I first tried lorazapem. And then couple alprazolam daily uses and boom flualprazolam. I was taking 4-5mg flualprazolam a day= equivalent to 10mg alprazolam/100diazepam according to most equipotencycharts. And also tried etizolam, clonazapem, just handful times. Also was withdrawing from Flualp but urine tested negative so Rapid Access I wasted 4hrs. (Dumbest move of the year so far.)
currently Ive been on aggressive benzo taper w/ diazepam, which is really is my favorite, perhaps w clonazapem.
as of today I am at 17mg diazepam RX. But im starting to hit this ‘wall’ and finding myself nibbling at flualprazolam bars, where else at around 20-25mg diazepam was my sweet spot- no urge to take flualp.
anyways I see these RC benzos around these days

I wanted everyones input those whove tried them. I put traditional benzos for comparison too.
Tried to keep it as basic as possible,
Sedation/Hypnotic.(A) \ Anxiolytic.(B) \ Duration(C)
Flualprazolam. A- 4.5/5. B-4/5. C-2.5/5
Etizolam. A-1/5. B-4/5. C-2./5
alprazolam. A-3.5/5. B-4/5. C2/5
diazepam. A-1.5/5. B-4/5. C4/5
clonazapem. A-1.5/5. B-4/5. C-3.5/5
Hi i am here a new member, i recognized last years new benzos which started with substitution with 4th position - rare ...flu - drugs are fluor on 2position, there are a few one is 4 - fluoro diazepam and last year the novel is 4chloro - deschloroalprazolam, its same molecular weight and same atoms like alprazolam just the chlor was moved from the ring to the 4th position from the original place its 4 chloro alprazolam and deschloro because from the 7th position was chlor removed, tried that somebody? no info about potency yet
Yeah, the qtys people can access now and easily/cheaply have it, it's like people are just pushing the boundaries of them, like we are wont.to do at times as humans. The newer chems seem to be a little more unforgiving than the standard ones. I've just accidentally daily dosed for at least 3 months on bromazolam, and I couldn't tell you what the fuck I did at all. I'm definitely at that point where I've gotten into a shitty situation of sorts. I'd like to just taper off, benzos have pretty much ruined my life.
3 months on bromazolam? dose? bromazolam is like alprazolam i believe bromazolam is alprazolam molecule with Br atom replaced Cl atom on the position, trie switch to valium and gabapentin then taper the valium.