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RCs Pyrazolam Megathread

I too received tan coloured 2 mg Etizolam pellets from what I thought was a respected vendor.
In the past I have downed 5 pellets (slowly) to nearly no avail, maybe placebo it's near impossible to say. I have a very high benzo tolerance myself.
I take about 2 mg of clonazepam a day sometimes less. Trying to taper, thought these might help.

I believe I have been ripped off for sure... but if I do the math perhaps it is just my massive benzo tolerance at work. 1 mg equals 10 mg of diazepam so 4 mgs would be akin to 2mg of Clonazepam. I would like to think that 10 mg of etiz would have some effect at least to stop me from running to my prescribed stash....?
I wonder if any one else who has less of a monkey on their back can say the 2 mg Eti's are pure shite?

Please be smart... don't get addicted to benzo period. Let alone take 5 pills at a time. I have quit H and coke, that was tough. Yet, I have not been even close to coming off benzo's with the same

Stay safe fellows BLers
This compound is a benzodiazepine, not a thienodiazepine, and is a very close structural analogue of alprazolam. Pharmacology isn't my strong suit but I'd be surprised if it wasn't also a pretty close functional analogue.

If you read what i'd said I was discussing the differences between the two, saying etizolam is a thieno, and pyrazolam is a benzo. It's a triazolo benzo like alprazolam and triazolam.

EDIT: That wasn't meant to sound condescending. Sorry i'm in a bad mood.
I too received tan coloured 2 mg Etizolam pellets from what I thought was a respected vendor.
In the past I have downed 5 pellets (slowly) to nearly no avail, maybe placebo it's near impossible to say. I have a very high benzo tolerance myself.
I take about 2 mg of clonazepam a day sometimes less. Trying to taper, thought these might help.

I believe I have been ripped off for sure... but if I do the math perhaps it is just my massive benzo tolerance at work. 1 mg equals 10 mg of diazepam so 4 mgs would be akin to 2mg of Clonazepam. I would like to think that 10 mg of etiz would have some effect at least to stop me from running to my prescribed stash....?
I wonder if any one else who has less of a monkey on their back can say the 2 mg Eti's are pure shite?

Please be smart... don't get addicted to benzo period. Let alone take 5 pills at a time. I have quit H and coke, that was tough. Yet, I have not been even close to coming off benzo's with the same

Stay safe fellows BLers

I have spoken to the ppl that were producing the 'pellets' and they acknowledged that the original 1mg pellets were massively under-dosed. When I complained I recieved a full refund. I tried 10 once and they were Nothing like real 1mg etilaams!

I stick to etizolam powder, or etilaam branded etizolams.
I tried 1mg it lasted a total of 6 hours from ingestion, hit after about 15mins empty stomach! A very good axiolyctic but a rubbish hypnotic IMO and many of yours as you get to try!
Well I just ordered 15 of the 2mg Etizolam pellets, and they are rock solid with a really good press, expensive. But I have taken like 5 or 6 of them, yes (12mg of Etizolam) to be correct. And I barely feel any effects, and it has been over an hour and a half. I have a benzo tolerance, but it should be much lower since I am on a Diazepam taper down to 15-20mg/day. So you think I should be able to feel the Etizolam?
Especially if I have anxiety.. I mean, whats up with these pellets? I have had better effects when I was on a much higher dose of Opiates and the 0.5mg Etizolam Mcleouds Pharma blistered from India were stronger than these. These pellets that are made in the UK are not up to par with the etilaam or any blistered Etizolam for that matter IMO.

Are you talking about the pink ones or another version I haven't tried? I swear by the pink ones mate. If you pay around a pound for one of these it is excellent value for money. I think your benzo tolerance may have something to do with you not experiencing much! Plus, less is more with etizolam.

Someone mentioned tan coloured 2mg pellets. Got a photo?
The effects are exactly like phenazepam but much shorter acting. From my experience.
im certainly interested in this one. is it possible to purchase it in blister packs by a pharmaceutical company like intas, or does pyrazolam only come in pellet form?? the more i hear on these, the more interested i become.i find etizolam to be weak, but the buzz is perfect. i just expensive for me to enjoy them. id also like to try some phenzepam. im a (fairly) responsible benzo user. i could handle having powder but would much prefer a legit tablet like the intas etilaam. i dont buy pellets. i think i got scammed by an rc vendor ordering 10 pellets for 1 euro a pop. and after 4 years benzo free, i needed 3 to feel anxiety free, and interested in little things.
Anyone know the best ROA for this. As it's watersoluble i'm guessing sniffing would be the best bet - but alot of people are saying just swallowing on an empty stomach is a win
As it's duration of action is 6 hours - does that mean you'll still feel the effects until 6 hours later ? Because with etizolam i find i don't feel any effects w/e from it a max 2 hours later. How long is Etiz's duration of action
In answer to your first question, either early on in this thread or another one I highly recommended insufflation above other ROA.

Stings a wee bit and and the drip you might get is nang!
Correct. This thing is a straight up anxyolitic. For me and many others it has zero hypnotic and sedative qualities
Correct. This thing is a straight up anxyolitic. For me and many others it has zero hypnotic and sedative qualities

litrally just about to ask a question to which you have answered, cheers! haha

think im gonna give these a bash, i like to use benzos to smoke weed on, i love etizolam but they do make me tired and sluggish, so if they are purely anti anxiety then thats what im looking for :)
'Cause I heard they were water-soluble, I just railed a 1mg. Bit of a benzo rush, quite powerful! Tastes a bit nasty but far from the worst thing I've snorted.
Correct. This thing is a straight up anxyolitic. For me and many others it has zero hypnotic and sedative qualities

So I'm guessing it doesn't help you fall asleep much?

Still, I'd like to try it at least once... always was a fan of gabaergic drugs (shame that they are one of the most addictive)
Well naturally, I'd purchase some as soon as possible. I always do with new compounds, especially when the price seems to be something that will fly up at the same rate as the knowledge of the substance. I will just hold off trying it until more it known.

I can't seem to find an exact match to this RC in any journals on the Internet though. There are close compounds, but not this exact one. Does that strike anyone else as odd too, them going for a totally new chemical over one of the hundreds that are established yet still legal?

Sorry that my reply comes 5 months after your post. I've only just taken it in, and it made me wonder if anyone has had tests done on these ? Does anyone know for sure it is a brand new chemical, and not just some chemist who thought "we'll chuck in a bit of this, a bit of that, and tons of this and mix it all together." And hope someone wants to buy it.

I've just tried a couple of these for the first time today. It's very noticeable that they hit different parts of the brain to what etizolam does. Pyraz seems to turn me into a selfish shit who doesn't care; whilst on etiz I feel as if i am focusing on and considering others more. In effect i become a nicer person on it. It lowers the unhelpful parts of my disposition; anxiety, excessive inhibition, also minimizes anxiety whilst smoking noids.

Pyra doesn't do all of this for me. YMMV ?? i Don't really like they way it makes me feel so far, but further experiments will follow.

Anyone felt anything similar, or is it just me ?
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IIRC etizolam has some kind of effect on serotonin levels. Maybe that has anything to do with the euphoria and social behaviour changes that many people mention.

But even if that isn't the case, i made the same experiences with other benzos before. For example: Benzos like Alprazolam and Triazolam make me selfish, i don't care about anything and i lose interest in almost everything. On the other side, benzos like Bromazepam make me warm, interested in other people and raise my mood. It doesn't even feel to me like these substances are related.
^interesting theory and id have to agree. xanax makes me feel the same way. its like the "crack" of benzos. i like etizolam ALOT tho. it does make you feel really good and open and it doesnt have that crash, that xanax often has.

^and yes the intas brand 1mg blister packs are the way to go. aside from knowing a reliable source for etizolam powder.
Anyone else find that pyrazolam tastes a bit like sherbert dip with some vitamin c powder thrown in. Is this the normal additives and 'flavour enhancers' they use, or have i got a fake batch ? (I dont think they're fake as i feel effects from them)