it really is sad how many good scripts / movie / tv ideas get turned down in favour of movies such as American Pie #9, a new comic-book-based movie or some formulaic romantic comedy ... those involved stick with the proven ideas just because they know if they pump advertising $$$ into it, the idiot masses will go and see it anyway ... no matter how contrived the story sounds.
it is all about NPV > 0 ...
c'mon you fucken idiots! try something different! most movies that do something different end up being massive hits ... i.e. lock stock, v for vendetta, sin city, trainspotting etc. etc. .... basically every worthwhile movie does something different, whereas all those other pieces of shit that do well on the first weekend just blend into one after a while ...
i haven't read a gossip magazine / watched 'E' / listented to the radio / stumbled across garbage reporting for years ... it is surprisingly easy to ignore the lives of celebrities if you want to ..... so yeah, my advice is that you don't know Tom Cruise personally, thus you should assess him on his movies/acting and leave his personal life for the media and idiot masses mentioned above...
how's this ... i didn't even know until 2 weeks ago that britney spears has babies ... and the only song of hers i know is 'baby one more time' ... no shit heh ... if i am dragged to a terrible club or stuck waiting at the supermarket i can recognise that the music is some talentless teenie-bopper chick, but wouldn't be able to tell the difference between destiny's child and christina aguilera ... sure when the conversation turns to this type of thing i go silent and don't have anything to contribute, but in reality, i've never been so happy and fulfilled in my life until i started ignoring all that fucken shit ....
... oops, maybe the wrong forum for that post!