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RCs Pyrazolam Megathread

I have said this before but I will say it again because you brought it up ^ im so fucking worried about these things!

The new un-branded etizolam (blue out, white in) taste EXACTLY the same. Now I know it could just be a producer is using the same binder, and therefore they are producing pyrazolam and these ropey etizolam. I have had them from two diff vendors and they both tasted the same so yours aren't fake as such. But there is some fishy business going on with RC benzos.
You mean the pyraz and the etiz both had the same 'sherbert dip, vitamin c' type taste ?

Like you say it could just be they use the same binders and flavourings :\

I've taken these a few times now, and so far my conclusions are that these are very good for social anxiety. Maybe too good, dependant on dose, in that there's a potential to do and say stuff you'd later regret.

They are no use for minimising anxiety when smoking noids. I found this disapointing and strange. Nice to have a different type of benzo in ones armoury though. This stuff could have its uses, @ the right time & place.
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Best wayy prazolam is used if u take a girl on some date, and they forces youto watch some film u dont even wanna watch. it passes the time and erm makes u very sociable :) Then 3mg etizolam then bed. goodnight!! :)
sounds interesting but pellets are 99% of the time underdosed and overpriced. im waiting till a reliable vendor has a powder source. waiting on a gram of phenazepam, sent out 3 days ago. i will update. -aphex
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sounds interesting but pellets are 99% of the time underdosed and overpriced. im waiting till a reliable vendor has a powder source. waiting on a gram of phenazepam, sent out 3 days ago. i will update. -aphex

Sounds good. A water soluble benzo in powder form. You're in for some good times. :)
I just got some more pyrazolam and they're not white any more. They're a peachy colour.
^how would you guys compare these to etizolam (perferably blister packs) ive never tried pellets but once and they were iffy
^how would you guys compare these to etizolam (perferably blister packs) ive never tried pellets but once and they were iffy

Much less sedating, more clear headed. Not much euphoria but very good for day time anxiety.
interesting, yea, alot of benzos seem to specialize in sedating. thankfully benzos dont make me tired. i can stay up all night on klonopin putting puzzles together. sounds like a cleaner, less messy benzo than xanax. would be cool if it had less amnesiac properties as well. i want to check this one out, i just ordered phenazepam this week. just waiting on it to become more available and consistent, for lack of a better word. would love to see these in blister packs or on my vendor i trust with powders.good looking out guys! keep us posted! -aphex
I just got some more pyrazolam and they're not white any more. They're a peachy colour.

The description lynx gives above is spot on.

I just received a free sample. 5 lovely yellow tablets. They are the same shape as the last ones but the press seems more professional. The taste is not that horrible same one as the those last white ones (and the bright blue etiz) so I was able to hold it under my tongue for at least ten mins.

They seem to have an added euphoric quality as well, nothing mind blowing but these are defo better than the last ones.

Do people really find xanax not messy? It can knock my socks off! And as an ex smack head that's a real bonus!

For me Pyrazolam will always be just an anti-anxiety tool, and not much more. However, these new ones do seem to have something else about them, or maybe i've just been blagged by the colour!
Did you Iv this? If you did can you please tell some more about it.
I'm pretty interested in this.

Yeah, I slammed 1mg. I haven't injected any other benzos so I really can't compare, but there was a definite rush - not one of euphoria, but of a massive strength of confidence, reassurance and anxiety release. Kind of like that feeling when thatt whole 2mg Xanax bar hits you, except it's instant.

The weakest IV effect I've had - not surprising since the others are cocaine, oxycodone, morphine, heroin - so not necessarily worth it, but otherwise I find pyrazolam overwhelmingly weakk. Like alprazolam without any of the other intrinsic effects , and in terms of anxiolytic effect I'd rate it around oxazepam.
I took 1.5mg two hours ago. The first time I've tried it. Nothing. No euphoria, minimal (if any) anxiety reduction. They may be bunk but they are as described above and I got them from a reputable vendor. Or rather, one that I've never had any problems with at all in the past. I think I may be genetically predisposed to not feel any of the recreational effects that many report with benzos as I've never had any from etizolam either (though they are great as an anxiolytic). Just not for me, I guess.
I have 3mg of this left. I took about 5mg of etizolam across the space of this morning - last one about 8 hours.
I'm off out tonight and didn't want to waste anymore etiz so thought I might just do the full 3mg of pyraz and see if I get any reaction from it (mainly for anxiety), given how I got nothing yesterday on 1.5mg I'm guessing not much. Are there any particular risks with mixing this and etiz, given how long ago i took the etiz?
^^ I didn't bother in the end, but I did do 2mg of pyraz and 2mg of etiz this morning and didn't feel anything other than what I would from 2mg etiz on its own, which isn't much tbh (I have developed a tolerance with etiz, that's for sure - even though I space out when I take it several days, weeks and one time two months inbetween taking any - my problem is that when I do take them I binge across the day (3mg to start in the morning, then 2mg again a few hours later and maybe 2 or 3mg later that night).
I've decided to give up on pyraz though - as I say, it's probably just not for me as others are clearly getting a lot from them. Oh well... :(
^its easy to go through 10mg etizolam in a day, they are like a .5mg xanax pills. i need 2-3 to feel something. 2.5 works for about 3 quick hours, then i want more.
^its easy to go through 10mg etizolam in a day, they are like a .5mg xanax pills. i need 2-3 to feel something. 2.5 works for about 3 quick hours, then i want more.

Yeah, I think it's more a panic thing with me - if I have something I'm really anxious about like an interview or something, I'll take 3mg when I get up before eating anything, then a couple of hours later just as I'm leaving I'll take another 2mg sublingually and then take another 2 or 3mg chopped up in a wrap to take about half hour before I get there. And then later in that night if I'm going out I'll take about 2-4mg depending on how I'm feeling. When I first started taking etiz (and phenibut) much smaller amounts would knock me out (I could barely hold me head up), now at worst I just feel a little tired later in the evening, so tolerance is definitely there but that's to be expected.
Anyway, maybe all that has screwed my chances of getting anything from pyrazolam, so for now I'll just stick to etiz.
Everyone else's mileage may vary obviously, and seems to judging by reports upthread...
^that actually does sound like alot. i go through 5-10 on an average benzo day. usually stop at 5. i like to take 2.5 in the AM and 2.5 around noon when they wear off. you would benefit from a longer lasting benzo, like klonopin or phenazepam (careful) if you cant get a script. valium works good too and lasts very long. if i do 15 mg valium in the AM i am fine with taking like 2-3mg etizolam to finish out the night. i have like 2 or 3 days a week i do this. i try to keep it from being a problem, but it already kind of was before it started, if ya know what i mean. i have a weak pre disposition to benzos. but opiates are way more anxyiolitc and enjoyable for me. plus they relax my muscles and i have alot of tense muscle issues. i try to alternate between opiates and benzos, very slippery slope. but who cares.