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Coming up on the end of the year now. This is the first year since 2010 that I haven't watched more movies than I have the previous year. I may end up seeing another few, but as of now I've seen 213 this year.

We've got a free trial month of Encore, so I'm re-watching Big Hero 6 at the moment. If you haven't seen it, I definitely recommend it. Aside from it's excellent animation, it's funny, has a lot of heart, and is one of the most fun movies I've ever seen.

If you didn't catch this one, then I would also highly recommend Inside Out. I saw it in the theater with my mother and we both thought it was hilarious. Definitely one of the funniest movies I've seen this year, if not the funniest. I got the DVD for her for Christmas, so I'm excited to give it another watch. Like Big Hero 6 it also had incredible animation, a lot of heart, was hilarious, and was a good time. Inside Out was even more though. They did such a great job in making psychology and in making brain functions into a visual format that could be easily understood. They personified certain emotions and parts of the brain, but without making it overly complex and without overdoing it. If they had more emotions or more characters it would have been too much. There wouldn't have been enough development within the characters and it would have given a more cluttered feeling.

If you've ever taken any psych classes, even psych 101, then you'll probably have a greater appreciation for the movie. There's a lot of areas of the brain and certain functions that would be recognizable to anyone who has taken psych or cognition. Like many of their other movies, Pixar does a great job of making the movie humorous for children, but still enjoyable and funny for adults. It has multiple levels of humor. I think Inside Out is actually more enjoyable for adults since they would have had many of the experiences that the emotions go though. For example, how a good memory can make you feel both happy and sad. The developers ability to make these emotions and brain functions visually coherent was so creative and well thought out that I was amazed at how much they put into it. To take something complex, like memory functions within the brain, and to make it seem simple is extremely difficult.

I can't say enough good stuff about this movie. It was one of the smartest movies I've ever seen.
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^thanks for the reminder and recommendation. sounds sweet!

Halfway kidding. BB was good, but a different genre than The Wire. Ask Lefty.

anyone who likes BB is a mouth breathing leech on society and a prime suspect of carrying alien hitchhikers here to observe and await the best moment to invade and steal my shoes

breaking bad is to drama as big bang theory is to comedy

it is what we doctors refer to as "poo"
I want to frolic in the sand on a tropical island with Jennifer Lawrence. We'll have lobsters, those fancy drinks with parasols, and make love by the sea.

That's what I think of when I see her. Like we're in a Sandals commercial. Great background music too
It didn't get all that good of reviews, but I found Joy to be enjoyable (pun!).

Was funnier than I was expecting. I didn't know a thing about the storyline, which helped me not have any certain expectations.

Jennifer Lawrence is really pretty in it. She seems like one of those people that looks good dressed up and in makeup, but looks better when she's dressed down in minimal makeup.
^I was thinking about taking a look. Isn't it the same central cast as Silverlining's? I think I'll go ahead and watch that tonight.

Also I can't not mention this:


And I'll be singing bye, bye, Miss American Pie.
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It's not cool to answer questions in class

Shooting a gun near someone's head will not effect their hearing at all

If you know that in your heart of hearts what you are doing is right and your superiors are making the wrong call then you can tell those superiors to fuck off
^I have no context here, but depending on where the barrel is when fired and how close, the concussive effect can certainly damage an inner ear.

I'm about 20 minutes into Colonia (2015) with Emma Watson, about the fascist take over of the democratically elected Marxist government of Allende by Pinochet. I hate when this happens, but but Im too tired to continue. I'll have to pick it up tomorrow and comment on it in the "last film" thread.
watched Animal House yesterday. what a classic!

I've never seen the whole movie. It's one I've still got to see.

Speaking of classics, I saw the original Planet of the Apes(1968 ) for the first time. It was entertaining. I'm now going to find out what's Beneath the Planet of the Apes(1970). Evidence of man I bet!
I'm now going to find out what's Beneath the Planet of the Apes(1970). Evidence of man I bet!

The first half of that movie was essentially a retelling of the first movie. Then the second half just goes completely off the rails, just like way out there. They took that odd-ball storyline and ran like Forrest Gump with it.

I ended up watching the third, fourth, and fifth movies as well. In respective order: Escape from the Planet of the Apes, Conquest of the Planet of Apes, and Battle for the Planet of Apes. They started having social and political messages, but much more blatant and less interesting than anything in the first movie. Plus the storylines are really weak and only get weaker.

I think I'm going to check out the three newer movies: Planet of the Apes, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.
The older Simpsons, specifically seasons 3-8, still make me LOL. Literally LOL though, like with outward noise and all.

I sometimes put an episode on kind of as background, but I get caught up in it because I put on classic episodes like where Bart gets a fake ID and takes Nelson, Martin, and Milhouse on a road trip. Or the one where Homer becomes an astronaut. They're still so great, even 20 years later.
The older Simpsons, specifically seasons 3-8, still make me LOL. Literally LOL though, like with outward noise and all.

I sometimes put an episode on kind of as background, but I get caught up in it because I put on classic episodes like where Bart gets a fake ID and takes Nelson, Martin, and Milhouse on a road trip. Or the one where Homer becomes an astronaut. They're still so great, even 20 years later.

I knew I liked you for a reason.

What's the scariest film? Most depressing? Most disturbing? What film sucks the most?

Yep, this is the forum I moderate.