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Psychedelic cults

Honestly it just sounds like you are judging the entire movement around what you have seen locally.

You know, the tone of the "psychedelics and delusion" post was one of annoyance. I just read that today. And now another one that has an "irked" vibe. It's all smacking me in the face.

Usually when distain of a subject is apparent there is a specific reason. I just had a friend rip on country music. He likes all kinds of music but this came out of the blue. I later learned his girlfriend broke up with him and is now dating a guy that loves country music.

What is the problem or tipping point that has people on the board aware of a negativity on the subject? The annoyance is too specific to just be a general topic to discuss.

Mr Magicduck, no offense meant either. But if we can zero in on what is being reached for maybe we can elaborate further? Something must have happened.
You know, the tone of the "psychedelics and delusion" post was one of annoyance. I just read that today. And now another one that has an "irked" vibe. It's all smacking me in the face.

Usually when distain of a subject is apparent there is a specific reason. I just had a friend rip on country music. He likes all kinds of music but this came out of the blue. I later learned his girlfriend broke up with him and is now dating a guy that loves country music.

What is the problem or tipping point that has people on the board aware of a negativity on the subject? The annoyance is too specific to just be a general topic to discuss.

Mr Magicduck, no offense meant either. But if we can zero in on what is being reached for maybe we can elaborate further? Something must have happened.
He had a hard trip and went temporarily insane.
its has to do with deffenitions cult is a group of people sharing common beliefs gathering in certain places to do certain things just like psy fests and rainbows .. the massive ingestion of mindbending drugs under the ideology of love and sustainability looks much like cultish to me as much as book reading groups can be considered cults they gather in friday evening reading they favorite poetry and have their fun moments .. op and some others here i guess have conected cults with their negative side . though think that negative side that psyparties are created to under the banners of peace love spirituality hook youngsters on drugs and the music for them to become the supoters of the organizers who feed of their money (they dont need to do other work ) and the youngsters might even proceed in illegal activities in order to get into the next party they burn their brains on this parties and ussually end up on heroin lying on the street at lleast ussually was at 90's now abit diffrent im not talking about local parties in stores rather than rainbow or large psy fests
as per whoever said psytrance gatherings are 'just parties' obviously you are going to different ones than me.
I went to my first psy trance party in Goa in ´97. So I think I know what a psy trance party is, kid. I can understand how some one looking on from the outside could think it looks like some kind of chtulhu cult going on. But really, it's just parties. believe me.

And I'm not going to discus it with you. Your not here to talk and listen, your clearly here to provoke. Seems to me something happened to you, and now you hate hippies and psychedelics.


though think that negative side that psyparties are created to under the banners of peace love spirituality hook youngsters on drugs and the music for them to become the supoters of the organizers who feed of their money (they dont need to do other work ) and the youngsters might even proceed in illegal activities in order to get into the next party they burn their brains on this parties and ussually end up on heroin lying on the street at lleast ussually was at 90's now abit diffrent im not talking about local parties in stores rather than rainbow or large psy fests
Cool story, bro 8)
I saw this thread and had to register, as this is an extremely serious situation. I can completely understand where you are coming from MagickDuck but I think cult would be the wrong word to describe it. I would call it a global psychedelic music conspiracy. I think there is something extremely weird going on in the organization of the psy-trance partys, and yes it is definitely some form of black magic. Magic being something unexplained or unrecognized by the scientific community.
I have wanted to be an EDM dj ever since I was like 14 and clueless about psychedelics. I am 24 now and relatively experienced with psychedelics, still not a dj but halfway there. My first ever bush doof I was probably the only sober person there and checking out the scene for the first time, I was quite surprised by the sheer amount of sickening darkness that was present. Whilst wandering around I noticed a dude hiding behind the lighting desk absolutely screaming into a microphone. After watching for a bit he calmed down and I noticed after a while that it was the quiet bits of the music that he quietened down for. I noticed some ravers notice some things that weren't going with the music, but they dismissed it quickly and got back to dancing. This was years ago and I remember it quite well.
After getting into psychedelics myself and vastly expanding my psytrance music collection I have realised that sound is something that affects us on a cellular level, and if there is something negative hidden amongst the distortion, then this will be affecting us.
Most festivals are 99% positive though. Depends on who organizes them.
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You are not what your PMs led me to believe. Maybe I am reading too much into things but as a thinking person with short hair, who dresses real nice, votes independently with a slant towards the right, and who believes in the Goodness of people in general, and especially in the ways people express themselves politically in the USA (i.e I am not a hippy and do not identify with one)....dude did you really just say that? I mean really, is that how you really see it? You just totally destroyed any credibility you have at the BL PD forum...and I spent quite a few minutes thinking about your words to me in the PMs, and a few more minutes responding to you....a good lesson indeed for me to not be so taken by words....but still, really? :/

uhm, yes. to be completely honest, many of the rainbow family are people who just don't want to do anything but sit around on the sidewalk and beg for spare change, rather than actually trying to make some CHANGE. either that, or go to rainbow gatherings and do drugs. If you do not know the 'dirty kids' I speak of - and I love them - but to be honest - they are bums, and by their own choosing. Many have families and the ability to do so much more for themselves and the world, but do not. That is who I refer to. Many of them are theives as well.
I went to my first psy trance party in Goa in ´97. So I think I know what a psy trance party is, kid. I can understand how some one looking on from the outside could think it looks like some kind of chtulhu cult going on. But really, it's just parties. believe me.

And I'm not going to discus it with you. Your not here to talk and listen, your clearly here to provoke. Seems to me something happened to you, and now you hate hippies and psychedelics.


Cool story, bro 8)

I am here to inspire thought and make sure you guys are safe. And I've been attending psy festivals since the early 2000's.

You do not need to come off as condescending with your 'Kid' comment, nor do you need to make assumptions. I came to bring up a valid point to make sure people do not fall into these traps that DO EXIST whether you want to admit it or not, psychedelics can be used for not so good reasons - or manipulated anyway, and it does happen. Trying to make people aware of it, because I care. Sorry I offended your ego, brother. Mayhaps you could use some LSD? ;)

I love psycehdelics, and I love hippies. I do not love hippys being uneducated about the posibilities and dangers of psychedelics and assuming because of the amazing experiances that they are 100% benign and are somehow protected from being manipulated while in a hyper suggestable state. I also don't appreciate all the dirty kids stealing and bumming around all the time at rainbow gatherings. Nor do I appreciate people who practice magick thinking because they are 'awakened' that it is okay to do rituals on innocent kids tripping at a festival and change their reality forever.

I saw this thread and had to register, as this is an extremely serious situation. I can completely understand where you are coming from MagickDuck but I think cult would be the wrong word to describe it. I would call it a global psychedelic music conspiracy. I think there is something extremely weird going on in the organization of the psy-trance partys, and yes it is definitely some form of black magic. Magic being something unexplained or unrecognized by the scientific community.
I have wanted to be an EDM dj ever since I was like 14 and clueless about psychedelics. I am 24 now and relatively experienced with psychedelics, still not a dj but halfway there. My first ever bush doof I was probably the only sober person there and checking out the scene for the first time, I was quite surprised by the sheer amount of sickening darkness that was present. Whilst wandering around I noticed a dude hiding behind the lighting desk absolutely screaming into a microphone. After watching for a bit he calmed down and I noticed after a while that it was the quiet bits of the music that he quietened down for. I noticed some ravers notice some things that weren't going with the music, but they dismissed it quickly and got back to dancing. This was years ago and I remember it quite well.
After getting into psychedelics myself and vastly expanding my psytrance music collection I have realised that sound is something that affects us on a cellular level, and if there is something negative hidden amongst the distortion, then this will be affecting us.
Most festivals are 99% positive though. Depends on who organizes them.

are you on the southern east coast US by any chance? ever heard of ------i?

and yes there is certainly some weird shit goig on. at some places here, they will have the speakers and have a string coming out of the speakers and splitting off into 100 different strings each one tied around a different crystal, with a candle lit in front of it. i was watching them and saw the psy vibrating the strings and it was as if an invisible hand was playing them like a harp. these people are modifying reality, sometimes in a good way, but many times in a negative way by accident as they do not think about the buttefly effect, and also there is the occasion where its purposfully in a very negative way.

not to mention initiating a bunch of people into the OTO during an opening ritual and shit like that.

thank you for replying honestly.
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Has anyone else noticed the tendency of psychedelics to create little cults all over the fucking place?

Ain't nothing compared to religion. No drugs required for religion, and it's by far the largest "cult" out there.

I don't know about Rainbow Gathering, but the descriptions on the web make it sound like a burn or some of these other more hippieish gatherings in the woods. Reality is that there are all sorts of walk of life at a burn... obviously not too many closed-minded people of course, but not everyone is on psychedelics or other drugs and/or going overboard on the LOVE stuff all the time and whatnot. Charles Manson is the example of the hippie dream gone awry, but Charles Manson does not equal hippies. Most of the "darkness" I've seen at electronic music festivals has come from the pains and perils of organization ("real life" shit), the worst being when one business partner screwjobbed another.

One wonders whether the OP is complaining about his former ego / identity. It sometimes happens when one pulls too far in one direction... they compensate by pulling too far in the other. The goal is balance, my friend.
and yes there is certainly some weird shit goig on. at some places here, they will have the speakers and have a string coming out of the speakers and splitting off into 100 different strings each one tied around a different crystal, with a candle lit in front of it. i was watching them and saw the psy vibrating the strings and it was as if an invisible hand was playing them like a harp. these people are modifying reality, sometimes in a good way, but many times in a negative way by accident as they do not think about the buttefly effect, and also there is the occasion where its purposfully in a very negative way.

not to mention initiating a bunch of people into the OTO during an opening ritual and shit like that.

thank you for replying honestly.

No one is modifying reality, sounds like you could use a seriquil. I'd recommend laying off the drugs as well. Maybe that's were this paranoid cult dilution you have stems from? Predisposition to a psychiatric condition will be triggered by these types of substance. Maybe you are seeing something that's not there because you have something wrong? You're probably right, we're all just wrong.

Hope you feel better bro, not good to be this paranoid though. As long as you don't hurt others or yourself:\
If anything this thread allows the group of people that think 'this way' to separate themselves from the group that thinks 'that way.' It is a pretty darn useful thread from that perspective.
No one is modifying reality, sounds like you could use a seriquil. I'd recommend laying off the drugs as well. Maybe that's were this paranoid cult dilution you have stems from? Predisposition to a psychiatric condition will be triggered by these types of substance. Maybe you are seeing something that's not there because you have something wrong? You're probably right, we're all just wrong.

Hope you feel better bro, not good to be this paranoid though. As long as you don't hurt others or yourself:\

as I said some of you would consider it crazy/fake/delusional - there ARE things beyond your understanding, and I have practiced this myself before and seen it work. This is not paranoia.

You could say the same thing about anybody with any spirituality - that they are delusional/paranoid.
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and yes there is certainly some weird shit goig on. at some places here, they will have the speakers and have a string coming out of the speakers and splitting off into 100 different strings each one tied around a different crystal, with a candle lit in front of it. i was watching them and saw the psy vibrating the strings and it was as if an invisible hand was playing them like a harp. these people are modifying reality, sometimes in a good way, but many times in a negative way by accident as they do not think about the buttefly effect, and also there is the occasion where its purposfully in a very negative way.

not to mention initiating a bunch of people into the OTO during an opening ritual and shit like that.

thank you for replying honestly.
dont you think that these vibrations come from the speaker and its simple physics , and that the decoration they made are simply pretty trippy and its kinda cool , cmon on every party they have strings candles black light pictures its the drugs making alll this might seem in a twisted paranoid way , to also all magic and reality switching seems possible on lsd but then i realize that those are just illussions , to some people they might not seem illussions and they start cultism
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as I said some of you would consider it crazy/fake/delusional - there ARE things beyond your understanding, and I have practiced this myself before and seen it work. This is not paranoia.

You could say the same thing about anybody with any spirituality - that they are delusional/paranoid.

Ok, so clear this up.....is 'it' fake and delusional or are you delusional? You started a thread on psychedelic delusions and then one on psychedelic cults, but you are telling us that 'festivals' are all messed up on black magic? And that Rainbow hippies are all hopped up on rainbow this and rainbow that? I am really not sure what your angle is unless you mean that all and everything (reality, the subconscious mind, and the places in between) is/are ALL delusion? Or is it all three? :)
It would help to know which psychedelics the OP has any experience with, also any in depth trip reports the OP has written.
as I said some of you would consider it crazy/fake/delusional - there ARE things beyond your understanding, and I have practiced this myself before and seen it work. This is not paranoia.

You could say the same thing about anybody with any spirituality - that they are delusional/paranoid.

Not beyond my understanding, I took university physics. Strings will be moved by sound, even if candles are around. Pretty sure you're the one not grasping the concepts here. It's art!! It's meant to draw you in and display creativity. I guess that is sacred as it displays one of the best parts of humanity but not cultish. What do you feel is worth celebrating? No spirituality isn't developed from anything like dilution, the opposite, awareness. The idea that psychedelics can be used to brainwash or in anyway manipulate people has been disproven. Psychedelics just make you think about yourself and your surroundings in a different way. These festivals are a celebration of culture not drugs; although drugs are ingrained in this and every culture. Just because you view something a specific way does not make it that way. If you feel hallucinations you are having are real you should seek help. I am not trying to be mean. I've watched people break down and there are people t/here(?) for you.

Now that all that's been said you should join my group. We meet tues-thurs at that old barn with the goat's head hanging over the entrance. Sorry I've been drinking scotch all night.......
I am well studied in the occult and I agree, and I also think these things can be used for good. However I also think that even if ones intent is good, influencing anothers path with ritual is not a good thing. This is still black magic.

I do not know if it is just around here but yes, there are many, many festivals thrown here where the organizers themselves are the ones doing the rituals.

in regards to the rainbow gathering, yes this is better as there is no select group of people organizing it and also doing rituals on all the atendees but it does happen, however the average bum hippy running around the rainbow gathering that has devoted their entire life to 'rainbow this' 'rainbow that' has no knowledge of these things.

I just wanna know where the hell you call "around here" and what the hell kinda parties y'all have? :?

But seriously, perception is one's reality absolutely.

And I'm not being mean or contentious, but I would be very interested in how people who interact with you in RL view your ideas. Seriously, are you into a lot of conspiracy theories also?
as I said some of you would consider it crazy/fake/delusional - there ARE things beyond your understanding, and I have practiced this myself before and seen it work. This is not paranoia.

You could say the same thing about anybody with any spirituality - that they are delusional/paranoid.

Yeah, some people just have something in their fucking head that's wrong with them. I guess people like you shouldn't use psychedelics.
But seriously, perception is one's reality absolutely.

Well said. It is all very real. If real is just electrical signals interpreted by your brain, then anything that is experienced and believed can be classed as "real". This is incredibly varied as there are so many different kinds of beliefs out there. For someone to believe something to be a delusion or illusion dosen't make it any less "real" for somone that believes it to be real.

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and yes there is certainly some weird shit goig on. at some places here, they will have the speakers and have a string coming out of the speakers and splitting off into 100 different strings each one tied around a different crystal, with a candle lit in front of it. i was watching them and saw the psy vibrating the strings and it was as if an invisible hand was playing them like a harp. these people are modifying reality, sometimes in a good way, but many times in a negative way by accident as they do not think about the buttefly effect, and also there is the occasion where its purposfully in a very negative way.

not to mention initiating a bunch of people into the OTO during an opening ritual and shit like that.

thank you for replying honestly.

I am on the West coast of Australia, and i just googled it and it looks to be a pretty cool organisation. What do you think of the vibes?
I think the crystal string thing to be pretty interesting, it could definatly enhance the vibrations of the music for having the crystals vibrating and the light of the candle iluminating sounds very similar to an extremely rudimentary radio wave antenna. Was it particularly trippy to watch? Did you notice the crystals do anything?
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