Prohormones/Designer Steroids

well fuck me right sounds like i shouldnt take it then....

should i just stick with the t-911? do i have to take a PCT after it?
You could take the t-911 on its own as test booster. It should raise testosterone levels and reduce estrogen levels, and you might gain 2-3 pounds.
So far, I have been taking epistane for almost four weeks and have gained 8-9 pounds, while my waist has gone down about an inch. The thing is, personally I don't think I look much bigger, and am skeptical that I truly gained 8-9 pounds in muscle (but again, my waist size is down, so i'm confused).

Yet, people i know say that I look much bigger, and ask me what I am taking (I deny taking anything). Still, I don't see it. I do look leaner and more vascular, and it looks like i've put weight on my chest and shoulders. Yet, my biceps and triceps don't seem any bigger.

I think im going to run this for 5-6 weeks in order to see full results.

My strength is only a little bit up, and the epistane has been making lethargic and dizzy (to the point where I don't want to work out, but I do anyways). My mood has been pretty good; I think that it has improved my mood overall. The back-pumps come have go, but seem to have leveled off...
I'm on week 6 and have noticed the exact same things as you except my strength gains have been explosive...I can deadlift 315 for reps...

The worst side for me is the lethargy and depression.
1-D as in methyl-1D from LG?

I wouldn't fuck with that nonsense. It is simply large doses of DHEA ethyl ester; it will make you swell up with water weight, increase your estrogen levels, all while shutting you down and eliminating your natural capacity to produce testosterone. Gyno is also very likely with this product...

Get a designer steroid like epistane, or even a prohormone like TrenExtreme or H-drol; these will also shut you down, but at least you'll get some quality gains (with a reduced risk of gyno)...

Do your research....

I've not heard of this product before- might be worth running some with something with highly androgenic with a lot of shutdown to counter low estrogen sides... Sounds useless as a standalone...
It's just a rather large sized dose of DHEA ethyl ester, combined with some half-assed AI's
Ah the AI's then make this idea pretty worthless. Can you buy DHEA EE in bulk anywhere? Don't suppose anyones heard of any reports of its use in females?
M-drol is the real deal, very strong steroid....shhhh . probably going to be banned soon
oh where oh where did my lil m1t go ... stupid government, that was still to date the best (although the liver toxicity was kinda harsh ... easily up there with anadrol imo). I remember running that and having my jaw pump up eating beef jerkey!!! That's when I knew it was a good product :D
all of the trenbolone based PHs are gone...same with most of the superdrol clones..

can anyone recommend a stronger cycle for me to run?
finaplex 550 is still out there bro. I would rather just convert my shit and run tren than all the orals tho honestly.
So far, I have been taking epistane for almost four weeks and have gained 8-9 pounds, while my waist has gone down about an inch. The thing is, personally I don't think I look much bigger, and am skeptical that I truly gained 8-9 pounds in muscle (but again, my waist size is down, so i'm confused).

Yet, people i know say that I look much bigger, and ask me what I am taking (I deny taking anything). Still, I don't see it. I do look leaner and more vascular, and it looks like i've put weight on my chest and shoulders. Yet, my biceps and triceps don't seem any bigger.

I think im going to run this for 5-6 weeks in order to see full results.

My strength is only a little bit up, and the epistane has been making lethargic and dizzy (to the point where I don't want to work out, but I do anyways). My mood has been pretty good; I think that it has improved my mood overall. The back-pumps come have go, but seem to have leveled off...

That's how Epistane works. 50mg is quite a bit too. It's normal you don't see your growth, it is very gradual and you're recomposing at the same time, so it's nothing so spectacular that you yourself, who sees you every day at the gym in the mirror, will notice. Others OTOH don't see you so much, and bingo.

You'll get use to it. Eventually you get bigorexia...
which brand do you like ? Some is heavily under dosed. ALOT of the prohormone / prosteroids out there really depend on what brand you get.

Well actually I imported some methyl-masteron powder from China and make my own capsules. I can't find it ATM tho. Still have some caps anyway, so doesn't matter to me so much. But I hear you it's very dependent on the brand. I loved the original Superdrol...
That's how Epistane works. 50mg is quite a bit too. It's normal you don't see your growth, it is very gradual and you're recomposing at the same time, so it's nothing so spectacular that you yourself, who sees you every day at the gym in the mirror, will notice. Others OTOH don't see you so much, and bingo.

You'll get use to it. Eventually you get bigorexia...

Agree..It wasn't until I completed my 8 week cycle of Havoc when over half a dozen people said I looked bigger
Well actually I imported some methyl-masteron powder from China and make my own capsules. I can't find it ATM tho. Still have some caps anyway, so doesn't matter to me so much. But I hear you it's very dependent on the brand. I loved the original Superdrol...

I lost all my synovex making prop, 20 grams - some1 thought i was cooking crack lmao. What else are you going to run w/the masteron? I really want to line up a tren/prop/eq cycle, but my body is really fucked up right now - so it's not an option :(